My eyes found her the moment she entered the ice-rink. Sasha-Lee Adams, the girl with don’t-give-a-fuck personality. Also, the first girl that hasn’t looked at me with googly eyes. She sparked an interest in me the moment she opened her mouth. I have seen her in the hallways of the school, always walking by herself paying attention to no one.
“Would you be so kind as to tell what the hell she is doing here?” Jake snarled, watching Clarissa and her friend making their way over to where we were sitting. “Yeah, man. She works on my last nerve.” Adam agreed with the same attitude.
“Just ignore her.” That’s what I do.
“I don’t even know why you date her, you don’t even like her.” At first, I thought because it was because of the sex but then I realized that it was just not as good as I hoped it would be.
“Hi, guys.” She greeted sitting down next to me, making sure she is up and close against me.
“Hi.” The guys mumbled from next to me.
“Wow, it is cold here.” She said wrapping her small, delicate hands around my bicep.
“It is an ice rink,” Jake replied in a duh tone.
But she ignored him and rested her head on my shoulder. My eyes followed Sasha, who was making her way through the crowd. I smiled a little when I noticed her brother waving at her the minute he laid eyes on her.
Just like her, we were here for Jake’s little brother Lucas. It seemed as if her brother and his brother were on the same team. “Hey, isn’t that the girl from the other day?” Jake asked, whispering in my ear when his gaze landed on her.
“You bet.” I replied.
“Man, now that is a chick with balls.” Adam remarked making us laugh.
We all watched as Lucas team took the ice and started with the match, Sasha was all over the barrier cheering her brother on. “Looks like, she takes the game very seriously.” Jake said snickering.
The game carried on for a few more minutes, with Lucas team scoring a goal before they went on break.
“Who wants food?” I asked getting up from my seat. I looked at Clarissa and her friend after the guys handed me their orders. They didn’t want anything, which was no surprise. I made my way towards the food court when I noticed Sasha standing by herself looking at the menu. I decided to walk up to her from behind, noticing for the first time how short she really was as I had to lean in a little bit further than I have ever done with any other girl.
“Should I get a restraining order?” I asked. She didn’t even flinch or jerked at my voice. She just looked at me over her shoulder with a bored expression.
“How many times has that line worked?” She asked bluntly.
Actually, sweetheart that was the first time I have ever used it. “A few times.” I lied.
She just looked at me as if she didn’t believe me and then returned her attention back to the menu. “So, your brother plays ice hockey?” I asked instead noticing that she wasn’t the girl for pick-up lines.
“Your observing skills are quite well.”
“Are you going to ask for my number next? Or no, maybe you are going to ask if the weather is nice.” This girl was quite charming.
“I was actually going to ask if you want to go first.” I said gesturing towards the food attendant. I found her rolling her eyes at me. “What a gentleman.” She murmured walking off towards the food attendant. “Only the best sweetheart.”
I went to the second food attendant to place my orders when I realized that I didn’t have my wallet on me, I only had the guy’s money on me. I wanted to cancel my order when Sasha placed a note down in front of me. “Think about it as a friendly gesture.” I looked at her amused. “Considering you did save my skateboard the other day.” She said before walking off.
After paying for the food, I headed back to the guys noticing the game has already continued. “Where were you?” Adam whined taking his food from me.
“Yeah, man. We were almost dying over here.” Jake agreed.
“I had some company.” I said raising my fries in salute when Sasha looked in this direction.
“Where is Clarissa?” I asked.
“Something about going to the bathroom.”
“Yeah, she took her friend with her. Something about traveling in packs.” I just shook my head at my idiotic friends while watching the game, more likely a certain dark hair with blue highlights. After the game, we waited outside for Lucas, while the rest of the crowd made their way home. I was talking with the guys when I heard Clarissa’s bitter tone.
“What is that freak doing here?” I looked up and in the direction she was looking at when my eyes landed on Sasha, leaning against the wall with her one leg bent and then the skateboard leaning next to her. I liked this image of her, she looked quite carefree not bothered by anyone.
“Are we going over to my place?” She suddenly asked, placing her hands on my chest and looked up at me with fluttering eyes. It should have been sexy, it should have turned me on but I felt…nothing.
“The boys and I are going over to Jake’s house.” Her smile smell. “Are you avoiding me?” She asked removing her hands from my chest.
“No.” I looked up and saw Sasha walking in the other direction with her brother and then I looked back at her. “Yes, okay. This thing between us, it’s not working out.” I thought her jaw was going to meet the ground. “What?!” Well, that got the attention of a few people.
“I’m done with whatever this was between us.” I was probably the meanest person right now but I was done pretending with this girl. “Are you breaking up with me?” She asked unimpressed.
“Yeah.” I answered with a shrug. “Actually I never asked you out, we weren’t really a thing. So, I’m just ending what we had here and that was sex.”
“You are going to regret this.” She said narrowing her eyes and pointing her finger at me.
I wasn’t really, the only thing I regret was not ending this sooner.