Scarlett's P.O.V
Oh.My.God. Please help me they found us! They found us! The man that was right in front of the boulder was checking the sides of the boulder before looking over it directly where the mystery guy and I were hiding. I thought we were totally dead then and there but since it was dark we blended in I guess the mystery guy was wearing all black. Once the man left to look somewhere else I sighed a sigh of relief a bit loudly since the mystery guys hand wasn't really firm anymore it was not muffled so everyone heard it. As soon as I sighed his hand tightened on my mouth. Oh no please no one heard, but it is as if god does not like me today because everyone stopped moving and it was dead silent as I heard footsteps coming closer to our hiding spot. Shit what did I do! After a long wait I felt the mystery guy tense as someone said, "Oh my my if it isn't Ian are you going to come out and face us like a real man or do I need to get someone to get your sibli-" the guy was not able to finish since the mystery guy was no longer covering me instead he had punched the guy square on the nose, which caused the guy to take a few steps back in pain. It had all happened in a flash that it had taken me a full second to come back to my senses.
Now I was also fully aware to the fact that I was exposed completely, I shrunk back trying to become one with the wall but I have the worst of luck because the next think I hear is, "Hey, look at what we have here a pretty lady that Ian didn't want to share. How rude,don't worry Ian we will take her out of your hands." one of the guys that had came along with the guy that had gotten a punch on his face was staring at me with something like hunger in his eyes which caused me to shiver a bad shiver. The guy that had received the punch was now smirking at me before looking back at Ian. "I will make you a deal dude give us the girl and we will let you leave without any harm." that caused me to start shivering uncontrollably. I thought that the mystery guy, wait no Ian I think was actually going to trade me for his own safety but a part of me was hoping he would take me with him. Ian looked at me and saw the fear in my eyes as his dark almost black eyes softened a bit before they hardened once more. "No one lays a finger on her!" Ian said in a menacing tone and I can tell it affected the others as well he sounded serious.
Relief shot through me, oh thank god he wasn't going to leave me. "Oh come on Ian, just give her to us it isn't like you are going to do anything special with her. Come on just hand her over and you can leave isn't that what you wanted?" the guy with the bloody nose said Ian didn't even hesitate as he glared daggers at all three of them while walking to me and asking for my hand so he could pick me up. I quickly put my hand in his and stood up making sure my shorts went as low as they could possibly go but it didn't really help the guys were still looking at me strangely before Ian growled lowly and pushed me so that I was behind him, protectively I guess. It was only when Ian had pushed me behind him that the thugs(what I am going to call the 3 meanies)looked at Ian, well more like scowled at him. I hesitantly moved to the side a bit to take a peek on what was going on since it was extremely quiet, but quickly regretted it. As soon as I had taken a peek from behind Ian was the same time the thug with a bloody nose had looked up from their stare off. As soon as my dark chocolate colored eyes had taken a peek the guys dark blue eyes were quick to make contact with mine. As soon as he saw me he smirked as his eyes turned menacing.
Okay I know that I should be scared and trust me I am but I just have to say that the smirk does not go with him, like seriously he looks disgusting with a smirk on which may be the opposite of what he thinks. Anyway back to me being frightened to death, as soon as he smirked it sent a shiver down my spine and let me tell you this shiver was not a good one. But it wasn't the smirk that scared me it was his eyes that made me start to shake a bit. The look in his eyes could only be described as lust, and mischief, and both of them were not friendly at all.The thugs eyes darkened to a darker shade of blue and I knew he was planning on what to do to me once Ian handed me over.I whimpered as I felt my body start to shiver from fright,as quickly as I could I moved back behind Ian as his arm went protectively around my waist pushing me as close to his back as he could with only one hand while sending tingles throughout my body with his one simple gesture.Every nerve in my body felt as if it had been awakened sending tingles and unknowing feelings throughout my body.
I clutched the silky leather texture from his leather jacket in between both of my hands while covering my face in between both my hands.I inhaled his scent which helped me calm down a bit.Once I had whimpered Ian had growled a low menacing growl that had almost sounded like an animals growl. The way he was acting, overprotective not letting anyone touch me and talking in a menacing voice was all new to me no one has ever protected me like this other than my bestfriends,not even Mike had protected me like this. Everything was quiet after that menacing growl from Ian you could literally hear my heart thundering loudly in a rapid pace as if it was going to explode out of my chest in any second."Come on Ian just hand her over already we will treat her really well and make sure she is pleasured as she should be.This is getting boring just hand her over." This time there was no amusement in the voice,this time there was only boredom and anger coming from the blue eyed thug."I said it once and I will say it again.No one touches her." Ian said utterly calm which caused the threat to be even more frightening when said as his arm tightened around my waist.
That set the thugs raging because the next thing I know Ian's arm is no longer wrapped around me and he is throwing punches at the face of one of the thugs while the other thug tries to get him off of the first one. Ian is fighting 2 guys alone. Wait...there are only 2 of the thugs fighting in front of me what happened to the 3rd one? I turned around quickly searching and thank god I did because as soon as I turned around I saw the blue eyed guy behind me with his arms positioned as if he was getting ready to hold onto something. Then everything clicked into place, they had planned this I don't know how but they did. The 2 guys were fighting Ian as a distraction while the other went and kidnapped me while Ian is distracted. Once I came to the realization the thug recovered from the shock and lunged...