Scarlett's P.O.V
After an interesting 40 minute drive including music, snacks, singing, and Tj arguing with Caleb about who had a bigger guy part we finally arrived.The winner was not determined since Iris had threatened both of them that she would cut off their thingy and feed it to them if they didn't shut up,which was mainly pointed at Tj since he was the one that had brought it up. Everyone piled out of the car while me and Tj were shoving each other to get out first. I eventually won him and got out victoriously. After he finally got out he shoved me so I shoved him back and soon Iris tried to seperate us which caused us to shove her and her being the competitive girl that she is she shoved us back and so this mini war began. I am positive it lasted for about 5 minutes tops until Caleb came and got Iris while separating all of us. "Iris tell Tj and Scarlett that you are sorry." Caleb told Iris while staring her down until she finally gave up and turned to us. "I am so uh..sorr.."she cleared her throat and reworded her 'apology' "I apologize for shoving both of you." Caleb rolled his eyes at his girl but I could see a small smile trying to make its way on his lips. Caleb than turned his attention to us and gave me and Tj a pointed look technically demanding for an apology through his eyes.
"I am really sorry Tj and Iris for shoving you guys i could have hurt you and I am extremely sorry for that. "I apologized sincerely while I looked at the ground avoiding eye contact. After a while Caleb finally spoke again his voice stern "Tj it's your turn and you better freaking apologize because these 2 already apologized and you never apologize so you aren't leaving until you apologize." Caleb scolded Tj, and I couldn't blame him Tj never apologized and it was a miracle if he did he was like Iris a bit they both never apologized, I am the only one out of all of them that apologizes multiple times for countless things. After a minute of hesitation from Tj he finally talked. "Ugh fine I apologize profusely for causing both of you harm. "Iris, Caleb, and I just stared at him. One of Caleb's and Iris's eyebrows were risen while I just narrowed my eyes at him since I couldn't do the eyebrow thing. I really need to learn how to do it. "What?" we all just kept staring at him while he wore a confused expression, until realization dawned on him. "Ohhhh I'm so stupid I forgot that you guys are dumbasses. So let me put it in dummy words. I said sorry but in an intelligent way, by the way intelligent means smart. I totally forgot that you guys were not smart so next time I will apologize the dummy way" Tj stated slowly as if he were talking to a baby. I being the mature adult that I am stuck my tongue out at him while the other 2 rolled their eyes.
"Whatever" all 3 of us said in unison while Tj chuckled,sadly I couldn't even act mad at him he was my best friend and it is hard to stay mad at your best friend, so I found myself smiling at him while he smiled I looked at the others to see that they wore similar smiles as well. The moment was ruined when Lucy came and smiled at all of us while hugging me. "Oh my god it has been foreverrrr, I am so glad that you decided to come!" I smiled back at her "We are going to have so much fun this week watch!" I just smiled at her as a response before Lucy turned around and greeted the others with a smile on her face. So let me update you about Lucy she is my other best friend we are close but not as close and Iris and I. I also know about her past in fact I helped her grow up without a father. The jerk left her and her mother alone before she was even born so I was like a father figure to her. I would take care of her like a father would. I would be the overprotective dad when she went out with someone new and I would take her to get ice cream and hang out when she was down. I had already met her mother as well she was a wonderful women and I completely adored her she was like my second mother unlike my bilogical mother, well other than Iris's mother. After everyone greeted each other we each went our seperate ways to build our tents.
I was sharing a tent with Mike but right now he was to busy playing football with the guys to set the tent so he sent Lucy to ask if I could set up tent which I reluctantly agreed to since it was more like a command instead of a question but it was fine I knew he cared deeply about me anyway. Well that's what he had said.. once I finished I walked to grab a soda when suddenly someone jumped on the table and shouted, "Partyyyy y'all we deserve a fucking prize after all of that hard work! Y'all down!" and who may that be that was screaming at the top of his lungs to the little crowd that had gathered around...Well you guessed right it was the one and only Tj. Count on Tj to hype everyone up in just seconds. "FUCK YEA!" the whole crowd yelled back at Tj" THEN WHAT Y'ALL WAITING FOR LET'S GET DRUNK BITCHES!!" and so that is how I got stuck in the middle of a party. Oh someone help me get through this night...