"It is you.." I gasped, staring at her.
My hands trembled by my side as he came closer to me. I wanted to run but I couldn't, it was like I was paralysed.
His icy eyes held nothing but anger as he ran in my direction. Before my body would move, he was already standing really close to me.
"You shouldn't be here." He whispers to me, frowning tightly but still handsome.
Taking a closer look at his face, I realize that handsome was an understatement for him. His blue eyes was like an ocean and the silver in them sparkled in the dark.
It was like a bag of silver had been thrown into the sea. Thick dark brows were furrowed, showing his displeasure in my presence. His red lips were pressed into a thin line, revealing a one-sided dimple.
He blended in well with the darkness, his pale face only few inches away from mine.
"I... I.."I stuttered helplessly, unable to break my gaze.
Before I would put meaningful words together, he pushes me into the field, concentrating on something else.
I get up, staggering on my wobbly legs. I look in the direction that he's looking and right there, was the ugliest creature I had ever seen.
It looked like those wolves described by writers in Fantasy books except, this was much more bigger and didn't look like anything any girl would fall in love with.
Mr Colorful eyes ran in the direction of whatever that beast was, producing something that looked like flames in his arms but a little more colorful.
The beast slightly misses the attack and tries to make an attack at him but before it could, Mr Colorful eyes beat him to it, punching it right in its face, sending it rolling down the school compound.
I walk toward the duo, watching them wrestle. I only look away when Mr Colorful eyes produces another bright flame from his hands but this one was much more brighter.
By the time I look again, it was just him standing.
I admire his back for a while but was interrupted when he turns around, the anger vanishing from his face for only a few seconds.
He matches toward me, scowling like my presence was so irritating to him.
"You shouldn't be here." He repeats those words but doesn't come as close as he did the last time.
"Why?" I find myself asking.
"YOU shouldn't be here. This is a school and from what I just saw, you don't look like you were here for learning purposes. Moreover, this is my town, I can be wherever I wish to be. But you? You came out of nowhere and now you try to tell me where I should and should not be? How ironical." I roll my eyes, folding my hands under my chest.
His continuous use of that statement was beginning to get annoying.
I watch as he observes me for a while, the look of disgust, disappearing from his face. He seems surprised by my reaction but doesn't show it. However, he's not successful enough in hiding it as I catch a glimpse of his surprised reaction before it disappears.
"You should have never seen that, you should have never seen me." He takes long strides toward me but I stand my ground.
"Then maybe you should have never come here with your pet." I respond.
"Humans are still no different from the last time I met them. They have no manners and definitely no fear for what could be the end of them." He chuckles a little, showing off that dimple once again.
His eyes lit up, looking brighter than they did when he wrestled with the beast.
"Tell me child, does what you have seen not frighten you?" He stares down at me, smiling.
"I'm no child and I don't care about whatever business you have with whatever that was. I'm not here for you anyway." I answer before walking away, taking out the watch to stare at it.
"Take one more step......." I heard his voice behind me and quickly turn around to complete his statement before he does,
"And you would burn me to the ground?" I smile, turning to face him once more.
"Look Mister, I don't know what you are but I would let you know that you don't interest me." That was a terrible lie, even before I ever saw his face, he had always caught my interest.
"I only came out here in search of you because for some reason, this watch would only function around you." I show him the watch and it catches his attention immediately.
"What is that?" He asks, coming closer as he points at the watch.
"I told you already, it's a watch." Did he think it was something else?
His reaction obviously showed that he knew exactly what this watch was and perhaps, where my father might be.
"Not so fast!" I withdraw my hand, keeping the watch back into my pocket before he even touches it.
"You shouldn't be with that. You're obviously not one of them. Where did you get it from?" He questions angrily.
Once again, his eyes change color from the Ocean blue that they were, this time, to a deeper shade of blue.
"You should really stop telling me what I should and should not do, where I should and should not be. You're the foreigner here for goodness sake!" I yell at him but he's not threatened the slightest bit.
"You look like you know what this is. What is it? What do you mean by "them?" Do you know where these "them" that you speak of might be? I'm looking for someone but sadly, this is all I've got." I move closer to him, desperate for answers.
"Where did you get it from?" He asks, ignoring my question.
"It doesn't matter. There! I answered your question, now answer mine." I request but he doesn't look like he'll grant my request.
"You have no idea what you're playing with, child. Give it." He demands but I move away from me.
"No!" I decline and he only moves closer to me.
"I can take that if I wish to, you should know that after what you've seen." He threatens.
He looks like he's about to say something else but before he does, his eyes roll to the back of his head and with a heavy thud, he falls to the ground.