Scarlett's P.O.V
He lunged at me it was so sudden that I was shocked a bit but luckily my senses kicked in and I moved out of the way barely dodging him. I am not going to get kidnapped today, I am not that old girl that allows people to push her around no I am a new girl and I will fight my way out of this. I don't need no guy to defend me I am and will be independent. He lunged once again but I dodged him easily, "You want me come and get me meanie." I told him as I stared straight into his eyes as he ran towards me but just as he was about to grab me I ducked which caused him to catch nothing but air and grabbed his legs making his feet get off of the ground's surface causing him to fall backwards.
One point for me and zero for the thug! Yass! As I thought of this he caught me off guard kicking me in the stomach since he had risen from the ground and me being me stayed on the floor in my head to busy. *enter my mental face palm* Pain quickly spread through my stomach and up my chest while some went down my feet. I coughed up a bit of blood that is how hard his hit had made contact with my abandonment, he put all of his force into it. He was bringing his foot back up to land another kick but I quickly rolled to the side right the moment that his foot had come into contact with the floor sending a loud thud throughout the alleyway. I stood up quickly and got back into my stance eyeing him warily just as he had regained his posture after the sudden unknown shock.
From his posture I was able to tell that he was going to pretend to lung at me then actually lung at me when I was distracted. I know it is weird that I know this but you can't blame me since it isn't my fault that I have had a lot of experience from my past that I understand from others body language what they will do. Thank god I know everything about this so i don't have to be that useless girl waiting for her prince charming. As I predicted he pretended to lung as I pretended to dodge but as soon as he had pretended I was able to see his arm in a fist coming towards me but I was quicker, I stepped back which caused him to lose balance as he lost balance I took a step forward and punched him square in the jaw with all of my strength. The hit caused him to fall back as he groaned and grabbed his jaw. I jumped on him and straddled his waist as I punched him non-stop. Hit after hit came, whenever he struggled to remove me from on top of him I made sure to add extra force to the punch. I had finally stopped when he was barely conscious as I stood up.
"Don't mess with me or anyone for that matter." were the only words that came out while I breathed heavily as I gave him one last kick to the stomach and spit on him just for extra effect. I turned around to see an astonished Ian with 2 unconscious thugs behind him as he had blood on his knuckles. We both just stood there taking each other in and I finally had the opportunity to really look at him. He had a perfect sharp jaw, I wonder if I can cut an apple with it, a pointed nose but not to pointed, high cheekbones, fluffy hair!, and a perfectly sculpted body. He was taller than me and that was saying something since I wasn't that short I was 5'5 he seemed to be around 6'1 in height. He was wearing black jeans that were a bit baggy but not to baggy, a black shirt that allowed me to see his abs under it and a leather jacket. Oh! and I almost forgot black vans as well topped off his look. His hair was messy as if he had ran his hand through it multiple times, maybe because of the fighting.. The shirt and leather jacket didn't do justice to his body, he had broad shoulders which would be great for a piggy back ride and muscles bulged through his shirt. He had the perfect amount of muscles. His eyes mainly caught my attention.
They were dark brown almost black with specks of light hazel mixed with silver, his pupils were dilated which only happens when you looked at something that you liked.... His eyes held so many emotions that I couldn't read since they left as soon as they came but one emotion stayed which I could only name as admiration? Oh my god was I drooling?!? My hand quickly went up to my mouth to check I sighed physically as I didn't feel anything wet on the sides of my mouth and apparently this caused Ian to chuckle a bit. I looked into his eyes the only emotion that stood out was amusement as a small smile graced his lips I involuntarily smiled back at him as he chuckled my hand still touching the sides of my mouth to make sure I was not drooling. His chuckle made me melt within my knees were going weak but I still stood tall from the outside, but inside I was mentally melting well if that was even possible. Out of nowhere his smile left and his eyes turned cold and distant, it was so sudden as if he had realized something suddenly. Once I saw the coldness and distance that now covered his eyes my smile faltered and fell ,it was as if he hadn't even helped me and took me under his wing just a while ago. A realization came to me I couldn't trust this guy I barely even knew him. I can't get close to anyone not even if they helped I need to get away and fast who knows what plan he has up his sleeve.
I can not trust anyone monsters aren't creatures monsters are and will always be human beings. Creatures can cause you damage and harm you physically, but nothing hurts more then what a human being can do with just a couple of words or actions. Humans cause you mental harm and that hurts more than any physical pain can. I cleared my throat before saying "Well, thank you for the help. It was a pleasure fighting thugs with you. Let's hope that we don't do this again.. "I paused as I observed him for any indication that he would say something, blank that is all I saw but I could have sworn I saw his lips quirk up an inch but it may have been my imagination. "Well it was a pleasure meeting your name is?" I know I know. I may already know his name but I want him to tell me his name himself so he won't think that I am a creep or something, plus I was taught to always ask for names not just to name them what others call them but to call them by what they would like to be called instead.
It had passed around 30 seconds of silence and I felt it awkward I was about to say something but got interrupted by a deep voice, "You don't need to know that." was his only reply I was a bit surprised by it I was expecting him to at least give me his name but I guess not. "Oh well I am Scarlett nice to meet you" I decided to tell him my name to see if he would warm up. "Scarlett..." he repeated my name as if tasting how it sounded coming out of his mouth. Just hearing him say my name sent a shiver running down my back, the way his deep voice mixed with his latino accent made my name sound amazing. I put a friendly smile on my face as I extended my hand waiting for a handshake at the least, he stared at my hand then up at my smiling face as I made sure my eyes held no emotion just like his just not as hard. He left my hand up for a good long minute but I did not back down "My hand is getting tired." I said after the long wait he just stared at me his face void of any emotion before he shook his head I swear I saw his lips twitch up slightly as he finally put his hand in mine.
Immediately tingles spread throughout my arm as I felt every nerve in my hand come to life at just the contact of his hand in mine. I know it may sound cliche but his hand fit perfectly into every curve of my tiny hand. Except that was not possible it is probably my mind playing tricks on me again just like it did earlier today. Unbelievable. I shook his hand then we both brought our hands back quickly unknown of the tingling sensation. After 10 seconds of us just staring at each other I turned around and started walking away as I shook my head trying to get rid of the feeling but before I could get far I felt a strong muscular hand grabbing my wrist right where Mike had bruised pulling me back as I yelped in pain...