Michelle's POV
The scars on her face, the cuts on her hand, the purple bruise which imprinted in her stomach and the black ring around her neck. A nightmare, this was my personal nightmare that I never even saw coming, but now? Now it was here. In front of me. Haunting me.
I watched as she coughed out blood which trickled down her pale chin, lapping onto the tiled floor, staining it crimson red. It spread like wildfire across her chest. Her legs were stretched out before her and her hands bounded together.
Thirty-six times, thirty-six times I cried, thirty-six times it hurt, thirty-six times I prayed she'd wake up.
Thirty-six times was she stabbed.
The bile in my throat, the grumbling in my stomach, the nausea, the anxiety, the aching headache. I could have heard the pounding of my heart from miles.
And they could have heard the pleading for help from centuries.
Help. . .help?
What were those words when all you had was a dying body in your hands? No one insight to help you as your body lapsed into shock, freezing every nerve in your body, preventing you from thinking, moving.
They wondered why I became a 'rebel'. Why I snapped, why I went from bad to worse. I never recovered, could never. . .how could I? When the sight before me just kept haunting my life. Repeatedly, relentlessly, ruthlessly.
They wondered where the good girl went. And who set her off like dynamite waiting to blow.
If only they knew.
"Why!?" I sobbed as I clutched desperately onto my dying sister, her blood staining my clothes, sticking onto my skin as if it were tar, but my appearance was the least of my concerns. What I cared about was my sister slowly slipping into the abyss beneath my fingertips.
"Deborah...." I mumbled, the sound of my horrible sobs racking through my body as I clenched onto her shirt as if she were my lifeline. And as if a light switch had suddenly been flickered from within, I was out of my shocked state, the scenery coming out of its haze, and everything fell right into motion.
"Help, help me!" I screamed frantically as I dug my hands into Deborah's body, slowly shaking her as if she would miraculously awaken. I shook her once, twice, sobbing when she wouldn't respond or even when my fingers pressed up against her pulse which was beating at the speed of a snail. "Michelle!?" My father screams enveloped my ears as he tumbled into the bathroom.
"Daddy," I couldn't help it, the words had tumbled out of my mouth like a broken mess.
"Michelle?" My mother's angelic voice called out to me as she entered the bathroom behind a shell-shocked father, but unlike him, she had immediately collapsed into a heap on the floor, a scream escaping her lips so loudly for a moment I mistook her for a banshee. "Oh, my god!"
It didn't take a second to watch the colour drain from my mother's naturally tanned face and her eyes to roll to the back of her head, or her body to fall limply onto the ground. "Dad! Help her!" I cried out as I hugged Deborah's barely functioning body closer to me.
"I-I." He stammered. Fishing for his words.
"Just call the freaking police!" I snapped, screaming loudly at my father's perplexed face. He nervously fumbled for his phone, fishing it out of his pocket and dialling the police and ambulance. He walked out of the room on shaky feet and I could hear him talking on the phone frantically but my mind wasn't on him, it was on my half-dead sister.
"Yes," I gasped, my eyes snapping down towards Deborah whose own eyes struggled to even flicker. Her weak hands had taken home in mine, squeezing it softly. "Wake up." She rasped out, her cracked lips stained with blood.
"Wake up!!"
I snapped my eyes open, gasping as I took in my surrounding. I was cocooned in the canopy of my comforter, beads of sweat rolled down my face, and my sweaty palms showed that I was living in reality. That night imprinted in my memory and every other night I have this nightmare, contouring differently, in its own special way to attack me.
I groaned as I rubbed my aching head.
Sometimes I wish these nightmares could stop, could go away even if it were momentarily. Like just a snap of my finger and poof, gone like the wind that blows. But it was futile, ridiculous actually. After years of battling my sleep demons, they still think they're in control like they're allowed to render my body.
My eyes swivelled towards my phone which was ringing on my nightstand, I grabbed it and stared at the caller ID before picking it up, grumbling underneath my breath. "Good morning, angel." The voice of my best friend chirped into my ear on the other line in a cheery voice. "Good morning, Tristan." I sighed as I rolled off the bed lazily.
I slipped on my cotton woven bedroom slippers and briskly strode into the bathroom, "Ah, it burns!" I let out a screech as the blinding lights that hung above my head had sliced deep into my pupils, momentarily blinding me.
"You're like a bat." He chuckled humorously. And that made me imagine myself in a gloomy cave, sauntering around aimlessly as my arms searched for anything to hold on to frantically or me screaming my head off in the dark. Yeah, I'm most definitely not a bat.
"Thank you for that Tristan, you made me happy." Sarcasm, the one thing I was an expert at but others seemed to have entirely different thoughts about it. But I'm Michelle White and I don't care. "Oh, don't be a sassy pants, and hurry and get dressed. I'll be waiting for you outside." He said.
"Okay." I replied and listened as the line went dead afterwards.
I slipped out of my nightgown, taking comfort in the warm shower and allowing my mind to take refuge in comfort and silence. No nightmares when I was awake. At least that's what I tried convincing myself.
