Mason's POV
I slapped the pencil against the desk repeatedly and received a few harsh glares here and there from annoyed students but I didn't care the least. Kaden spun around, his eyes narrowed directly at me.
"Hey, if you don't stop tapping that pencil on the desk I'll shove it so far up your tight ass that–"
"Are you done?" I yawned in his face, watching in amusement as his mouth fell agape from my sudden outburst mid-sentence. "Go screw yourself."
I continued my drumming even midway I began to rock with the rhythm of the beat until I received one too many snarky remarks from other students. Can't a guy enjoy music when he wants to?
"Mr. Hunter!" Mr. Dickford growled through gritted teeth as he approached the desk. "Mr. Dick, hey!" I squealed in amusement. Snickers echoed throughout the class, making his expression darken even more than it already was. "Detention all of you who thought that was funny!" He snapped as he kept his piercing glare trained onto me.
"Awe, Mr. Dick why are you so hard on us?" I whined as I stretched my lips into a sinister smile. His eyes widened, I could have sworn I saw the devil through his pupils as it dilated and darkened. His lips twitched in a manner that made me snicker lightly, I really ticked the teacher off. "Shit," I muttered under my breath as I sunk into the chair.
He flickered his eyes shut tightly and huffed out before turning around and walking back to his desk. I love this class, only because I get to say dick jokes and sometimes get away with it scot-free because his name is Dickford.
I mean who in their right mind names their kid Dickford, was dick the last thing his mother saw before giving birth to him.
Wait. . .
Was the doctor boning his mom?
I shuddered at my revolting thoughts and went back to doing my work. I don't want to think about a woman probably in her eighties getting smashed by a doctor.
That's just nasty.
The bell chimed loudly, snapping me out of my disgusting daze, I closed my book and shot up from the desk. Dashing out of the class before any and everyone could.
"Are you trying to run away from Dick, Mason?" Kaden guffawed from behind me.
I glared at him before bursting into a fit of laughter as well. "I hate you!" I said between laughs as I clutched my stomach tightly to which he rolled his eyes.
He slung one hand around my neck and pulled me down the hallway beside him. "You see Mason this is called friendship," he suddenly said in a dazed voice.
"Are you high?" I snickered, he glared at me for a second and gave me a, you think? Look before averting eye contact. I rolled my eyes and pushed the cafeteria door open, instantly filling my nostrils with its heavenly smell of cafeteria food.
I stepped inside with Kaden next to me as he gazed around frantically for a seat until his eyes stopped on the table I wish he didn't see. For the love of god! "Babe!" He squealed in excitement as he ran towards Michelle's table.
I groaned inwardly whiles taking slow and steady strides towards their table. Sebastian's hands were slung around Michelle's neck, Kaden was occupied in a deep conversation with Michelle who looked lost in it.
Her best friend Sasha was undressing Kaden with her intense gaze that no one realized except for me. Sebastian was also undressing him with his eyes and looked like he was about to pounce at him any second.
"Oh look who it is! The fuckboy." Sebastian clipped. I rolled my eyes and slumped down beside Sasha who scooted a little further away from me, "I don't bite." I snapped.
Her cheeks instantly grew red as she scooted back into the spot. I removed my gaze from her and let my eyes wander onto Michelle who appeared as if she were battling with her inner thoughts.
"Hey, Dollface." I smiled, her eyes finally settled on mine and she smiled but didn't answer as she played around with the food on her plate.
Immediately her smile faltered when her eyes narrowed from behind me, I turned around just in time to see Kayla sauntering towards us.
Let the games begin Michelle.
She stopped at the table, letting her eyes wander onto Michelle before falling onto my thighs and wrapping her ridiculously long hands around my neck.
Before I knew it, her lips were on mine and I chuckled inwardly from the loud gasps that rang through my ears. "You owe me," she mumbled against my lips quietly enough so only I could hear.
I smirked when I felt the burning gaze piercing through Kayla's back and into my chest from Michelle. She wanted to play so I played.
I pulled away from the kiss and wrapped my hands around her waist before letting my eyes wander around the table.
Sebastian's mouth hung low in astonishment. Kaden glared at me in what appeared to be disappoint and Sasha stared at Kayla wide eyes and Michelle. . .
Literally blank, nothing. No expression at all, just staring blankly at us like we were just a figment of her imagination. Well, that wasn't the expression I wanted.
"Hi!" Kayla breathed out. "What the actual fuck!" Sebastian exclaimed loud enough for only our table to hear.
"Y–you're dating Kayla?" Sasha asked as she gave me a dumbfounded look, I smirked as I let my hands wrap around her waist and snuggle her body closer to me.
Michelle's eyes were still trained on us, never breaking contact. She looked like she was stuck between two worlds. Trying to figure out what the hell just happened and her imagination.
"Yeah, we are dating!" She giggled as her fingers coiled through my hair and she tugged at it softly. Sebastian let out an unamused chuckle whilst shaking his head frantically, "this is so hilarious, I can't even think right now!"
"What the hell Kayla!" Sasha suddenly snapped which caught us all by surprise, I didn't turn to look at her but kept my gaze trained on Michelle, gawking at her reaction.
I frowned when her eyes suddenly glistened with something I couldn't comprehend. She blinked a few times and they were gone. Her breathing began getting a little rapid and I placed my hands in front of Sasha who was having a go at Kayla.
"Babe, what's wrong?" Sebastian's concerned voice snapped her out of her panic attack.
Her gaze finally found mine, she let out a deep chuckle and my eyes widened in shock from the reaction I was so patiently awaiting.
She slammed her hands down on the table and raised from her seat, her eyes narrowed at Kayla who was just smirking in amusement. And then she snapped her eyes towards me, her expression softening for a second and going back to the puppy dog face it was moments again.
"I hope you're happy with this. Because you have no idea what you just did Mason."
She gave me one last menacing glance before stomping away and out of the cafeteria. "Well my work is done, text you tonight!" Kayla exclaimed before hopping off my thighs and strutting away.
"Dude what the bloody hell?!" Sebastian exclaimed loudly.
"Oh shut up you don't even know me."
"Dude that was low and even for you," Kaden scoffed as he slumped down next to Sasha.
"What the hell does that mean!" I snapped.
"It means she liked you, bro, I could see it all throughout the weekend. I mean who rejects Kaden. . .I'm the best so the only reason she rejected me was because she liked you." He rolled his eyes like that was the most obvious reason ever.
Sasha nodded in agreement, "why'd you do that?" She glared at me through her biddy brown eyes. So Michelle gets to fool around with two boys but the moment I kiss two girls everyone turns on me?
We're not even together goddammit so what's the fuss about? I didn't label her. "Masons property, touch and you'll die." So what is a kiss gonna do to her, is she gonna die? She can kiss Brandon and not give a care in the world.
But when I kiss Kayla she cries and runs away.
"She's not even my girlfriend," I said through gritted teeth and clenched my fist tightly as I glared at everyone who stared at me in disbelief. Sasha scoffed as she stabbed her fork into her pizza multiple times, her eyes growing dark.
"She likes you," She mumbled.
That's it, I'm losing my shit right now right here. "Then explain to me WHY Michelle's SCREWING Damien if she supposedly likes me!" I slammed my hands down onto the table in pure rage but that soon subsided as soon realized what I just did when gasps echoed throughout the entire cafeteria.
All baffled eyes settled on me.
I looked back down at the table and I immediately knew one thing from all of their expressions.
That I royally fucked up.