Opposites. That's what they were.
But opposites attract right?
Or is that just something people say...
How could a hea...
Chapter 1
Scarlett's P.O.V
Life is unpredictable. One moment you are happy and living your life but it can all quickly change .That is exactly what had occurred to me. What I thought was going to be a great week out with friends quickly escalated and turned into my worst nightmare, which caused me to be in the position that I am in right now .Now I am crying my eyes out in the middle of no where with nothing but a long shirt that covers up to my butt and comfy booty shorts. Except I am getting ahead of myself I should start from the beginning.
(A day earlier)
I was waiting for my best friend Iris,which is like my sister, to finish touching up her make-up so we could go pick up the guys, and go to the park to meet up with the others since we don't know how to arrive at our destination. I have been waiting for Iris to 'touch up her make-up' as she says for over 20 minutes. "Iris hurry up! Its been over 20 minutes!!" I yelled to her from the bottom of the stairway. "Calm your ass down Scarlett! I will be down in a second!"she yelled back. God I swear this girl adores her make-up when I honestly am the complete opposite.
I for one hate make-up. I honestly don't understand how people can keep it on for long amounts of time since when I wear it's as if I have a cake on my face hiding who I really am. I would honestly prefer for everyone to be seen for who they are not for what they hide. People shouldn't have to be impressed with others looks they should be impressed by their being. I don't get how no one can see how truly beautiful they are, but that is my opinion and everyone has the right to do what they think is best even if others don't agree. After another 5 long minute wait Iris finally came downstairs
"Wow, why thank you your majesty for blessing me with your appearance. I am surely blessed for having your company with me this evening." I said sarcastically while doing a little curtsy to add to the act.
"Well thank you peasant you may rise now." Iris said with the equal amount of sarcasm as I had.
Once that line left her mouth we both erupted with laughter at how stupid we both are, but hey what is a friendship without any stupidity?... Exactly nothing.
The best friendships are formed by the most craziest and weirdest people you may ever encounter, Iris and I are one of the crazy and weird friends that have stuck together since we were children.
Once Iris and I had finally regained our composure we started our journey to pick up the boys but not before Iris just had to comment that we were so extra which I totally agreed with, and so this long journey began...