After a long-needed bath I had made my way back into my room, not having the problems your usual seventeen-year-old teenage girl would have on mornings seeing as I wore uniforms.
I slipped on my dress shirt, adorned with a pair of my personal fashionable black skirt, a black tie and my black high heels to make them look even less horrible.
I grabbed my handbag and phone then stumbled down the stairs and into the foyer of the house where Tristan stood idly against the wall with his hands shoved down his pockets.
"Hey, Trist." I smiled my rare smiles as I pulled him into a warm hug. Letting his warmth envelope my body. It felt nice hugging him, I felt safe, secured. Like no one could hurt me in the comfort of his arms. I wonder if he felt that way too when hugging me.
"Morning." He smiled against my skin as he nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck.
Tristan if it weren't obvious is best friend slash neighbour, he's basically what we call the boy next door with his witty good looks. He wasn't tall yet he wasn't short, maybe standing about 5'8, he had lovely brown shaggy hair falling over his hooded green eyes, freckles sporting his entire face and pink plump lips that screamed 'Kiss me!".
As you may have guessed, his jawline is as sharp as the heel of my stilettos and his nose as broad as Angelina Jolie's. He was utterly a beautiful human being, and the way he lured girls in with one look was enough to prove that.
But I had no attraction to Tristan what so ever. I looked up to him as more of a brother. Nothing more. Nothing less. Well, maybe I've thought about being with him once in my lifetime, but those thoughts are all eliminated now. For a lot of reasons.
"Are you ready for another dreading day of school?" He smirked when I pulled away and walk into the kitchen."Yeah?" I said more of a question as I stuffed my face with a granola bar.
I don't really eat breakfast so a granola bar is pretty much all that I eat like my wise ole sister once preached; a bar a day keeps the Fu–I think you can fill in the blanks–boys away.
And it doesn't seem to work at all.
"Let's go, I'm stuffed." I groaned as I disposed of my granola bar which was useless when keeping the bugs away into the bin. "What the hell dude, you didn't even finish it yet?!" He exclaimed with open arms exasperatedly.
"Uhm Okay." I chuckled softly as I stumbled down the path of the house, not caring if he was following me or not. Tristan eventually caught up to my speed walking and gave me a questioning look.
"Aren't you gonna say goodbye to your parents?" He asked as he draped one hand over my shoulder casually and let the other brush away a strand of my hair, tucking it behind my ear and giving me a puzzled smile.
"They'll live." I shrugged carelessly. I didn't really care if my parents got my goodbyes, they cared more about their careers than their daughter sometimes so it isn't really a crime on my part to not tell them goodbye when I was making my way to school. It's a win.
I slipped into the driver's seat of my car, followed by Tristan, who slipped into the passenger seat next to me. He flew his bag in the back seat and gave me a cheeky smile. "You know that's where Sasha sits, right?" I asked as I motioned towards the passenger's seat, feeling sympathy for him in advance.
"As you said, babe–" he winked before leaning in towards me and pressing his mouth to my ear, I could feel his warm wet lips on my skin and I shuddered. "–They'll live." He whispered.
He pulled away with a smug look, and I couldn't help but laugh at his new facade. "What are you trying to do there, buddy?" I asked as I pulled out of the driveway.
"What do you mean?" He asked with arched eyebrows, appearing genuinely confused.
I quickly glanced back at the road to make sure I wasn't about to kill ourselves or anyone before quickly giving him a knowing glance. "I mean since when are you so. . .confident."
It's a weird question at first, but if you knew Tristan as I do, you'd know that him practically kissing my ear was something he refrained from doing. Despite his good looks, he was shy, even when it came to me who's been his best friend all his life.
I heard shuffling from beside me and realized he unbuckled his seat belt. He leaned in closer to me just like before, but the proximity to us was becoming excruciatingly suffocating and I don't even think he realizes it.
He placed one hand on my thigh casually and I tried concentrating on the road, but the uncomfortableness I was feeling was unbearable.
I pressed my foot down onto the breaks hard when I reached a red light and then parked my car onto a sidewalk void of pedestrians before snapping my head towards him.
He looked confused at first but soon fell back down in his seat after I got a glimpse of disappointment and shame on his face. "I'm just trying to be different," he said, his voice barely audible."Why are you trying to be different Tristan? you're perfect just the way you are!"
"Well, you have a funny way of showing that to me." He spat bitterly, anger taking a course in his voice. I furrowed my eyebrows as I stared back at him, trying to figure out what the hell he was referring to.
"What are you saying Trist?"
"Nothing." He cleared his throat as he averted eye contact with me and instead faced outside of the window."Let's just go pick up Sasha."
I nodded, not really wanting to start a fight with him this early morning, and pulled away from the sidewalk and drove silently for the next eight minutes. Tristan refused to look at me on the duration of our ride. Even when Sasha entered the car things were still awkward and you could cut through the thick tension with a knife.
