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The Good Girls Bad Boy| 2

Michelle's POV

"So can anyone tell me the answer?" He stopped for a beat, his eyes trailing over the classroom, looking for his next victim before they unexpectedly fell upon me. "Michelle." I snapped my head towards the teacher and groaned inwardly when his dark eyes lingered on my stoic face.

I hate that man so much.

I have no clue what so ever about the topic, I've been in my own world for the past hour, looking out the window and thinking about this morning with Tristan and how I should make it up to him. Not paying attention in class was such a shocker, but I did it regularly, not that anyone knew. I was the good girl. "Ugh. . ." I trailed off blankly as I sat upright in my chair and placed my fingers against my chin, feigning that I was thinking.

When in reality I was just letting time slip through my hands till he calls someone else up and save myself further embarrassment.

And plus, not because I'm rich and supposedly prestige or I'm the good girl means I'm intelligent, I just have everyone fooled with the occasional pair of glasses or maybe it's the fact that I do ace all my exams and I just can't bear with the fact that I'm maybe a nerd.

"The answer is Mass sir, not that Michelle might have known since she dozed off to la la land," Tristan exclaimed loudly and my eyes widened a fraction, I curled my lip into my mouth and harshly bit down onto it. Relax Michelle.

I swivelled my head in his direction, only to see a smirk lingering on his devilish face. That little son of a–ugh! Tristan had this thing where he would always step in for me when I was in predicaments like seconds ago, but today I think he got a thrill out of doing it rather than just being my help. "Thanks," I snapped before averting eye contact with him and letting my eyes find comfort in my book.

The sound of the intercoms static erupted around the classroom. The awkward screeching made my teeth grind against each other as I glared at it in annoyance.

Then suddenly the voice of Mrs. Santos, our school's beloved principal, filled the classroom. Her overly excited voice made me believe that she was probably announcing good news. . .boy was I wrong.

"Michelle White, please come down to the main office, Michelle White, the main office." Well, there it is. As if this were your typical high school movie. The class erupted in oohs and I didn't hold back from rolling my eyes.

What is this, middle school?

I shot up from my seat, tossing my book into my bag and zipping it up hastily as I tried my very best to dodge the judging stares from everyone. They–nor myself–didn't even know why I'm being paged to the office, and they already took it upon themselves to judge me. Says a lot about high school.

I knocked on the door to the main office after arriving there in record time and Mrs Santos voice of approval had me slowly stepping into her office, a nervous smile etched on my face, "you wanted to see me?" I asked.

"Yes Michelle, have a sit dear," she said, motioning towards the chair that sat before her, a very horrifying smile on her face. Well, I was right about her being excited about something, but why?

I sat down slowly and warily, fiddling with my sweaty fingers as I tried digging deeper into her expression, she's usually your happy loony bin but today. . .no something's up today. "Do you remember the program you signed up for some months ago?" She suddenly asked as she flipped open a Malinda file on her desk, her eyes concentrated on it.

"No, ma'am I can't recall."

She peered up from the file with that same lingering joker face smile and then she frowned when the confusion on my face was clear. "The juvenile delinquency program that you signed up for." She said.

I think I might be needing hearing aids.

The juvenile delinquency what!? I never signed up for a juvenile delinquency program, you might as well just kill me if I ever did that. No, no, she must be confused or she might have had her daily dose of cocaine before coming in today. "I never signed up for a juvenile delinquency program, Mrs Santos, you must be mistaken." I chuckled humourlessly.

"No sweetheart, she's most definitely not mistaken."

"Dad?" I mumbled in shock, watching perplexed as he sauntered into the office with his usual stoic–don't mess around with the big boss–look on his face. "I signed you up for the juvenile delinquency program some months ago, which means I'm basically contributing to this school."

When has he ever not? He must be contributing to some other things too.

"What do you mean?" I spat through gritted teeth, feigning confusion as I continued staring daggers into his expressionless eyes.

"It means, sweetheart. That for the next year you'll be taking care of a juvenile delinquent who needs help settling into school, he'll be staying with us because he's had. . .Uhm a few mishaps in his country and he needs a fresh start."

Excuse me. What the hell does that have to do with me!?

If he's had mishaps in his country. What makes them think he'd be any different in this country. A country hated by more than half of the world!

"Five students have been chosen to take in at least one person to look after, help them settle in and get their life on the right path." Mrs. Santos smiled as if that were supposed to make me feel any better.

"Right path! Why me? What does setting a kid on the right path have to do with me and not someone else?!" I practically screamed, my voice dialling an octave higher, which only made Mrs. Santos flinch, her lips pursing into a thin line.

"Sweetie. . ." My father sighed through gritted teeth as he let his hands fall onto my shoulder. "You're one of the best-behaved students in this school and you're fit for this job." He finally cracked one of his rare smiles, which I knew was fake at the moment.


They went behind my back to do something that could greatly affect me and they didn't think once that I'd needed to know in advance. If I took him to court, I would surely win, and he should know that.

