-Come on, don't worry about him, he's not worth it, Cass says to me, noticing the flash of sadness that passed through my eyes. You know the saying: better to be alone than accompanied by an asshole!
- It's not him that I regret, oh no! It's just that I would like to experience a love like yours: sincere, deep and fulfilling. And I despair a little more every day, I say with a bitter laugh.
-Maybe you will meet someone at your new workplace? replies Maxime. There are countless couples who have formed through work.
-For now, the only man I've met at La Soierie Saint Martin is Mr Archer and he's far from having caught my eye! I laughed. He rather hit me on the system!
"Wait until you see your colleagues on Monday and we'll talk about it," Cass replies, giving me a suggestive wink.
- Anyway, let's change the subject. I hate being the poor thing that must be put away at all costs. How about my despair at missing out on Coldplay ticket sales?
Cass and Maxime begin to sigh in chorus. According to them, I've been annoying for two days talking about nothing but that.
-Did you call Sandra to ask her if she has extra places?
Sandra is my former colleague, we quickly hit it off when we discovered our common passion for the British group and we have stayed in touch since our redundancy.
-Of course I called her but she only managed to get one place. Honestly, I've contacted every fan I know but no one has a spot for me. I'm desperate...
After a moment of reflection, Maxime speaks.
-Have you thought about posting an announcement on the band's forums on the internet? Some people may have places to spare..
I remain speechless. How could I not think about it? But of course, I will probably find announcements on the forums. I suddenly regain hope and I have only one desire, it is to return home at full speed to scour the forums in search of the Holy Grail! But I can't abandon my friends like that. So I take - with difficulty - my pain in patience and I end the evening with them.
When I get home, I rush like a madwoman on my laptop and I sit comfortably on my sofa with a blanket and a chocolate bar. I glance at the clock, which reads 10:42 p.m., and I think of my mother. Excuse me mom but tonight I'm going to make an exception to your 10:30 p.m. rule, it's a case of force majeure! I connect to all the official forums of the group then I scrupulously read each message posted since Tuesday. I try to ignore the jealousy that gnaws at me in the face of all the messages of joy sent by the happy owners of concert tickets. After two hours, I realize the obvious: no place is currently on sale. I I saw a message posted by a young woman who wanted to sell her two places but she found a taker four minutes after posting her ad! I decide not to accept fate and I post the following message:
Hi there,
I am looking for a place for the concert on June 8. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have a place to sell.
Thanks in advance.
It's 1:26 am, my message has just been posted and I'm waiting for a response like a drug addict waiting for her dose. After 25 minutes of biting my nails and jumping at the slightest sound from my computer, I decide to go to bed. However, I do not turn off my smartphone, on the contrary I put the volume of the ringtone to the maximum so as not to miss any message.
My alarm clock shows 2:39 and I turn for the umpteenth time in search of my sleep when a bell rings. I jump, throw myself on my phone and discover a message from CP4Ever who answered my ad. I have to try three times to unlock my phone so my hands are shaking. The message appears as my smile spreads across my face.
CP4Ever: Hi, I have a place in gold square for the concert of June 8th. I can't attend so I can resell it to you. How much are you offering me for this place? Attached is the photo of the place, so that you can see that the place is in my possession.
I open the photo and I actually discover a place for the concert that I covet. The price in gold square is 73€. I think I'm being honest in offering him a slightly higher price than he paid.
Cancan09: thank you for your quick response. I suggest you buy the place for 85€, if it suits you, I will mail you the check first thing tomorrow.
I don't need to wait very long since my interlocutor answers me immediately.
CP4Ever: I'm sure you can do better...
Grrrrrr... the bastard wants to raise the stakes! I hate this kind of person who buy places only in order to resell them and to draw a generous profit from it. They take honest fans like me hostage, who have no choice but to play their game.
So I answer him by offering him a slightly higher sum and there follows a dozen messages between us because CP4Ever is choosy. I then consult my bank account to see how high I can go. After a quick analysis of my catastrophic financial situation (unemployment, rent too high, new wardrobe for my new job = I'm going to eat pasta until the end of the month), I answer the seller with my fingers crossed. I couldn't offer him more if I want to be able to pay my bills this month.
Cancan09: My last price is 150€. Either you accept it or we stop this conversation, I couldn't go any further.
I stay prostrate in front of my phone, feverishly waiting for the answer. My heart seems to want to pierce my chest and my hands are shaking frantically. Note to self: Consider taking stress management classes! After 10 endless minutes, a new message appears.
CP4Ever: Ok for 150€. I send you my name and my address in private message so that you can send me your check.
I literally jump in my bed for joy and let out a shrill cry that must surely wake up the whole neighborhood but I don't care. I'm so happy, I finally found a place and I'll be able to applaud my favorite band accompanied by my friend Sandra. This week is definitely perfect!
Needless to say, I take forever to get to sleep and when my phone beeps at 7:18 a.m., I curse myself for not thinking to turn it off. I open one eye, take my phone to put it on silent when I discover a message that wakes me up instantly.
Big brown bear: Dear @CP4Ever, I suggest you buy back the place for the double that was offered to you, i.e. 300€. This offer is very serious and upon receipt of your RIB, I will proceed to the bank transfer.
No but what is this mess?? Who does this damn Big Brown Bear think he is? What nerve ! I can not believe it. I rebel for a few moments against this fanatic alone in my bed then I prepare to write to CP4EVER to make sure that our agreement is still valid when a message appears in the conversation.