After a few weeks of recovering from the car accident, Dylan's condition started to go better. But yet, the doctors could not predict the perfect time when will he wake up. No one can assure any of his family members and friends if he will ever wake up.
Yet hope never dies, it's something which will always stay with love and faith. While the nurse was checking his vitals, a finger moved. It was not a seizure this time.
She hurriedly moved out to report what she saw to the doctor. Within a few seconds, the doctor nearby came to check on him. Even the staffs were happy to see him flick in a small motion. With bandages and body still filled with gauze wrappings, Dylan opened his eyes from deep coma.
The nurse immediately took her phone and dialed Reed's number. They had a little agreement earlier, if Dylan is in danger or making progress, she needs to notify him urgently.
Dylan's eyes were just plainly staring at the white ceiling. His body, is still filled with mild fractures, making it hard for him to move. The car driver might really be holding a grudge against him. Not just any grudge, but a very unpleasant one.
The incident must not actually make a big wonder for everyone. The blood war and the prize money placed on their heads might be the reason for such unsolved crime.
Dylan is still unconsciously awake. After a long time without a functioning system, he needs to rest and cope up.
Until finally, he spoke his very first word. With the nurses by his side, they listened to him. All were attentive.
"What am I doing here?"
The senior nurse answered him.
"You had an accident sir. You're in a coma for two weeks."
Though still struggling, he tried to face her. With scarlet forehead knotted in confusion. He has no idea about what is happening.
"Yes sir, you were severely injured. It was a car accident."
Still, he couldn't recall that into his memory. Everyone within the room think that he might just be a little subconsciously struck and might have forgotten about the accident. But, it was more than that.
The door banged open, but it wasn't Reed. It was Langston, his father. Hurriedly, he ran towards Dylan. No word could express his joy after seeing his eyes open. His son is awake.
"Son, you're finally awake."
With all his strength, Dylan tried to sat up. Confusion collided within his mind, he knew nothing about what is happening.
'Who are these people?' He asked inside his mind.
The nurses helped him out. After successfully being settled, he spoke his question.
"Who are you? Son?" His question was directly meant to be answered by Langston.
After hearing his term "son" he got even more uncomfortable with all the happenings. He felt like he's a different person, and that he's not whom they assumed he is.
Now, it was Langston's turn to wrinkle his forehead. Why will his own blood ask why he's been called as son? Something is entirely wrong, that's for sure.
"What's happening?" Langston asked the nurses inside the room.
They just looked at each other, flashing a similar look and expression on each faces. They had a slight hint of what's happening.
"Answer me? Are you my father? And who am I?" Dylan flooded the room with questions.
Now, it's the time to conclude. The king has amnesia. His awakening was a great blessing, but now, they are not sure if this is still part of the package.
The tension and stress filled Langston's system. Everything is hard to absorb. In just a snap, his own son forgot his father. He couldn't imagine that such thing is actually happening right now. They just heard amnesia in movies, they didn't expect that the same thing will actually happen to an unfortunate man.
A nurse went out to call the senior doctor. Actually, all the nurses went out, giving the two an alone time. Langston and Dylan shared a stare. Their eyes were as of the same origin, yet Dylan's iris were colored with Valoria's hazelnut brown eyes.
None dared to talk, their deep dive into senses worked like investigatory halls. Giving the same endeavor, to know what is exactly happening.
"Dylan, you are Dylan Bryst." Finally, Langston spoke Dylan's identity.
But still, it wasn't enough to suffice his need for answers. A name is not enough to bring back his lost identity. Langston continued, Dylan on the other hand remained silent, carefully listening to every word his father spoke of.
"I am Langston Bryst, I am your father." He introduced himself.
He never imagined this scenario happening to his own son. He always introduce himself to others but this unknown tragedy hits him harder than a thousand people not knowing his name. He'd rather be a stranger, leaving no history than to be forgotten by his own flesh and blood. Deep inside he is being crushed.
"I'm sorry." Dylan spoke out of the blue. He is confused, he can sense pain from his father's expression.
It made Langston smile, what the mind forgot will be recalled by the heart. Dylan is a good man, polite and caring as always. He is more vocal than Reed.
'He's still my son.' Langston added inside his subconscious mind.
Slowly, Langston started walking closer to reach Dylan's position. He knew he can't hug him, his injuries are still healing. But staring at him closely might suffice his urge.
After reaching the hospital bed. He flashed a smile. For an unknown reason, Dylan's lips were pulled up to do the same thing.
He never forgot his habit.
"Heal well son, it doesn't matter if you remember me or not. Your safety is our priority." His voice echoed with love.
Dylan stared at him like a stranger, not knowing his nature yet trusting his words and feelings.
Langston's statement wasn't actually fully verified, it would still be better if the king will remember his forgotten kingdom. But with his memories lost, is he still the king of Valor? Or is he now just a plain hospital patient with amnesia?