I shut the door behind me softly, after sneaking in hoping my dad and Meredith were asleep. I placed my skateboard against the wall, kicked off my shoes in a hurry, and started tiptoeing towards the staircase when my father’s hard, emotionless caught me.
“Out again?” I stood there frozen, looking up and over my shoulder. My father was seated on the couch, facing the front door. I just lifted my shoulders, I got nothing to hide. “Breaking rules, breaking curfew, going as you please while you failed your semester.” My father said his voice rising with each sentence.
“What do I have to do to get you following my orders?” He asked getting up. “Maybe, I should ban you from that place you love to dance at.”
“You can take that away from me, that’s all I got left.” I protested. “You took everything away from me! You took me away from the people I called friends and placed me in a stupid school where everyone treats me as if I have a disease!”
“Well, Sasha. I don’t know what to do with you anymore.”
“You take things away from me to satisfy your own needs.” I was emphasizing the fact that he was marrying a woman who was only eight years older than me. He, who moved on two years after my mother’s death. Who didn’t even took the time to mourn over her death, it was as if he didn’t even love her.
“To satisfy my own needs?” He asked advancing towards me. “I don’t want to see my only daughter throw her life away.”
“You will get over it, just like you got over mom!” I screamed, turning away from him and running up the stairs to my room and shutting the door behind me. Locking me in, away from him.
It has been five years since my mother’s death and my father and I have drifted apart. My mother’s death bruised both of us, while my father moved on and found himself a new bride. I struggled to get over losing my mother.
The next morning I had no worries to face my father after last night because he was always gone when I got up. I got ready for school and met Jonah downstairs who was fascinated with his new PlayStation.
“That thing is going to cost you to your season.” I said with a yawn and a lazily stretch. “Just like you who is throwing away her life?” He replied cheekily, not removing his eyes from the screen.
“Touché.” I said with a small smile, picking up our bags after putting in our lunches. “Now come on, let’s go.” I opened the door, picked up my skateboard, and tucked it underneath my arm. Jonah gave a sigh but followed me out. He stood waiting for me while I locked up the house. We started making our way down the sidewalk in silence, he was kicking invisible stones as if he was bored while I skated next to him.
I rolled my eyes at how depressed he looked right now. I got off my board and gestured toward the board. “Why don’t you skate for a while?” His head jerked up, a huge smile on his face. “Seriously?” He asked surprised. “Duh, now come on before I change my mind.” He got on the board and started making his way down the sidewalk.
“You are going too fast, Jonah,” I warned, noticing the downhill we were reaching.
“I’ll be fine.” He argued and kept going. I started walking faster when I noticed Jonah going so fast that he struggled to control the board and almost colliding with people if they weren’t moving out of his way.
“Jonah!” I called picking up speed.
“What do I do?” He yelled, obviously stressed.
“Jump off, you twit!” He just looked at me as if I was crazy.
“Don’t look at me! Look where you are going!” I yelled watching him going straight for three guys who were walking with their backs to us. “Watch out!!” I yelled trying to get their attention but they were too caught up in conversation they didn’t hear me.
I dropped our bags, to get rid of the weight holding me back and ran after Jonah. I caught up to him, grabbed him around the chest, lifting him up watching the board making its way. Jonah’s weight caught me off guard and made me lose my balance dropping down, taking him with me.
“Jonah!” I cringed when his back made contact with my chest, crushing my breasts and hitting the air from my lungs. He immediately rolled off of me, looking at me wide eye. “Didn’t I tell you to jump?” I asked wheezing.
“Sorry.” He replied, pouting at me.
“Don’t pull that face,” I said tapping his cheek, pushing myself up with a cringe when I felt pain shoot through my arm down to my elbow. “Fuck, I’m bleeding,” I muttered, noticing the fresh scar.
“I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t worry,” I said pushing myself to my feet, looking around for my skateboard. “Where’s my board?” I asked.
“There,” Jonah said pointing towards three males, making their way over to us, with one holding my skateboard in his hand. I immediately recognized all three of them, no one can miss them. The three most popular guys from school.
“Damn, that was quite a fall,” Jake said looking at my arm. But I wasn’t looking at him, I was looking at the leader of the pack. Brandon Hills. He was like venom on your lips, his name can suffocate you or bring you to life. Girls died at the mere image of him. Everybody called him dangerous, I just called him an ass.
“This yours?” He asked holding it out to me. I motioned for Jonah to take it. “Yeah, sorry.” Jonah apologized, coming to stand beside me. Brandon raised an eyebrow, noticing Jonah’s fear for him. “I don’t bite kids.”
“Next, you are going to tell me that you don’t eat them either.” I looked at the road, trying to hide my smile. He clearly watched too much I.T
“We better get going, thanks for my board,” I told them, picking up our bags and pushing Jonah in front of me down the sidewalk.
“No, problem Adams,” Brandon said and I looked at him. “See you at school.” He then turned around, with his friends following him. I did not see that coming.