"When is he going to be here?"

"Tomorrow, we'll be picking him up at the airport just like the other students, so when you get home you'll be helping mom set up his room," he said.

"Mom!?" I spat loudly once again in utter shock.

Okay, I should probably stop shouting now. "Oh, my god, I hate you! Why couldn't you tell me about this beforehand, maybe just maybe I'd agree but keeping it a secret from me, that's low daddy even for you!" I squealed, and I knew I sounded like a snobbish seventeen-year-old girl, but I couldn't help it.

I shot up from my chair and rushed out of the office. Not wanting to stay in the suffocating room any longer.

Juvenile delinquent.

He's basically a teenage criminal, he probably murders people for a living and thinks it's fun and thrilling or beat up little kids for lollipops. Well, I know that one was well, not really plausible but who knows!?

I don't know, but I definitely want nothing to do with him.


"Wouldn't he be like a criminal, isn't that what juvenile delinquency means?" Sasha asked as she played around with her fries.

"Yeah, you're gonna have a criminal in your house. . .Ugh." Kayla shuddered as she stroked her fingers through her golden hair absentmindedly.

"Wassup ladies?" Tristan exclaimed as he slumped down on the bench next to me. I rolled my eyes, picking at my dry salted fries in anger, "oh nothing much, just the usual like having a juvenile delinquent in your house for an entire year." I muttered nonchalantly.

He suddenly began to cough hysterically like a dying hyena, his breath coming out in short whizzes as he slapped a hand over his chest. My eyes widened as they landed on his quivering form and I gasped. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" I asked as I placed a hand onto his shoulder, making him sit upright.

"I think I just died inside. What did you say about juvenile delinquent?" He asked, acting like the five seconds of him nearly dying never happened and sitting upright before wiping a tear that trickled down his cheek away.

"My dad basically signed me up for this program where five students from this school are chosen to hospitalize a troubled child and set them on the straight path, whatever the hell that means. And yeah, they'll kinda be living with us."

"So you're gonna have a criminal in your house?" He suddenly bellowed out and I could feel the anger radiating off of him and onto my body. A good amount of eyes in the cafeteria turned to stare at us in annoyance and I widened my eyes a fraction, placing my hands on his burning arm, "Keep it down." I hissed as I placed my other hand over his mouth.

"If you dare lick my hand, I'll choke you." I growled before he could say anything or even wiggle his brows. He let out a throaty chuckle and rolled his eyes. "Ew." Kayla mumbled as she finally placed the mirror down onto the table because she was so self absorbed and turned her attention onto me. "So my only tip for you is don't get killed." She suddenly said, and I frowned deeply.

"You know I'd like to kill you right now, so why don't you try not to get killed." Sasha muttered to her, anger resonating from her body as well.

Welp, what is with everyone and being angry today?

"Whatever." Kayla grunted as she diverted her attention from us and towards something which must include herself and only herself.

I sighed and fiddled with the food that was on my tray, forcing myself to chew it down only for a huge lump to form in my throat when I just couldn't swallow it. I'm really not feeling like eating right now, nor doing anything other than wallowing in my own despair.

"Hey can we talk?" Tristan whispered into my ear softly, his wet lips just like this morning pressed against my ear and once again I shuddered.

"Is no an option?" I pouted, he chuckled lightly and shook his head before surprising me and everyone at the table when he placed a lingering kiss on my cheek and stood up. "No, is definitely not an option, my house after school. No rebuttals." He said warily before spinning around and disappearing through the mass of students.

"I totally ship you guys!" Sasha squealed like a five-year-old. Clapping her hands together like a seal. If only she knew I didn't feel the same way

If only she knew.

"Guys Damien is coming this way, act natural!" Kayla mumbled frantically as she quickly spun around and wove her fingers through her golden hair. Suddenly she burst into a fit of giggles and I widened my eyes in fear.

Sasha and I glanced at one other than turned our attention back to Kayla who not only looked but acted quite delusional at the moment. The things women do for men. "Hey girls." He said as he finally arrived at our table, his usual cocky smirk taking home on his devilish handsome face.

"What do you want?" Kayla snapped, and he arched his brows at her questionably before snapping his fingers at her, "definitely not you." He spat and Kayla's eyes widened.

As if Sasha and I shared the same mind, we both burst into a fit of laughter at the exact same time, only making the situation more embarrassing and unbearable. "This isn't funny!" Kayla screeched.

"Actually, I came here to have a word with Michelle." He said, I snapped my head towards him and arched my brows in utter shock as he sent me a longing smirk.

And I swore I pulled a muscle when my head swivelled in his direction so quickly. "Me? why me?" I asked in disbelief as I tried avoiding the daggers Kayla was shooting at me with her laser-sharp eyes.

"Come on, I'll show you." He murmured teasingly, and I frowned even more deeply.

This is gonna be bad. Real bad.

