Iris's P.O.V
Oh no no no no! We lost Scarlett all because of Mike and Lucy! The first people that she had let in after so long of acting like she was alright. Scarlett does not deserve this I have never seen her this sad and angry at the same time. She may have been acting strong from the exterior but from the inside I knew that she was slowly losing hope and breaking apart. Why did Mike have to hurt her!?! After she trusted him!! I already beat the living crap out of him and gave him a piece of my mind right before I left to look for Scarlett. Oh and don't get me started on what I did to Lucy, let's just say that she is going to have a black eye and many bruises once she gains her conscience once again. Sadly Mike didn't get unconscious even though Caleb had to practically drag Tj and I off of him. Before he too had a chance to beat the hell out of Mike but he limited himself unlike Tj and I. Let's just say that both of them are going to have many bruises in the morning for sure.
Right now all I can think of is finding my sister. I can practically feel her pain and it hurts just to know that she is lost, alone, cold, and unprotected. So far we have had no luck all that has been found was her phone which was now cracked so she must have been running no sprinting. Caleb was with me trying to calm me down while tears streamed down my face but I am not going to calm down or be fine until Scarlett is safely in my arms once again. I should have stayed with her instead of dancing I shouldn't have let her go. I should have ran after her! God I am the worst sister ever. My job is to be by her side whenever she is alone and I am not even with her. What the hell is wrong with me? Please God help me I can't lose Scarlett. Not again...
Tj's P.O.V
Ugh those fuckers backstabbed my partner in crime! No one and I mean no one hurts my partner in crime unless they want to see the worst of me. I rarely show that side of me but right now there is no other way I could describe what I am feeling other than anger and worry. I should have ran after Scarlett and stayed with her instead of staying and beating the living crap out of Mike, since I don't hit girls I wasn't able to hit Lucy but I was able to beat the living crap out of Mike. Yet he still has the nerve to look guilty and sad and full of worry as if he wasn't just in bed fucking Scarlett's 'best friend' that slut is nothing more than a whore and I can't believe I actually trusted her. I always had a bad feeling about her but I always ignored it since it seemed stupid to me but I should have listened instead of ignoring it! I made Iris go back to camp with Caleb but I am still searching. I can't go back until I have Scarlett with me. Iris was crying she couldn't keep it in she is strong and holds everything in but this is the second time that she may lose Scarlett second time that I may lose the one person who has always stuck by me through thick and thin.
I may act like I don't care but Scarlett is the one that lights up everyone's day she always makes everyone smile with her contagious laugh, and loving smile she has never talked to anyone like she talked to Lucy and Mike today. I haven't seen that side of her for a long while. I know this will have a huge toll on her and will cause her to change but her family will be by her side throughout it all, we will never leave her alone and I don't ever plan on leaving her alone.
Caleb's P.O.V
Two hours. It has been two fucking hours with no trace of Scarlett. Two hours since the last time I witnessed my sister's pained tear stained face. It has been so long since I witnessed that hidden broken girl and today was the day that that hidden girl made an appearance. I could feel her pain as she yelled at Mike, the pain in her voice was hidden from everyone but Tj, Iris, and I. She forced herself to be strong when she was actually broken. This week was supposed to be full of her being happy not breaking down even more. Why can she never be happy? What did she do to earn this? She didn't do anything to harm anyone instead she did the opposite she helped anyone who needed help putting herself last. And how does she get repaid by getting hurt even more. By being alone without anyone by her side. I should be by her side I should have went with her instead of staying.
Why didn't I go after her? Why did Mike and Lucy have to betray and hurt the one person who never left their side? Right now I am holding my princess in my arms as she balls her eyes out. I wouldn't have this wonderful girl in my life if it weren't for Scarlett. It is breaking my heart seeing my baby like this she has been crying for the past 20 minutes. I have made no attempt to let her go instead I tighten my hold on her pulling her closer if that is even possible as I ignore the tingles. Tears are blurring my vision at the thought of losing my sister the only person other than mama and papa with the acception of my baby and Tj who has never left me. I have tried to look for her but Tj promised he would find her as he forced me to bring Iris back to the campgrounds. I can not lose Scarlett! Not again. Not a second time. A lone tear left my eye as I buried my face in my girls hair breathing in her scent but that only caused more tears to prick the sides of my eyes. Another tear escaped but I made sure that that was the last tear to leave I will find my sister even if it kills me I don't care until I have my sister in my arms safely.
Mike's P.O.V
I fucked up big time not only did I disrespect Scarlett when I had forced her to dance but I also had to go and get in bed with her best friend. God why did I fall for her seducing if I hadn't fallen for it I would have had Scarlett safe and secure in my arms while she is soundly asleep. I am so stupid my parents are right I ain't shit I always fuck up the good things in my life and I don't get why I have to fuck it up all the time. Why can't I do something right for once? Scarlett was and is the only one that has ever been able to help me get through my bad times. But I had to go and take her for granted when she is everyone's guardian angel. She cares about everyone even her enemies and that is what I love about her she has a big heart.
I should have listened to my parents and just given up a long time ago why keep going on when you are nothing but a worthless piece of shit? I need to find Scarlett and fast I can't leave her alone when she needs someone the most I may have been a dick but I am not going to leave her alone when she needs me the most. Why did it take me this long to finally come to my senses? I should have noticed this sooner but my stupid ass didn't and instead it led to this. I deserved getting beat up by Tj, Iris, and Caleb and I deserve worse but just because I am injured doesn't mean that I am not going to go out and look for the one person I have actually ever loved more then myself. Please be alright Scarlett......I won't be able to make it without you..