"Hi babies? You want this? I've stocked this in my house but I couldn't eat it all," Lowella smiled widely at the twins and handed the box of chocolate kisses.
Agnes took a glance at them, observing her twins. Kyrie just smiled at Lowella, hesitating if she'll accept it or not. She even looked at her, asking permission to accept her friend's gift. Agnes taught them not to trust easily so they didn't accept it immediately.
"Thank you, Tita," Kyrie said and opened the box to get one chocolate.
"Don't eat it all. Your stomach might hurt. Put the rest in the ref and eat it tomorrow. Okay?" Agnes interrupted.
Kyrie nodded and handed Kyron a piece of it when he didn't bother to get one. Lowella was looking at them intently, like hoping he would accept it. She laughed when he really did but as what she's expected, he didn't say anything. He's more quite now that they have a visitor.
"Agnes, let's go to your room. I should change you now. Mr. Topaccan will see you downstairs, right?" Lowella whispered at her, careful not to be heard by the twins.
Her eyes widened."I-Isn't it too early? He said he will arrive by 8:30."
"And its already 6:20 so you should take a bath now. I'll look after the twins. Just tell me if you're already done so we could start." Lowella forced her to enter her room and closed it immediately.
She seemed so excited most especially that she's going to take her place when she leaves. Agnes isn't sure about it, definitely. They didn't know each other that much and then she's going to give her trust for the sake of the twins. She couldn't get over of it and opened the box inside her drawer to get the four pieces of small camera.
It's a CCTV footage that she brought in case of emergency. She's ready for it.
After taking a bath, she secretly put one if it inside her room, inside the guestroom, living room, and in the kitchen. She's sure that Lowella didn't notice it because she's busy playing with the kids. And Agnes was careful of her actions.
"Mommy, you look like a queen. Remember the wicked maleficent? But you're the good version of her," Kyrie giggled.
She pinched her cheeks because of cuteness."Really? Is mommy pretty now? Hmm?"
"You're always mom. Even if you don't wear anything like that," Kyron said in a monotone voice.
"It sounds like a compliment but your tone doesn't sounds like one," Lowella pouted.
They laughed at her until she finished fixing herself. When she look at herself in the mirror, she couldn't even recognize her face. She's looks so rich in her posture right now. Agnes was even confused when she handed her a black pouch, a terno of her outfit.
"Tell me honestly, Lowella. Why are you really doing this? Its so obvious that you need something on me. You've prepared all of this in just a day and you also represented to watch over my kids," Agnes said in a serious tone.
She was stunned and bowed her head a little, hiding her face."A-Actually its Mr. Topaccan's plan to help you with this. He asked me a favor which I couldn't decline. He wanted you to be beautiful today."
"M-Mr. Topaccan? Is it why you're so weird like you're hiding something from me?" Agnes' brows frowned.
She slowly nodded."Uhm.. Are you mad? I'm not planning something bad on you, if that's what you think."
"No. No, sorry. I was just overthinking. I'm not used that someone will do something like this to me so I.. got suspicious. I won't do it again," she smiled awkwardly.
Lowella's face lighted up."Really? Don't worry, I'll watch the twins carefully while you're not around. I promise that."
Agnes bid goodbye to the twins and they both understand their mom. She was worried that Lowella might not take it and nervous that she will going to attend the event at the same time. When she went downstairs, she already expected Revo to be there.
Agnes was a little bit stunned on his appearance. H-He's so damn attractive.
"Hi, Mira. How's your make over with Lowella? It really looks good on you," he complimented.
She smiled a little."Not bad. I'm not really sure of this. I-Its my.. first time to do this."
"Don't be afraid. I'm with you. Just act formal when we get there. No one will know you and I'll just introduce you as my escort," he winked.
Agnes wasn't used to see his boss like that but she still smiled and just looked outside. One more thing, she's not really sure of being his escort. Everyone might think that he's Revo's girlfriend or something like that. But who would like to care about them anyways? The center of attraction on that event will be no other than the reason of that event.
"Come here. Just act normal, okay?" Revo asked her and encircled her arms on his.
She smiled back."Yes, sure. Uhm.. What am I going to do inside?"
"Nothing. Just smiled at them if they approach us. And if I'll introduce you to them just accept their hand and say your name. Simple as that," he answered.
"Okay. Got it."
Just like what they've agreed, she did her best to act normal as if she's used on it. Its not that hard to pretend since that's what she's been doing before. She can say that she mastered it all. Being a great pretender has been her personality.
"You're so attractive, hija. Mr. Topaccan is lucky to be your escort," A woman who's about in 40s approached her.
She knew this woman before. Yeah, right. She's the closest business partner of her family before. She was a good woman and a Tita to her and Eve. That's why she's close to her but Eve always get jealous and tell their mom so she could be scolded for getting someone's attention. Its because they want Eve to accept all the attention from the others. They planned everything for her, things she's going to have, companies that her parents worked hard just for her, and a great future.
While they didn't plan anything for her.
"Thank you, Madam. You also look adorable tonight," she chuckled softly.
They turned their attention in front when the host caught their attention. They invited for about 2000 guests and there's nothing to be surprised because their family are high influenced.
"To start this event, please welcome Mr. Lucas Labrado and Mrs. Victoria Labrado. The 3rd from the top in the rank of business," the host introduced.
They all clapped their hands and looked in the middle where they walked to greet them all. She could see them more clearly now and there's no looking away. Maybe because she's confident that they couldn't recognize her.
"And now, the couple who will announce a very important news to us. Mr. Jas Eubert Flarion and Mrs. Evelyn Labrado Flarion," the host said.
Agnes became active and waited for their arrival. There, she saw her half-sister waving her hands to everyone while Jash was just beside her. He's also smiling widely to them. Looks like he's so excited to tell everyone their announcement. She just saw that reaction of his, probably because he's gonna be a father now.
"Are you alright? You're looking at them for the whole time," Revo asked worriedly.
The thought of hearing their most important announcement didn't happen when they told the guests to eat first. And after eating, they won't play guessing game and say it immediately
She was back on her senses and smiled."Nothing. Where are we going anyway?"
"I told you that we're going to greet Mr. and Mrs. Labrado together with Eve and Jash. You nodded earlier," Revo's brows furrowed.
Agnes looked so shock and gulped."U-Uh... I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking properly. Can you go there alone? I-I want to... take a restroom."
"Oh, Mr. Topaccan. Glad that you're here. You're one of our biggest guest here so its a pleasure to see you," a voice of her mother made her heart beat fast.
She's ready for it, right? Why is she feeling like its better to go home now?
Revo smiled sweetly."Thank you for inviting me. I'm also happy to be here."
"Well, who's that girl with you? She looks so pretty. Mind if you'll introduce her to us?" A flirty voice of Eve interrupted.
Okay. There's no turning back now.
"Well, thank you Mrs. Flarion. You look the same too," Agnes confidently faced them.
The four of them was in shock. They didn't literally expect to see her face to face. Even her, its the first time to encounter them this close after five years.
"She's Mira, my escort. Do you know her?" Revo was confused.
Jash looked at her unbelievably but she just smiled."M-Mira? You called her Mira?"
"Yes, why? She gave me permission to call her that. What's with your reaction?" Reve smiled.
"They should've seen someone like me or... knew someone that resembles me," she said meaningfully.
Her eyes stayed on them. All she felt right now isn't contentment but so much hatred.