CHAPTER 02 | Forever |
"Wow! Dear don't forget my fansign ah, you're an idol!" I glared at, Lian. Its OA, Bb. It's just love that I won not Miss Universe but these two hype hype!
"And because of that, I'll treat you Mae what food do you want?" Rose offered while smiling from ear to ear. My friend is sweet, I was about to speak when Lian sneezed.
"Oh, it's just Mae? It's unfair when I really win." Lian said while pouting. Of the three of us, Rose is really soft spoken and sweet, Lian is sometimes boyish because of his words and actions, I depend on the mood. When I want to tease, I tease, when I want to be quiet, I just keep quiet next to me.
"And what title are you going to win?" Rose asked which she also answered herself. "Ms. Can't move on?"
Lian's face immediately went bad so we both laughed at, Mae.
"Are you really my friend?" Nakangusong pretended to ask him a question.
"Just a joke baby," Rose said then we hugged each other. Group hug.
"Oh! You don't have to treat us Rose, older brother Mike has prepared for this, let's just eat at home." I said, because my older brother said that whether I win or lose in this pageant, we will celebrate. It's a miracle and he wants to spend, he's still stingy, brother Mike. He was happy that I joined the pageant.
"Oh really? All right I'll text brother Ryan to just pick me up at your house. I'll also need to call mommy and I'll say goodbye." Rose said, of the three of us she is the richest but she also has the strictest parents. Lian, on the other hand, has cool parents.
"I'll call mama too, I'll just say goodbye." Lian also said I smiled at them before they turned their backs on me. I took a deep breath, because my chest was getting heavier again.
How would it feel to say good -bye to your parents because you were going with your friend?
I'm curious, nakakakaba ba? Scary?
I'm curious because I don't know how it feels.
Someone touched me from behind so I looked at who it was. I smiled when I saw that older brother Mike with his other friends Jairo, Tim, Glen, and Jayda, there are many more but they are the only ones I know.
"Who went home with you youngest?" Older Mike asked me, Jayda and I looked right so he smiled slightly at me. I didn't return his smile, I answered my older brother.
"They, Lian and Rose."
"All right, we'll just go home first, come home right away?" I nodded at what he said, brother. The other friends of older brother Mike greeted me when they were able to leave, Jayda and I looked at each other again.
"Oh what did you say?" I'm mad at Rose and Lian, they're done with their name.
"She agrees, mommy." Ani Lian.
Lian and I looked at Rose who was now sulking. "Mommy agreed but I have a curfew ... and she should be with, brother Ryan." Then he sighed deeply, Ryan's older brother being the driver, Rose.
"Let's just include, brother Ryan, just eat there, it's okay." I told him but he was still pissed.
"We can't enjoy it too much. I'm pretty sure older brother Ryan will report everything I do." She lazily said.
"It's okay! We're not going crazy, we're just going to eat and celebrate Mae's victory." Lian reasoned out.
"I'm really sick of this." Rose whispered to herself.
We went back to our room to get our things, and I also had to change my clothes before we left. There isn't as much class so we can go home.
While we were going up the stairs, many people greeted me, because our classroom was on the third floor so we needed the stairs, it was a good thing that Rose brought extra flat shoes but I was really stressed when I hesitated to go up.
When we passed someone flirting on the stairs, I was immediately taken aback. The man dominates in front of the mestizo woman, the woman is thrilled.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" The guy asked after singing.
"Yes!" The woman replied while hugging the man.
One more irap. I'll bet after 2 months that will also separate.
"Sana all." Lian said.
"The sweet!" Si, Rose then giggles with Lian.
I took a deep breath, I really can't relate why they are so excited about such things.
Lian's been broken because of her ex.
Rose cried a lot because of her past crushes, can't they learn from their experiences? Why do they still admire such things when they know for themselves how much pain such things will cause?
I believe nothing is permanent in this world, we will all die in this world.
No forever! Mahal? It's stupidity.
Yes true love of brothers, friends, family. But erotic love is stupidity.
Love like that is like variable, can be changed anytime.
Love like that is like contenintal drift theory, will also separate over time.
Love like that is like solving a hard math problem, at first you are excited to solve but when you don't really get the answer? You will just get angry, get bored and leave.
Ganyan! Nothing in this world is forever, everything will be destroyed.
If you're asking me where did I get all my sentiments?
I'll give you the situations of my parents. Loved each other, swore in church, blessed two offspring, but still separated!
I'll give you another situation, my brother Mike. His long time bestfriend that he loved o so dearly left him cause the girl wanted to pursue her dreams on the other side of the country.
See? And they say that love is powerful?
Wee? 'Isn't that so? If love is powerful why are there unfortunate ones?
"Shh shut up Lian, someone is eating ampalaya." I looked at Rose for what she said, I'm sure I'm what she sounds like.
"Yeah, smile." He burst out laughing at the same time.
I just didn’t speak up because I knew they would just contradict my beliefs. When I arrived at the classroom, I immediately got dressed, we talked about the car that Rose and I had just rode home with.
I'm sure many were invited, brother Mike. The number of friends there, I'm sure there will also be women so I know we won't be out of place three.