I mean Damien is hot and all, but I wouldn't date him simply because he was dating my best friend. I have thought about dating him on plenty of occasions because he's hot and I know he's always up for an adventure.

But he's a man whore, and I can't break girl code. I flickered my eyes to Sasha then Kayla who nodded her head in disapproval. But before any one of them could utter a word, he grabbed a hold of my hand gently and pulled me up from the seat but my legs acted on its own accord and I now found myself next to him.

"Dude, let go of me!" I snapped when his hands came flying over my shoulders. "We have some discussing to do." He said, ignoring Kayla's screeching demands and guiding me out of the cafeteria.

We walked down the hallway silently whiles I battled with my inner voice. You shouldn't be doing this!? Wait, what are you even doing exactly? Obviously it's nothing good! Wait stop thinking like that Michelle it's just innocent. We suddenly came to a stop in front of an empty class and I scoffed. "Get in," he demanded as he opened the door and motioned his hands inside.

I contemplated on whether or not to go in but decided against it; I have a feeling if I do then something bad might happen. It's a gut feeling and my gut is never wrong.

"I'm not getting in there with you alone!"

All he did was stand there stoically, staring at me like I just announced that I was pregnant with baby goats.

"Just get in." He groaned impatiently as he easily pushed my body backwards into the classroom, then stepped in as well. He shut the door behind him slowly and leaned against it with a smug look on his face. "I wanna ask you a question," he finally spoke up after a minute of an intense staredown.

"Go right ahead seeing as you probably dragged me all here for it."

He chuckled humorously then pushed himself against the door and took slow strides towards me, his smirk never faltering. "Is Kayla seeing someone else other than me?" He suddenly asked, genuine confusion etched on his face.

Well then, shit.

I can't tell him she cheated on him last weekend, that's basically breaking the girls code, but it would be unfair to him. I mean I don't know the dude so maybe he deserves the truth. It isn't my place to tell, but he doesn't deserve to be with someone like Kayla. "Maybe," I shrugged as I kept on moving backwards at his pace.

"She is, isn't she?" He said bitterly, making it obvious that he really wasn't asking, and he already knew. "I–I don't know okay!" I stuttered nervously as my back finally hit a wall behind me, trapping me. Well, shit.

"Oh, you don't know hmm?" He taunted.

"Let's get revenge on her for being a bitch to you and cheating on me." He suddenly said as one of his hands flew up to my cheek, caressing it softly and smirking like he had just said the most intelligent thing ever.

Excuse me?

"Revenge?" I chuckled humourlessly as I brushed one of his hands away and in that split second, before I could comprehend what just happened, I was now sitting on top of one of the desks, a gasp leaving my lips. "I know you want me, Michelle." he suddenly whispered in a voice I'm guessing was supposed to be seductive.

"What are you talking about?"

He placed one of his hands around my neck and dipped his head down quickly, nuzzling it in the crook of my neck. "You're not the good girl everyone thinks you are, Michelle." He mumbled, and that's when something surged through my body when his tongue suddenly ran down my skin. Is he trying to give me a hickey!?

I desperately wanted to push him away but my mind and my heart were working on two separate cases at the moment so instead I let him do it. Flickering my eyes shut and sucking in a harsh breath as my heart hammered against my chest.

My eyes shot open when his calloused hands ran up my thigh, moving it effortlessly up and down as if it were absentminded, but I knew guys like Damien and I knew what he was trying to do.

"You want me and I want you." He whispered in a raspy voice, retreating his lips from my ear and then before I could say a word his mouth was on mine in a kiss.

I don't know what devil suddenly came over me, but I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me so I could deepen the kiss.

His other hand continued moving up my thigh until it stopped at my waist and I could feel his fingers searching for the button of my skirt which was like a switch flipped inside of me because one moment he was on me and the next I was shoving him away like he burnt of hot lava.

"What are you doing!?"

"I know you're not a virgin Michelle aren't I right?" He smirked mischievously, clearly trying to push my damn buttons.

He is right though, and that's one thing I can't deny. And even if I did, he'd see right through me because he's Damien, plus I can't lie to save my skin.

Damn it.

"And I know Kayla is cheating on me and for a long time now. But something I can't quite put my finger on is. . .did you suddenly forget about the time she betrayed you? That hurt pretty bad, didn't it?" He tutted tauntingly.

Yeah, that time she slept with the boy I loved.

Oh, who am I kidding?

He is right! We do need to take revenge on that thing they call a human. For the amount of pain she's put me through, I don't think this will hurt her a bit.

Because like she said to me once.

She's only using Damien.

I gripped a handful of his shirt, anger bubbling up inside as I came to the rash decision. I shouldn't do this, but why can't I stop? Because I've been hurt by Kayla one too many times, and it's her turn to hurt now.

His hands trailed down from the crook of my neck to the buttons of my shirt and then he cocked his head sideways, as if asking me what my decision was.

"Let's get some revenge."

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