Michelle's POV
After dumping all the fish into the water and explaining to Brandon that pirates came and ambushed us, we did the usual; first, we had dinner, danced ridiculously and chatted around the bonfire. We also snuck a few drinks in when the principle and camp guides weren't looking and snuck back to our tents around two in the morning.
Then we were forcefully awoken at six am. Story of my life.
I must admit I was warming up to Mason and all the other students here. Even Kaden, which came as a shocker to me seeing as he is a highly intolerable human being.
Sebastian and I became a little closer because we were both fond of drooling over the male gender. A few students I've never seen and some I've only gotten a glimpse of in the hallways became a little acquainted with me as well.
It's Sunday afternoon at the moment and we're preparing for our last task before we head back home and say goodbye to the dreadful camp. "So babe, you gonna take me up on that offer and give me a lap dance for my birthday?" Kaden wiggled his eyebrows flirtatiously as he nudged me in the arm.
"Not gonna happen fuckboy, I thought you had something going on with my best friend. She seems to really like you from that party."
"Who?! What was her name, Katey. . .no Stacy, no Aliyah, no it was something else." He babbled on as his hands rummaged through his hair. At first, I thought he was joking but the pure confusion on his face said otherwise.
"It's Sasha," I snapped. He stuck his tongue out towards me playfully but didn't expect me to smack him hard against his chest. Hissing in pain, he quickly clutched his chest and sighed. "I don't like Sasha, I mean she's hot but eh I'm looking for girls like you."
He slung his hands over my shoulders, pulling me ridiculously closer to him and then tilting his head upwards as he outstretched his hands as if there were some invisible artifacts before him.
"Look at it this way, the two of us date, then we get married and you make my babies. I divorce you after and go for a younger woman while you stay at home and cry over our failed marriage until you die because this handsome hunk left you for a younger babe." He sighed dreamily.
Is this boy delusional or something?
Does he even listen to himself before he speaks, I mean he just planned out our future together.
A future that consisted of dating a scumbag, being forced into a marriage and getting pregnant by so said scumbag. In the midst of it all, I get left by that asshole for a younger woman whilst I'm stuck with a baby and a stomach that never went down.
Yeah, not gonna happen.
"Get your hands off me," I growled lowly as I brushed his hands away from my shoulder and stepped a few inches away from him. "I'm not giving you that lap dance for your birthday and you better fix things with my best friend before I kill you!" I exclaimed with a bittersweet smile.
With one last glance at his horrified expression, I pivoted on my heels and strutted towards Brandon who was currently packing up some gears in his bag.
I finally had the balls to talk to Brandon, I've been eye gawking him the entire weekend but he wouldn't pay attention because he was always so. . . angry.
"Hey, Brandon," I mumbled nervously.
Halting whatever it was that he was doing he peered up slowly and flickered his eyes to mine. For a moment I expected him to scream at me but then when a smile slid across his lips I let out a breathy chuckle.
I like seeing him smile. "Hey Michelle, are you ready for your last challenge to bond?" He fake gagged, emphasizing on the word bond as he chuckled. Wow is this a new and improved Brandon? "Where's Brandon and what have you done to him?"
He chuckled amusedly and slung the bag over his shoulders before flashing me a sympathetic look. "I've just been angry and frustrated the entire weekend because my parents were the ones who made me volunteer to do this so I guess I took my anger out on you guys."
Figures, he was forced into this just like the rest of us. So I have no reason to blame him for his hostile behaviour.
"It's cool."
"Yeah, so I'm sorry for making you and whatever that dudes name is clean fish. Wait I mean you guys basically threw it away and blamed it on pirates so," he flashed me a wary look and shrugged.
"You knew we threw it away?!"
"Yes! It's cool though I was being an ass. We didn't even need fish, I was just trying to get you guys to do something other than arguing."
"You ass!" I chuckled softly as I shoved at his chest. He smiled and regained his footing before bouncing on one foot then the next nervously and appeared as if he were contemplating on whether or not to say something else.
"Can I have your number?" He asked as his hands ran through his brown lengthy hair. Okay, this really is a new Brandon. First off I'd never expected him to ask me for my number because he seems so reserved.
Secondly, he looks like someone who has a girlfriend. And thirdly no one in their entire life has ever been afraid to confront me, well that's besides Tristan.
I stretched out my hand, gesturing towards his phone. He retrieved his phone from his pocket and placed it in the palm of my hands. His phone was already unlocked so I placed in my number and typed up a name. Elle ?
I placed the phone back into his grasp. "I'll text you tonight Elle?" He smiled as his eyes trailed down the edges of his screen before he slipped the phone back into his pocket and flashed me what I could only describe as an adorable smile.
"Looking forward to it." I smiled back. He nodded his head softly and bid goodbye before pivoting on his heels and disappearing in the crowd of students.
I waited till he was out of sight before spinning on my heels but only for me to smack right into a brick wall which I'm pretty sure isn't actually a wall but it's whatever, it still hurt like a bitch! "What the freak!" I hissed in pain as my body greeted the ground painfully.
"Dollface what a surprise!" Mason beamed sarcastically as his eyes trailed down onto me, his face etched in amusement. "Well, a little help would be appreciated ass face!" I hissed angrily.
He chuckled lightly and grabbed me gently by the arm before hoisting me onto my feet. I dusted off my clothes and flashed him a wary gaze before shoving at his chest and walking away. "Hey, you can't blame me just because you have two left feet!"
"I crashed into you and you didn't catch me!"
"Babe this isn't a fucking movie where the girl crashes into a boy and he surprisingly wraps his hands around her and says a few flirtatious words that has her pantie all soaked!"
I halted dead in my tracks and pivoted on my heels to take a closer look at him. His face showed no sign of amusement so that meant he was really serious about what he just said.
This boy has no filters.
"Well, fine!" I exclaimed in defeat. He laughed softly and slowly strolled towards me. "I saw you talking to Brandon, why didn't he help you up?" He arched his eyebrows quizzically as his once amused faced flashed into a stoic one. How the hell do you flip between emotions so damn quickly!?
"Is that what this is about?" I scoffed. He rolled his eyes and shook his head lightly, a tutting sound emitting from his lips.
"Don't get in over your head, baby." He frowned deeply, his once sparkly brown eyes now dull as he lightly patted my head and rounded my body. I stood there perplexed as he trekked towards Laila and wrapped his hands around her waist before smashing his lips down onto hers.
And that shit hurt.
I mean does Mason even have a freaking heart!? I'm sure by now he knows I've gained feelings for him even if it's just a little.
Getting jealous over me having a conversation with Brandon doesn't justify the fact that he has to eat someone else's face off after literally telling me that he'd be there for me not too long ago.
Guess hypocrites run in his blood.
But why should I be upset? We're not even dating, we've just kissed one or two times out of the blue. But if he can play these games with me then maybe he's not worth it after all. And maybe I can join in on the fun as well.
Maybe two can play at that game.