Monday November 21
After my gloomy day yesterday, I woke up this morning with near zero motivation. The busy week ahead of me is nothing compared to the meeting I'm about to attend and during which I'm going to have to put up with my boss. I wonder what facet of his personality will honor us with his presence today... I am already tired of having to fight against his wickedness but maybe with a bit of luck, I'll just be a spectator and Marina will be alone in the front line? After all, I have just arrived and I don't know the Dior file.
I park my car in the parking lot still engulfed in the dark, cold autumn night. I head towards the entrance of the building that no employee has yet crossed while trying to motivate myself mentally. I hate starting a day feeling down, and even more so when it's a Monday! My anti-depression remedy for difficult mornings is always the same: I choose an outfit that I love and I take the time to prepare myself in order to look my best. There's nothing worse than feeling bad about yourself when you're already feeling bad about yourself.
This morning, I put on a navy blue dress that I particularly like and in which I feel beautiful. It seems rather wise and classic at first sight since it has a straight cut, three-quarter sleeves, a slightly flared round neck on my neck and a classic length that comes to me a few centimeters above the knee. But the wise girl quickly gives way to a sexy woman when I turn around. A deep V-shaped neckline adorns the back of the dress and tapers to the middle of my back. At this point, my skin reveals itself subtly under a fine lace that hides nothing and stops just above my lower back. This dress is not too daring but it looks like me.
Classic in appearance, but... My sublime blue pumps given to me by Cassiopée complete my outfit and my curly hair is pulled up in a high ponytail so as not to hide anything from the top of my dress, especially in the back. My jacket protects the entire back of my garment and will allow me to walk the halls while being comfortable. Anyway, I'm still alone and given the early hour, I might not meet anyone. The floor is still asleep, only the coffee machine emits its usual soft hum which accompanies me to my office.
I start by turning on my computer, then I take out all my documents before settling into my chair and plunging headlong into the blue folder. After a while, I raise my head while lightly rubbing my eyelids. I feel an uncomfortable sensation, my eyes burn and it takes me a few moments to realize that I haven't put my glasses on. I lean over to grab them from my purse and waste no time, but no matter how much I search it, I can't find them. Slightly annoyed to never find anything in this bag that I love yet, I empty its contents on my desk but the result is the same.
No glasses on the horizon. I don't have any eye problems in general, but I can't stand working on a screen without my protective eye shield, otherwise I'm sure to end the day with red eyes and a headache from hell. I then try to remember where I could have forgotten them and I seem to have left them in my car when I arrived.
I don't bother to put on my jacket and I hurry down to the ground floor. When I open the door that leads to the parking lot, a polar wind nails me to the spot and I immediately regret not having taken a minute to put my jacket on my shoulders. I lower my head and place my hands on either side of my arms to rub myself in and soften the freezing feeling that's already going through me from head to toe. I quicken my pace to quickly reach my car and by chance I instantly spot my pair of glasses waiting for me in the passenger seat. I therefore recover them and do not waste time to regain the heat of the building. Once inside, I place the glasses on my nose and walk quietly towards the elevator.
Completely lost in thought, I rush into the cabin and press the button leading to the second floor. I don't react instantly to the sound of rapid footsteps I hear in the distance and it's only when two muscular arms prevent the doors from closing that I look up. In front of me, Mr. Archer is still standing outside the elevator. By reflex, I slowly step back and my back presses against the icy metal. When my eyes meet those of my boss, my heart jumps and my breath hitches for a moment. His look, surprised at first, quickly regains its confidence. I immediately recognize that burning glow dancing in her irises.
His eyes seem to pierce me, I'm hypnotized, I can't react or move. I have absolutely no idea what is happening, why my body is reacting at such crazy speed, why my eyes can't leave his, why my breathing is so jerky all of a sudden, or why my hands are shaking. Mr. Archer takes a step forward to enter the elevator, then he continues to advance with a slowness that makes me melt on the spot, without ever stopping to look at me. The closer he gets, the more my heart starts racing.
If I had even a minimum of clear ideas, I'm sure I'd hear my heartbeat echoing against the walls of this cramped cabin. But at this moment, my back still pressed against the wall of the elevator and my boss only a few centimeters from my body, I feel nothing but a wild desire which is born in my stomach, unfolds in each of my my cells to make my body vibrate under his gaze. I'm not aware of anything except that sparkle in his eyes that echoes my green irises.
Suddenly, Mr. Archer breaks the eye contact that had bound us for a few seconds, maybe a few minutes, probably a few hours, I don't know. Her eyelashes begin a frenzied dance and her gaze languidly begins to undress my body. He begins by stripping my neck visually, which only asks for his contact, then descends slowly onto my breasts, which react instantly to this consented assault. Chills are born at their peak and the feeling that invades me at this moment is absolutely divine. The elevator doors that he had blocked with his foot close and this slight noise seems to make him react.
