My tirade seems to surprise him slightly and I look him in the eye to convince him of my motivation. As he opens his mouth to speak, a woman enters the room and interrupts us.
-You started without me Ethan? You did well, I was on the Dior file with Marina and I still haven't finished. She turns to me and asks me: remind me your name miss please?
I answer her with a smile and she immerses herself in the file that bears my name. When she looks up at me again, she gives me a big, warm smile and Mr. Archer frowns back in his chair.
-Nice to meet you ! I am Rose Saint Martin, the co-director of this establishment and the sales manager. Your application strongly caught my attention, your educational and professional background correspond to my expectations. Now, I only have one question: how do you work as a team? Do you know how to work in the shadow of the salesperson to make his job easier and help him win new markets?
His smile and his benevolence contrast with the attitude of Mr Archer and I must admit that it is very pleasant!
-I am a pleasant person to live with who does not try to crush others to put myself forward. In case it wasn't clear enough, this spade is for you Mr. Archer! I am a rather simple person but my determination helps me to go beyond my limits and achieve my goals. I have always preferred to put my efforts at the service of the collective rather than being in the spotlight.
-It's the perfect candidate's speech, the more cliché you die! mutters Mr. Archer without looking at me.
Double asshole. I want to wring his neck on the spot but Mrs. Saint Martin completely ignores him and continues her questions. The interview still lasts several tens of minutes during which Mr Archer continues to make derogatory comments while his colleague continues to ignore. That's when I think I understand their strategy of "good cop / bad cop" and I internally congratulate myself for having remained calm in appearance.
After answering a mountain of questions and showing my motivation as best as I can, Ms. Saint Martin stares at me with a smile and says:
-Miss Dumin, I would like to submit a job offer and introduce you to the sales team. I think it's important that your future colleagues meet you beforehand, what do you think?
My heart skips a beat and I want to get up and jump around like a kid on Christmas morning. I am so happy ! I like this job, I like the company, Ms. Saint Martin seems to be a friendly and fair manager. Only Mr Archer makes a mark in this idyllic setting, but maybe once hired, he will show himself in a new light? I get up and follow Mrs. Saint Martin under the insistent gaze of Mr. Archer who takes the floor one last time very audibly.
-You are however requested to make an effort to dress in the future, Miss Dumin.
I remain speechless then turn around and ask him:
-I beg your pardon ?
-I will rephrase to make it clear: thank you for leaving your depressing and old-fashioned clothes in the closet. A sales assistant should be warm and... (he puts his eyes on my chest then continues) welcoming. So, here you will wear feminine and modern clothes that highlight your assets and you will save your boring suit for your friends on the weekend.
Triple asshole. Big asshole. Triple fat asshole. Not knowing how to respond to this inappropriate and macho remark, I turn to my new manager who just rolls her eyes and sighs.
The sun is at its zenith when I leave the establishment with a huge smile on my face. I walk proudly to my car, my new contract in my left hand. I'm sure Usain Bolt must have felt so proud when he won the Olympics! You may be getting a little carried away, Candice, aren't you? Anyway, it is with joy and eagerness that I dial Cassiopeia's number while getting into my car. She answers on the third ring.
- Cass, I succeeded! I am taken ! I have a new job! No more unemployment, no more depression, no more boredom! To me the challenges, the important files, the boring customers and the gossip at the coffee machine! If you only knew how happy I am! This job really motivates me, I don't think I've ever felt this before! I am so happy ! Did I ever tell you I'm happy?
Cassiopée laughs heartily before answering me:
-My Can-can, it makes me so happy to hear all that! I am so proud of you ! Me who was going to hang up on you because I thought you were going to piss me off with your tickets to Coldplay...
Cass continues to laugh as I freeze. Concert tickets! How could I forget them? It's after noon and all tickets should already have been sold. My enthusiasm immediately crashes and I drop my head against my steering wheel. I am disappointed.
-Caaaaaaass, I moaned. I couldn't buy my tickets, I was having my interview. You realize ? I've been waiting for this concert for more than two years and I missed the tickets going on sale. I am disgusted ! I say whining.
-Rooooh but it does not matter, there will be other concerts while dream jobs, it does not run the streets. Rejoice in your success, I refuse to hear you complain about something so trivial.
That's when I realize that it's no use complaining to my best friend because she doesn't share my love for this band. I then decide to tell him how my interview went and Mr. Archer's attitude.
-It's simple, either he's a big macho, or he's a frustrated ass, she declares as if she were stating an irrefutable truth. Now my pretty Can-can, it's up to you to find out which guess is the right one! Describe it to me physically? Is he more of an accountant's shirt style, big belly and mustache or a tanned Hawaiian surfer style?
"Neither," I answer, bursting into laughter. He's kind of an asshole, double asshole and triple asshole at first glance and I hope not to meet him often.
We continue to discuss a few moments then I hang up and turn on the engine of my car. I leave the parking lot both deeply happy to have landed this job and deeply disappointed not to have my concert tickets in my pocket. I take the direction of my home while replaying the interview in memory. As I turn off towards the mall, I decide that I officially hate Mr. Archer and his macho remarks. But it's not until I check out with my arms full of "chic and slightly sexy" outfits according to the saleswoman that I realize that it's me I hate for having obeyed Mr. Archer.