She looked torn between us two, but I had a feeling she knew what was going on with him, and it better not be about the secret feelings he has that I was so apparently oblivious of.
Sasha's words, not mine.
I don't see myself dating Tristan, he's too good for his own good. I like risks and adventures, but Tristan is the kind of guy to take me to a picnic when I want to go scuba diving or get chased down by the police or something.
I know I sound crazy, but my life is boring. It's so prestigious that I just want to be free and live a somewhat fun and risky life, but I won't get that from Tristan.
He's a sweet and simple, charming guy, but that's what turns me off about him.
He's too sweet.
"We're here," I mumbled quietly as we pulled into my designated spot in the parking lot of the school, and without uttering a single word or even bidding me goodbye, he slipped out of the car and made his way into the school.
I must admit, that kinda stung.
"Boys. . .aren't I right?" Sasha sighed as she slung her hands over my shoulders and followed my gaze, Tristan marched down the stony path of the school, his hands stuffed into his pockets, his head hung low. I hurt him, again. "Yeah. . . Boys."
"What's up bitches!" The high-pitched ear screeching voice suddenly screamed from behind us. I inwardly groaned as Sasha and I spun on our heels simultaneously, equally already feeling drained out by her presence.
"Hi, Kayla." I forced a smile, biting down onto my gums to prevent myself from spurring out profanities at her.
"Hi, Kayla number two, Hi Kayla number three." She grinned as she greeted us both.
That sleazy little–ugh! It takes every ounce of strength in me to not smack her in the face, I sometimes wonder why we still hang out with such a backstabbing viper.
But I always remember that besides our difficulties, we've been best friends from childhood.
Get over yourself Michelle, you know that excuse has long sailed from the shore.
"My name is Michelle, if you want me to spell it out seeing as you probably got not only your boobs but your ears surgically enhanced, it's Mich–"She suddenly cut off my angry ranting by waving her hands in front of my face dismissively.
"Okay, puta I get it!" She hissed. I grimaced, grinding my teeth together and instead counting to ten in my head and finally forcing out a smile. "Now we have a class to attend, don't wanna be late!" I chuckled out as I dug my nails into her hands harshly, pulling her towards me and smiling at her bittersweetly. She smiled back, equally wanting to rip my throat out.
Evil witch.
"Yeah because being late is such an enormous risk for Michelle White!" Sasha mocked. I tried fighting back the urge to roll my eyes at her but my brain had choices of its own right now seeing as I couldn't hold back my annoyance. "Can you shut up, god sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with you." Kayla suddenly blurted out towards–an equally shocked as me–Sasha.
What is wrong with her today?
I mean every other day she acts super bitchy but today it's way past the line so something is definitely bugging her.
"What is it Kayla, you can spill, we're your best friends, right?" Hell no. She hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether or not she should tell me as she opened her mouth and closed it back, appearing like a fish. And it definitely had a good look on her.
"Cat got your tongue?" The deep booming voice of yours truly erupted from behind us. "Damien," I spat as my eyes settled on the a-hole I call Kayla's on and off-again boyfriend, also known as the sexiest human being to walk the halls of this school.
He was tall with brown hair, huge bulky arms and enough muscles to lift all three of us. The slight stubble on his face only made him look even older and hotter and the cheeky grin showed out his white pearly teeth, making him appear more pompous. He was the co-captain of our varsity football team and let me tell you, he's something all right.
His eyes swept my body ever so slightly, leaving an uncomfortable yet biting feeling on my skin, it was like he was undressing me with his daunting eyes.
"What do you want!" Kayla snapped at her so-called boyfriend, his eyes eventually left my body and lingered on Kayla with a bored expression I've seen him express one too many times. She can't get the hint, I thought. Stupid girl. "Can't I have a word with my girlfriend?" He asked with arched eyebrows.
"Girlfriend! Are you delusional or did that blonde bitch stupidity get to your head?!" She babbled, which made little sense. Whenever Kayla was so blindly angry she would sputter out things that made no sense to the human ears. Blonde bitch stupidity? Really?
He didn't seem the least offended by her words, and instead, he offered her an amusing smile. He was fighting back laughter because honestly Kayla was the one who looked delusional and she had blonde hair so. . .
"Oh, you mean you?" He said, a snort leaving his lips most likely unintentionally.
Both Sasha and I snickered, making Kayla shoot us a glare. We straightened up our postures and I let out an awkward cough. "Well, this has been fun, but I think Sasha and I have somewhere to be." I smiled as I grabbed Sasha's hands in mine, tugging her away from them.
"Yeah, you two just. . .Work things out" She smiled. We walked a few feet away from the toxic couple before bursting into a fit of laughter. "I can't believe he said that to her!" Sasha practically guffawed like a spasming hyena.
"I know right, that must have given her ego an enormous blow!" I emphasized loudly as I made a blowing motion with my hands, adding the sound effect to it as I wiped away an imaginary tear from my cheek.
But for what it's worth.
She deserves every ounce of it.
And I wish he'd do her worse.