Michelle's POV
"Michelle White to the principal's office, Michelle principal's office." The principle's voice blared down the intercom.
"What's the problem now?" I muttered to myself as I hopped out of my seat and ignored the mummers and stares. I strolled down the hallway and into the principal's office where Mason, the mysterious party guy and seven other students stood surrounding the office.
"What's going on here?" I asked as I closed the door behind me. "Now that everyone's here, I can finally tell you all about the camping trip that the juvenile delinquent's program is hosting for our new exchange students and their partners!"
Excuse me? "Uhm a camp for what?" Someone asked.
The principal took a deep breath before crossing her hands in front of the desk impatiently. "I've realized that you guys aren't doing your job at making these kids feel at home and welcomed." She said, narrowing her eyes at us and especially me.
"Excuse me, but Mason here decided that he'd avoid me at all costs, so how am I supposed to show someone who doesn't even wanna talk to me around the school and this god-forsaken town!?" I exclaimed loudly.
I glanced at him for a brief moment and nearly caught my heart in my throat when he smirked. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Well, that's exactly what's happening to me, I don't want to be in love but eh it's gonna happen sooner or later even if I don't want it too.
Well, I guess saying it this nonchalantly shows me how crazy I sound.
"That's not an excuse, dear, and because of that particular fact I'll be setting up the camp." She smiled brightly.
What is with her and her always happy mood.
It's really starting to freak me out. I mean, someone can't be that happy about their job and life.
"So you're telling me I have to be on a camp with this girl?" He muttered in disgust, his eyes never finding mine. "Yes, and you'll be sharing a tent!" She smiled.
Is this allowed!?
"What?!" mysterious party guy shouted, his hands flailing over his head in exasperation. "Calm down Kaden!"
Kaden? That sounds way too close for comfort. Sounds a lot like Kaleb. "I don't want to share a tent with a dude!" He shouted in horror, his hands flying towards Sebastian.
"I'm offended." He scoffed, his hands flipping his imaginary hair. Kaden stared at him with a horrified expression, then flickered his gaze back on the principal with pleading eyes. "He's Gay!" He cried out.
The entire room burst into a fit of laughter despite the tension which was radiating off of everyone who didn't exactly want to participate in this."No disrespect, but I don't wanna share a tent with her." Mason shook his head with an unwavering expression on his face.
"I'll share a tent with her." Kaden smirked as he eyed me up and down like a lion staring at its prey.
"I'll be willing to share a tent with her as well." Another guy I didn't recognize exclaimed after Kaden.
What is with this generation of guys? "Okay then if Mason doesn't want to share a room with miss White then Kaden will."
Does she even realize the sexual advance he just pushed on me? She literally just sold me as bait, and she didn't even realize it.
I mean I'm not complaining or anything but I am looking forward to some one on one time with Mason to get some answers out of him.
He flicked his tongue out of his mouth and rolled it over his lips as he rubbed his hands together as if I were the last slice of pizza in a box.
"I don't–"
"I don't think that's a good idea! On second thought, I'll share a tent with her, I don't want that horny bastard making advances on her." Mason growled lowly, his eyes narrowed to slits as he glared at me.
I smiled at the thought of his sudden burst of jealousy. Or was he? If he didn't care about me he'd let me share a tent with Kaden.
"Damn it!" Kaden swore loudly, but I could see the glint of amusement behind his voice as he shared a look with Mason.
"Well then, it's settled, the trip is from Friday to Sunday so get packing!"
"Wait! But tomorrow's Friday!" Sebastian exclaimed.
"And that's exactly why you should go home and get packing my darlings, we have a very long weekend ahead of us."
"Now scurry off!" She shooed. I groaned deeply and lazily pivoted on my heels and exited the office with the other students in tow behind me.
"Hey!" Mason called from behind me. A smile stretched on my face when I turned around to face his passive and stoic - expressionless face. My smile immediately faltered when he dropped the next bomb onto me. "Don't flatter yourself too much Michelle, I'm only tolerating you because Kaden's an ass. So don't talk to me, don't breathe next to me d–" I cut him short, my hands before his face as I shook my head rather slowly.
"Listen mister I think I’m a bad boy and I’m too gloomy and mad to act like a normal human being—” I spat as I pointed a finger at his chest accusingly.
His expressionless face faltered for a moment and I could see a tinge of disbelief crack its way through his eyes, but before I could fully comprehend it they snapped back to being hard and distant.
But I saw it Mason. . . I saw the slip up.
"—You are the one who shouldn't flatter themselves. There's nothing about sleeping in the same tent as you that's exciting, so to think that it would flatter me is really out of your league." I smiled in triumphant when something close to shock and disbelief flickered across his features.
He cocked one of his eyebrows and kept his intense gaze locked onto me, never breaking it, not even making the move subtle enough that I'd think he was staring at the wall behind me.
For the next twenty seconds all we did was stare at one other with menacing glares. But behind those deadly gazes was something I couldn't fathom. I flinched when I saw his eyes flicker down to my lips, then quickly back to my eyes.
And then he suddenly gripped the nape of my neck, dragged me towards him and dipped his head down so his eyes met mine and before I could let out a squeak, he pressed his lips against mine in a chaste kiss and then pulled away with a smile.
"I like you." He muttered in what appeared to be confusion before he pivoted on his heels and marched down the hallway, away from me without turning to look back.
My mouth hung low in astonishment and the palpitation of my heart was rapid enough to send me into cardiac arrest. Staring at the place he stood moments ago, I raised my hands to my lips and chuckled.
"What the–"