He then approaches even closer and I dare not move. I remain stoic, unable to resist or even to breathe. My eyes then get lost on the hands of my ephebe who come dangerously close to my body. His slow movement is assured, he knows perfectly well what he is doing. I can't take my eyes off his hands, and worse, I'm feverishly waiting to know where he's going to put them and thus find out where the next cataclysm is going to start in me. I let him take control of this rapprochement, I am unable to gather coherent thoughts in my mind anyway. The shivers and excitement that break like a torrent in every part of my body take me to another dimension. I don't know if I should close my eyes and allow him to continue, to touch me or if I have to pull myself together and push him away. But am I really capable of it? At this moment, nothing is less certain.
His large manly hands eventually reach the wall of the elevator, where the buttons are lined up, just inches from my right arm. He presses his left palm near the floor numbers and I'm so close to him that his fingers brush my arm under the fabric of my dress. My gaze, which has not left his left hand, is literally obsessed with his slow caresses that begin to descend along my arm to reach my hip.
The touch is so subtle you'd think it never existed, but my skin burning under his unbearable embrace doesn't lie. My tremors, not of fear but of excitement, redouble in intensity and I begin to dread the sequence of events because I know that I will be incapable of acting sensibly and reasonedly. I have neither control of the situation, nor control of my body, and an explosion of sensation washes over me as his deft fingers slowly move up to find my arm. Luckily the silky fabric of my dress covers the areas he languidly brushed against because I'm sure I wouldn't have had the strength to stand on my legs if he had caressed my bare skin. A flash of clarity passes through me as I realize that my gasping breath echoes his. He too is troubled, I am not alone in this suspended moment.
I am now seized with an irrepressible urge to read his gaze. I want to see what he feels, I want to understand the sensations that inhabit him, I don't want to be the only passenger on this journey into the unknown. My eyes then leave his experienced hands to get lost again in his eyes. Seeing her dilated pupils silently devouring me hits me instantly. I read so much desire, fire and passion that the intensity of our exchange then doubles again. I still detect a hint of panic which is gradually appearing and I don't know if it's because I react too strongly, too quickly to his little game or if it's because his own body betrays him. to join mine in this unknown place that only them can know.
His rough fingers now graze my forearms that my dress does not cover and my skin sparkles immediately under this touch. When Mr. Archer discovers the exquisite shivers that arise under his hands, he can't stop his body from taking a deep breath and my eyes close gently to appreciate all these new sensations. Seeing me gradually lose my footing, he again breaks the short distance that separated us and our bodies are no longer separated by more than a few tiny millimeters. Its sweet scent intoxicates me and I sincerely believe that I no longer need oxygen. I just want to breathe in that unique masculine scent again and again. All my senses are on alert and I don't know what to focus on. I feel everything so much and too much that I start to get high and detach from my body.
Our torsos do not touch, only his hand still draws a fresco of chills on my arm. When she once again descends along my side and brushes my hip in an even more sensual way than the first time, I feel like fainting and I am absolutely unable to open my eyes again, for fear that this tornado of sensations that engulfs me never ends. The tension in my body reaches its peak when I feel my torturer's head shift imperceptibly to the left and lean slightly to brush my ear with his breath. My stomach then contracts harder, my heart almost fails and I can hardly breathe. My eyes still closed, I can only feel even more deeply these sensations that consume me.
The fingers of my boss back slowly to the buttons of the elevator and the heat that inhabited my body since the beginning of our exchange suddenly escapes. When the elevator starts, I realize that he had blocked the machine in order to make the most of this suspended moment. The doors open when the beep sounds like a gong in this little cabin, the only witness to this frightening fusion that was born in a few thousandths of a second and which still resonates throughout me. Those hands that have left my body, his breath that is moving away from me, the distance between us that grows like a chasm and swallows up all the intensity of this moment... each of his movements brings me back to earth and he only remain the impetuous beats of my heart which mingle with my unchained breathing.
I force myself to open my eyes and my gaze lands on this man who made me feel a thousand sensations without having really touched me. Only his fingers have barely traveled over a tiny part of my body and he has managed to light a blazing fire that devours every inch of my flesh. I bite my lower lip and slowly lower my eyes, my cheeks turning scarlet red without my being able to stop them. I realize at this moment everything that has just happened and I am suddenly ashamed of having let myself go so quickly and so far. The elevator doors are ready to close when I manage to get out of this fog that has anesthetized my reason.
I straighten up quickly, while avoiding his gaze and shift to the left to get rid of his invisible grip. I feel the burning eyes of my boss who do not let go of me and when I pass him, I hear him push a hoarse and deaf groan. I do not immediately understand what is taking him but when his fingers land delicately on the lace of my back, an electric shock passes through me and I almost dive back.
I managed to muster all my will to extract myself from this gentle caress. I immediately miss the feeling of his fingers on my skin and I stop myself from turning around and sinking back into that torrent of exhilarating sensations. I hurry out of the cabin and as soon as I get far enough away from Mr. Archer, my neurons reconnect with reality and guide my steps back to my office. My heart seems ready to escape from my chest and my legs wobble so hard that I almost trip over several times. I quickly close my door, lean heavily against the door frame and take my head in my hands.