"Danielle!" I groaned trying with all my might to block out my grandmothers demanding voice, rolling over in my bed I shoved a pillow over my head. I honestly do not even know why I have a bed; I barely ever sleep. I spend most of my nights outside anyways.
"Danielle Maryann Vladimir Greystone I have been calling you for thirty minutes now." I popped an eye open to look over it my grandmother her long white hair was pulled into a tight bun and her vibrant brown eyes looked over at me with a disapproving look.
"Did you? I didn't hear." She rolls her eyes at my obvious lie; my hearing was better than most creatures around. Not that there is many, after I finally got my revenge we moved out of the coven, not that the other vampires liked me much anyways.
Now we live in no man’s land among the other werewolf's who have gotten shunned from their packs, they seem to accept us well. Not that we interact with them anyways.
"Yes really, what time did you get in last night?" She smirked leaning on the door, but I could see anger blazing behind her facade.
"Ten." I automatically say, that was a lie. I am never ever on time to curfew.
"Oh really, then how come I came in here at ten and you weren't here?" She shot back.
"I was in the bathroom." I hold back my smirk when she groans in defeat.
"MH, Anyways I need you to go to the market and get some fresh steak." I nodded, peeling myself away from my bed I accept the money she held out to me.
My grandmother drinks pure blood but years of raising me and accepting my diet habits she is learned to consume human fold as well. I prefer blood but I can survive on both.
I put on my combat boots I almost rolled my eyes when my grandmother came towards me with my cloak. Being part vampire, I got the part wear sunlight will kill me, sadly. So, I must wear this cloak until my grandmother can find a witch who can cast the spell, she cast on my mother centuries back.
"Remember Danielle, the market and right back. No wondering."
"I know grandma." She smiles at me lovingly before I step out, walking in the direction of the market.
The cloak swallowed me whole, covering my legs and everything else. The hood casting a dark shadow over my face hiding my unimportant identity, the 'clan' gathered in no man’s land has created sort of a village.
They don’t say it but I know they’d prefer if my grandmother and I weren’t here. There’s is no alpha but a priest of some sorts that seems to be the closest thing this makeshift pack will get as an alpha.
We all live in one neighborhood, but we have a market, mall and so on.
In my opinion we dress and act like we are in the 17th century and trust me I know, I lived through it.
When I made it to the market, it was busy. Kids ran around chasing each other with sticks acting as if they were casting spells as their parents happily mulled about the market.
The people of no mans land never bothered me but I never knew if it was out of fear or respect, my money is on fear.
“Good evening Dani.” The high priest is a tall skeleton of a man with wiry white hair he keeps pulled out of his that has deep wrinkles set in. Because of him we are allowed to be here so I play nice.
“Good evening, priest.” I can’t help the tartness of my voice. I mean can you blame me? He is literally a man of god talking to a creature of the damned.
“How is your grandmother? Tell her I look forward to our bible study this Sunday.”
“She’s okay and yes I will.” I force another smile and hope it is convincing enough to make him move along but I never find out because he is pulled away by one of the clan members who seem to have a more urgent conversation.
I made my way towards the butcher’s cart; I was standing their inspecting the delicious looking meat when a cry rang in my ears.
"Help me please!" I looked around to see if anyone else had heard it but the cry for help fell on death ears except mine. It was coming from the woods and it sounded like a child. Quickly I made my way towards the noise.
Comments from original text
“It’s a trap!”
- plzplz101 ( Jan 2017)
“Remember what dear old grandma said?”
- whatafuckingmess (oct 2016)
“Love it so much!”
-letterfromthepast (sep 2016)
“Uh oh.”
-wolves_luver101 (oct 2016)