Friday November 11
NO BUT HE IS SERIOUS ???? An agreement is an agreement, when you give your word, you don't go back on it, that's the rule! I type frantically on my phone to answer this traitor CP4Ever.
Cancan09: Dear @CP4Ever,
I sincerely hope your last post was just a joke. We have reached an agreement and I see no valid reason to go back on it. I therefore consider that the terms of our agreement are still valid and that you reserve this place for me in exchange for the check that I will not fail to send this morning.
I think I was pretty clear. No but it's true, who does he think he is with his "sorry cancan09"? I decide to get up, despite my fatigue I am unable to go back to sleep in this state. I fume all alone while getting ready and even the music that rings in my living room fails to relax me. If this traitor from CP4Ever maintains the price at 300€, I could not respond favorably and I could say goodbye to my concert ticket. Financially, it is impossible for me to spend so much and I refuse to ask anyone for help. My parents would be far too happy to lecture me for hours before launching into a detailed explanation of "how to manage your money" in 4 volumes and 32 subsections. Conclusion, I just have to cross my fingers and wait for the answer.
My phone informs me of the arrival of a new message when I am in the shower and, like a fury, I run out of the cabin, flooding the tiles of my bathroom at the same time and failing to slip about three times before reaching my smartphone.
CP4Ever: The price has changed, the place now costs 300€. Please let me know if you can pay this amount and I would be happy to reserve it for you.
Anger and disappointment simultaneously take possession of me and I understand that I must say goodbye to Chris Martin and his partners. But before, I will not hesitate to tell the bottom of my thoughts to this traitor.
Cancan09: You are really dishonest and disrespectful. The least you can do when you make a commitment to someone is to keep their word. Even if the place cost 1€, I wouldn't want to do business with you.
I'm about to put my phone down abruptly when a new message fails to finish me off.
Big brown bear: So it's ok for 300€ @CP4Ever?
CP4Ever: Yes, I just sent you my bank details privately.
Cancan09: Please continue your conversation elsewhere than on my post so that I am no longer bothered.
What a bunch of jerks! I'm already disappointed and angry enough to have to endure their transaction in front of my eyes. I stay a few more minutes prostrate in my bathroom then I decide to go for a jog. Too bad for the shower, I'll take another when I get home.
So I go to my room to put on my running gear and then decide to leave my phone on my bedside table. So off I went to clear my head, my headphones screwed to my ears and the music resonating in my eardrums. After a good hour of running and a quarter of an hour of stretching, I go home with my morale still down. I know that for some it may seem ridiculous not to attend this concert but I've been waiting for it for so long! I discovered Coldplay several years ago and bought all their albums and attended all their concerts. Their music transports me, transcends me and I really admire Chris Martin's ability to make me feel such pure emotions. But this year, I have to make up my mind: on June 8,
When my phone notifies me of the arrival of a new text message, I resolve to reconnect with him and discover with joy that Cass has written to me.
Cass ❤️: Up for a shopping spree this afternoon? I want to find a new dress to wiggle on the dancefloor tomorrow.
Me: With pleasure! On the other hand, for me it will only be window shopping, I'm too fair this month. What do you have planned tomorrow?
Cass ❤️: Max's cousin's birthday. I absolutely want to make him drool and he has only one desire: to tear off my dress with his teeth!!
Me: Stop! I don't want to know more!! See you at 2:30 p.m. at your place?
Cass ❤️: Yes baby!
My day is finally brightening up! I'm going to be able to enjoy an afternoon shopping with the girls before my days are taken up with my new job. I can't wait to start on Monday and discover the full team. At that thought, I feel a mixture of apprehension and excitement that I haven't felt in far too long. My routine will finally change and I will at the same time regain my financial stability and have a taste for the challenge.
I plug my iPod into my speaker and get down to cleaning my apartment, singing at the top of my lungs. I force myself to pretend to be in a good mood so as not to completely ruin my day. After two hours of making every corner shine, I mechanically check my phone and discover with surprise that I have received a completely unexpected private message.
Big brown bear: If I had seen your profile picture earlier, I would have found two tickets for the concert and I would have invited you to accompany me...
Am I dreaming or Mr. upstart-in-chief is flirting with me? I never should have put that picture Cass took over the summer. On the picture, I pose in a bathing suit and an almost transparent white beach dress by the pool. My wet, curly hair cascades over my shoulders and is only held back by my sunglasses, which sit casually on my head. My eyes are closed and I expose my face to the sun, enjoying the warmth of the rays on my tanned skin. I must admit that I love this photo! But right now, I bitterly regret having posted it on my profile. In addition to stealing my concert tickets, this boor allows himself to flirt with me! I decide to answer him, without worrying about the rules of politeness or good manners for once.
Cancan09: First, I have NO desire to receive this kind of message from you. Second, I have NO desire to go anywhere with you. Thirdly, I have NO desire to be around someone pushy and boorish like you. Goodbye.
You want me to tell you ? It feels good to let go sometimes and say exactly what you think! The problem is when your interlocutor is not decided to let go...
Big Brown Bear: Ouch! I was wondering if you were mad at me, apparently I have the answer to my question...
I don't answer. I don't want to play with him, I know absolutely nothing about him. But a few minutes later, a new ringtone informs me that Big Brown Bear hasn't decided to give up.
Big brown bear: What should I do to be forgiven?
This time, I rush to my keyboard and take advantage of the perch it offers me.
Cancan09: Start by giving me my place, it will be a good start.
Big brown bear: Ahahahaha you don't lose the north. It would be with pleasure my pretty but unfortunately it is impossible. It's a gift I'm about to give and I can't let this place slip away. On the other hand, I bet that a good dinner together in a great restaurant could perhaps help me to redeem myself, what do you say?
We can say that he too does not lose the north! I'm not used to this kind of talk anymore, it's been years since a man courted me like this. But wait... what proves to me that I'm talking to a man???