Scarlett's P.O.V
After another 3 minutes of torture we finally arrived at our second destination. Tj's house. Well, I was actually the only one that had to deal with the torture of Iris singing since Caleb had his headphones and that meanie did not let me use them, even though he had another pair! I guess it was payback for eating his cheeseburger last time when we had went out, but hey you can't only blame me! He had eaten my fries it was only fair. Thank the gods that Tj was already outside so I would not have to deal with Iris's madman honking once again. Once Tj saw the monster truck he ran up to it once it came to a halt and quickly put his luggage in the trunk before getting into the backseat.
"Wassup my bitches! Y'all miss me? What am I thinking of course you did who wouldn't miss me! But y'all are fucked up I was waiting outside for over 20 minutes! God y'all are never on time. Take tips from me I am always on time." was Tj's greeting to be honest I actually did miss my goofball of a friend Tj. He always lit up every place he went to. Literally when anyone is down he always makes them laugh so I do the same to him. Whenever he is sad I do everything in my power to get him happy." Well hello to you to Tj and you were not waiting for 20 minutes outside you barely waited 3 or 5 minutes tops so stop exaggerating. By the way you never get there on time we get there earlier then you all the time." I answered back sarcastically to his little greeting. Yea I may have missed him but I am not going to tell him that it will only boost up his ego and I do not want that to happen. "Oh why hello Scarlett I did not see you there." was his only response which only caused me to roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at him like the mature adult that I am. As the mature adult that he is he also stuck his tongue back out at me. Oh god we really need to grow up eventually. While Tj and I were having a 'friendly' chat Iris had started the drive to the park which was where everyone was going to meet up at.
Thank god it was not that far from Tj's house(well going by car) so I did not have to deal with Iris's singing. Tj had taken Caleb's second pair of headphones so they both did not have to deal with the torture of iris's voice. After a while we finally arrived to the park where everyone was going to get into their cars and follow Mike(my boyfriend at the time) since his friends and him were the only ones who knew how to get there. I quickly got out from the truck almost tripping on the way because of the height. Of course Tj saw and started laughing at my clumsiness as he got out of the monster truck. I only glared at him as I turned around and walked towards the one person I had been dying to see in the past 5 days. Once he saw me walking towards him he told his friends something as he turned and started walking in my direction as a smile made it's way to my face. Once I was close enough I looked up to his smiling face as I extended my arms asking for a hug. He walked into my arms as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me towards him as I wrapped my arms around his waist resting my head on his chest as I felt his head on my head. His cologne quickly invaded my senses as I melted in his arms. Lemme tell you a bit about Mike. Mike is the golden boy, quarterback, boxer, straight A student, handsome, has a good singing voice, with a scholarship for football, and to top it off he is sweet. He is every girls dream but is seen as a player which I don't agree with since the guy i know is different from the guy that everyone talks about. I was broke out of my train of thought as I felt Mike pulling away as i reluctantly pulled away as well a bit confused. "I missed you." were the first words that left my lips as I stared into his light blue eyes which held no emotion 'I missed you too, but I had a lot of work to do so I couldn't call all week I really am sorry love." he told me as he stared into my eyes while speaking. His eyes only left mine when he had looked over my head once he had said that he had a lot of work to do. Weird.
"Oh it is alright at least we have a whole week to make up for that." I said excited. He was about to answer until one of his friends called to him saying that they were leaving already which meant everyone was leaving already, "Well I have to go I will see you there ok?" he asked as I looked at him disappointed that we weren't going together. I mean his friends asked him to go with them and I was not going to make him come with me. I wasn't that type of girl ,"Alright I will see you there. Bye Mike." he gave me a quick kiss on the forehead before turning around and leaving as I felt a pang in my chest and a sudden feeling that something was going to go extremely wrong. I ignored it as I turned around and started to walk towards the monster truck. Once I got inside the truck I heard nothing absolutely nothing as I turned to see why it was so quiet... Tj, Caleb, and Iris were all staring straight at me with concern evident in their eyes. "What?" I asked curious as to why they were looking at me that way. "Are you alright? I mean we know how much you wanted to have a long ride with your boyfriend. I really am sorry that he isn't going to spend the 40 minute drive with you." came Caleb's response from the passenger seat as a smile made its way to my face from all of their concern "I am fine now let's get going." i told them truthfully as I motioned for Caleb to turn on the radio which he did after a moment of hesitation." Let's get this party started!" Tj yelled as Iris started the 30 to 40 minute drive while I chuckled at his craziness. I have my family with me that is enough for me for this ride Mike does not need to be here if he does not want to because my family will make up for that. Now the journey actually began....