Michelle's POV
"So all you have to do now is attach the string to the middle so you'll be able to fly it after," he said as he placed the string and kite into my hands.
"It's that easy?" I asked in sheer confusion as I stared down at the kite. "Of course, Elle. It's that easy." He chuckled in response.
I nodded my head in understanding and tied the string to the piece of wood. "Well, I bet it was easier watching you make it than me trying on my own." I giggled as I rose to my feet and flicked the kite into the air.
I waited in anticipation for the kite to at least catch some momentum and flail in the air but instead, it toppled right back down and I pouted, watching my failure head-on. "We have to go somewhere with wind." He laughed as he grabbed the kite from my hand.
"Follow me," he nodded his head towards the hill and pivoted on his heels, leaving me standing there dumbstruck. Shaking my head softly I followed in suit behind him.
From the wooden stairs that trailed from the bottom to the top of the mountain, I was given a pretty beautiful view of the camp beneath us. I watched the ocean blue waves crashing against the shore, the birds flying in the air as they serenaded the students trekking against the plush yellow sand. And with each step we took their bodies became little specs of stars in the sky.
"So what school do you attend Brandon?" I asked as I tore my gaze away from the scenery and towards Brandon. "Washington State High."
"And you had to volunteer for Columbia High?" I chuckled. He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and frowned. "Yeah, it was my mom's idea so."
We came to a halt at the top of the mountain and I realized that the walk wasn't all that bad, "here you go princess, try it out." He smiled as he placed the kite in my hands.
Unlike before the wind indeed picked up the kite and I whirled in the air much to my surprise. "I can't believe you taught me how to fly and build a kite." I squealed excitedly. "You are so stuck up." He snorted in amusement.
I lowered myself onto the grass and patted the spot beside me. He smiled and sat down beside me, "what do you mean I'm stuck up?" I asked. I was the least offended but I still needed to know what he meant by that.
He flashed me a wary look before averting eye contact. "I don't mean it in a bad way, I mean you're so caught up in your parent's abundance that you don't get to do stuff other kids did in their childhood, am I right or wrong?"
He's right, I'm the daughter of the Whites. A well-known family in Washington DC, I never got the childhood I always wanted but I still got a family and love.
"No offence."
"None taken."
"I'm glad we decided to do this." I smiled. He nodded his head and slung his hand over my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.
"I'm glad I met you."
Tilting my head to his, our faces were only inches away from one another. His brown eyes flickered from my eyes then to my nose and finally, it settled on my lips. He hesitated and I smiled as I stared into his eyes, fangirling over his flawless eyelashes.
But I knew that look in his eyes. He wanted to kiss me. But why should I feel ashamed to kiss him, Mason had no problem sucking off Laila's face.
Brandon here is handsome, I love his personality and sense of adventure.
And I like those type of guys.
Before I could answer my battling question on whether or not I should seal the deal and kiss him, his hands caressed my cheek softly and he dipped his head lowly. Our skin brushed up against one another and my cheeks flooded in heat. If I could describe the palpitation of my heart then you'd admit me to a hospital.
His eyes were still interlocked with mine and then he arched his brows as if asking me permission. I swallowed hard and finally closed the gap between us in a tender kiss.
This kiss was nothing like Mason's. It was soft, gentle as if I were a porcelain doll that he needed to handle with care. Mason's kiss was one that made my headache, it sent my body into complete overdrive to the point where the moment my eyes lay onto him I feel a somersault or emotions.
But this kiss made me feel more loved than craved. I liked it, I liked this. Maybe this is what I needed, tenderness and not danger.
Brandon was the first to pull away from the kiss. He had this ridiculous giddy smile on his face that forced me to smile back. I mean how could I? "Did I already tell you I was glad that I met you?" He huffed out, I giggled and flew my hands over my mouth, contemplating what the hell just happened.
"You did."
"I guess I'll text you tonight?" Brandon mumbled.
"Yeah, I'll be waiting."
Smiling I got up on my tiptoe and wrapped my hands around his neck, pulling him into a hug. "Bye Brandon," I mumbled before placing a chaste kiss on his cheek and pivoting on my heels to board the bus.
As I stumbled down the bus my eyes immediately slid towards Laila and Mason sitting in the back. His arms wrapped around her shoulders and her face nuzzled in his neck.
She giggled at a joke he mumbled into her ear, making the anger boil up inside me and hold me back from flinging onto the both of them.
His eyes immediately came in contact with mine, I averted eye contact with him and slumped down into one of the seats. I pulled my phone and headphones out of my pocket and slipped the earbuds into my ears, I pulled my legs up on the seat and let my head fall back with a loud sigh.
My eyes shot open when a loud plucking sound echoed next to me, I looked out the window and saw Brandon waving the pink kite in his hands towards me frantically.
Opening the window, I giggled softly when he popped his head inside. "You forgot your kite, Elle" He chuckled as he dropped it on my thighs.
"Is that the only reason you came back here?" I asked suspiciously, he shrugged with a sheepish smile tugging at his lips. I shook my head in amusement before cupping his cheeks in my palms and smashing my lips down onto his.
At first, he seemed flabbergasted but immediately kissed back. Before things could get heated I pulled away because I certainly didn't want a show.
"I guess we'll talk later."
"Yeah." He mumbled before stepped away from the window. Flashing him a smile I shut the window and leaned against the seat to resume my listening to music. I plopped my legs up and placed it comfortably on the seat in front of me and stuck my headphones back into my ear.
"Hey, I know I said I wanted to bang you but please have some respect," Kaden exclaimed in annoyance as he shoved my feet off the seat. "Dollface," Mason chirped as he lowered himself down beside me.
I blatantly ignored him, shaking my head slightly at the audacity that he had to speak to me. "Was that you and Brandon I peeped kissing? That's really petty of you don't you think?"
I snapped my gaze towards him, seeing as he already had an amused smirk plastered on his face, that only riled me up even more. Who the hell does he think he is!? "Don't you think it was a bit petty when you kissed Laila in front of me?!"
"You're not my girlfriend!" He snapped.
"And you're not my boyfriend!"
"But you two sure do act like a god damn married couple!" Sebastian shouted in frustration as he snapped his head towards us and scowled deeply.
I narrowed my eyes at him and he mirrored my expression, although I was extremely frustrated he still has a sense of amusement behind it. "Why so clingy Missy?" He smirked. "I gave you like what, three kisses and you already think I'm obligated to be with you?"
"Excuse me, I never said you were obligated to be with me. Hell, I don't even freaking like you anymore so go SCREW YOURSELF." I cried out.
He nodded his head, a humourless chuckle escaping his lips."That I shall do," he hissed venomously before pushing himself off the seat and rushing to the back in the arms of Laila.
Sebastian immediately took Mason's previous spot and sat down beside me before flashing me a seriously? look.
"Go screw yourself, babe? don't you think that's a bit extreme?" He mumbled in disappointment.
"Well that boy Infuriates me, I've known him for like what? four weeks now and he's already blowing my freaking mind!"
"He'll come around, I mean you can't catch feelings that fast can you?" He chuckled nervously as if asking me in a clever way whether or not I was feeling Mason. I knew what I was going to say would seem crazy to others but to me. It's not.
To me, it's perfectly fine.
Perfectly normal right?
"Then explain to me why it feels like I already love him?"