“Sasha-Lee Adams, arriving for duty.” I said with a fake salute entering Aunt Maggie’s Pub and Grill. I raised an eyebrow when I noticed my Aunt Maggie talking to some guy with her face flushed. “Oh, hi. Sasha.” She greeted pulling at her shirt and moving the hair out from her face.
“Did I interrupt something?” I asked noticing the guy sitting at the bar, smiling at us. “I can always go back out and can come back in.” I said pointing my thumb over my shoulder.
“Don’t be nuts.” She scolded coming out from the bar. “You sure, because that looked like a heated conversation.” I said.
“I forgot how crude you can be.” She said shoving me towards the back of the bar, through a door after waving at the guy.
“A boyfriend of yours?” I asked quirking an eyebrow.
“No, he is a customer.” She answered rummaging through a locker.
“Oh, so that is how you always treat all of your customers.” I watched her lift her head from the locker just so she can glare at me. “You like him?” I asked ignoring her glare.
“Just get dressed.” She said shoving clothes into my hands with an apron. “You are going to be bartender.” She said leaving the room. Yeah, she likes him.
I exit the room, dressed in my new uniform noticing the guy wasn’t here anymore. “Do you do things like Coyote Ugly around here? Because I just have to inform you that I can’t sing.” Aunt Maggie just rolled her eyes at me while her staff snickered.
“Do you seriously think that trying to irritate me is going to make me kick you out?”
“Is it working?”
“No, now come on.” I dropped my head and let out a huff.
She introduced me to everyone before introducing me to her storage filled with alcohol. “Do you know any of them?” She asked motioning to the bar.
“Yes, Aunt Maggie. I actually make out a lot with Vodka.” She didn’t like my joke as she narrowed her eyes at me. “Well, there won’t be any making it out with any of them at my place. Got it?”
“Just like it is against the rules to make out with that guy you were seeing?” Aunt Maggie closed her eyes for a moment and I thought I won but when she reopened them, all the humor was gone.
“This is serious business, Sasha. No matter how much you are going to hate working here or going to find a way to irritate me. It is not going to work.” That’s what she thinks.
Hours went finally by and I can finally kick off my shoes and be a lazy teenager for a few minutes before going to bed. I entered the kitchen concentrating rubbing the knot from my neck when I noticed the light still on and then I saw Meredith sitting at the dining table, with one hand in her hair and the other holding a piece of paper that she was looking at.
She didn’t notice me yet, and I kind of hoped that she won’t because our conversations have been awkward since the day dad brought her home. She kind of figured that I don’t like her or want her here, it wasn’t hard to figure it out.
“Oh, hey Sasha.” She greeted with a yawn. Snap. “Your dinner is in the microwave, do you want me to reheat it for you?” Was this lady serious?
“I can do it.” I answered blankly walking over to the microwave and reheating my food. I made myself some coffee while waiting for my food.
“How was your first day at your Aunt’s place?” She asked as I was seated across from her with my plate in front of me. I took a bite from my food and just shrugged at her.
“Okay, silence it is then.” She murmured, dropping the conversation, and carried on with her work.
“Why don’t you sit in my father’s study?” I asked motioning towards her paperwork that is scattered all over the table. “I thought you don’t want to talk?” She asked not removing her eyes from her laptop.
She then looked at me over the laptop screen. “Your father has more important things to do than me. So, I think it is fair that he gets the study.”
“So, are you at least going to tell me about your day?”
“Nothing special about it.” She just nodded.
I finished up my food, placed my dirty plate, and cup into the dishwasher, and went upstairs leaving her on her own in the kitchen.
My alarm went off for probably the third time, I think. Still, I pressed the snooze button but with my brain still not functioning properly that is until I heard the front door. I raised my head, my eyes going the size of saucers when I looked at the time. “Shit!” I jumped out from bed, took a shower, got dressed, and made my way down the stairs in a hurry.
I yelped when my foot missed the last step and I tumbled forward landing on my knees and hands. “Well, that was a landing.” I looked up in surprised to come face to face with my father’s amused face. “Shouldn’t you be at work?” I asked pushing myself up onto my feet.
“The meeting has been moved.” He said and then looked at his watch. “And you are late.” He said quirking an eyebrow.
“I know.” I said running into the kitchen to get our lunches when I only noticed one. “Where is Jonah?” I asked.
“Meredith took him to school, the one teacher wanted to see her before class.”
“Okay, cool.” I run past my father towards my bag, shoving my lunch into my bag and grabbing my skateboard from the wall. I ripped the front door open ready to leave when my father spoke up.
“I can give you a ride to school.” I looked at him. Surprised? Shocked? Confused?
“I can drop you off on my way to the office.” He said picking up his keys. “You can decide, meet me at my car or I will see you in the principal’s office.” I rolled my eyes and followed my father out to his car.