Life on campus went on as usual. I love most of my classes,although some were pretty tough. And tomorrow I have a date with Damien! Okay, maybe not exactly a date, but we did agree to meet. For the Arts Club Meeting. Whatever, at least I get to stare at him without looking like a creeper. I'll take that over not seeing him at all any day. And for the past 2 days, Caleb had been leaving me alone basically. He must be busy with his classes and swim practice. Which is good. At least he's not hanging around, being a pest.
At 4 pm on the dot, I was in front of the Visual Art's Department building. I smoothed my black off shoulder top and skinny jeans. I had my hair in a messy bun so that I'd look like I didn't put much effort. If only Damien knew how long I styled my hair to look just the right amount of messy, he'd freak. I wore a thin layer of makeup and hoped it covered the zit that was about to form on my chin. Damn it, today of all days. Hoisting my shoulder bag, I walked into the entrance and headed towards the visual art studio. It's ironic someone as talentless as me joined an art club. I suck at drawing. Like really, really suck. Even my stick figures look like tree trunks instead of sticks. Shallow as it seems, I joined because of Damien obviously. I met him when I saw him performing a monologue about The Bog Man in the Annual Art Exhibition last year. And I was instantly enthralled. He's such a good actor that by the end of his performance, i could almost taste the bog hardening in my mouth and smell the tar in my nostrils. And instantly I was hooked. When I found out about the Art Club, which he belonged to, I quickly signed up and met Damien. He was very passionate and deeply involved with art. He could write, draw, sculpt and act. He couldn't sing tough. I heard, he sucked. But no matter. he's still very worldly and mature. I totally fell for him. I thanked my lucky stars for being able to write prose and poetry. If I couldn't, I'm sure Damien would think I was stalking him by joining the club that he belonged to. Well, I am sort of stalking him,but he didn't have to know that.
I reached the art studio and knocked softly. I heard Kara, the club president calling out "Come in!" and opened the door. I peeked in and saw a few students were already there. I slipped in and smiled at everybody.
"Charlotte! Welcome back! Have a seat!" Kara called out cheerfully. I did and chose a seat that offers me the direct view of the object of my obsession..heh heh. I was greeted by a few familiar faces and we all said hi to each other. Damien just smiled as he nodded at me in acknowledgement . I gave him a small wave. Then he returned his attention back to Kara who was explaining about the Blood theater thing. Urgh...
I spent the entire meeting drooling after Damien and doodling in my notebook. It was pretty boring, but since staring at Damien is my form of entertainment by choice, I was a happy camper. I got no cause for complaints.
When the meeting was over, I groaned that I was assigned with the job of selling the darn theater tickets with Ally, a Liberal Arts major who's so quiet and timid that I knew I would have to do the whole thing myself. I thought I'd be one of the backstage crew. Then I would get to hang out with Damien all through the play.
Just as I was walking towards the door, I heard Damien calling me. Yeah, I knew it was him. His voice is forever etched into my brain. I looked over my shoulder and brightened when I saw Damien walking towards me. He had a clipboard in his hand.
"Yeah, Damien. You called?" I said with a smile. Damien gave me a quick smile and put the clipboard under my nose. I blinked, staring at the A4 paper in front of me. What the hell is this?
"Hey, Charlotte, glad I caught you. Here, I want to give you the master copy of the tickets. I wonder if you could go to the print shop and get about 40 pages printed. And then just cut them out and try and sell them. You should give a quarter to Ally, you take the other quarter and give us the rest. I'll get other members to sell the tickets to. Oh, and after all the tickets are sold, just give the money to Alexa, our treasurer. You can sell any extra ticket left on the opening night of the play. I'll have the booth set up, ok?" Damien said as he gave me the piece of stationary. I took it with a smile and nodded my head.
"Okay, consider it done!" I said cheerfully. Damien smiled at my response and excused himself when some other guys called him. I just stood there, looking after him. *Sigh*..Why must he be so cute?
I walked back to my dorm room, feeling a little let down that I didn't get to talk much with Damien. Oh, well. Maybe I'll get to do that when we're involved in the play. That would be great.
I looked at my opened notes and groaned. It was Saturday night and I was a little miffed and in a foul mood. Lois, my roommate was eyeing me evilly. Her friends were not happy too. They're all goths and they didn't like me for some reason. They were pissed that I was around. They wanted me gone because they wanted to do some animal sacrifice to pay homage to some dead rock star or whatever. They wouldn't dare chase me out since they're freshmen while I'm a junior. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Since Lois was expecting more friends to come, she shuffled to the door and opened it. She kinda gasped and blinked her eyes rapidly.
"Hi! Is Charlie in?" Hey, that voice sounds familiar. I craned my neck to see if I guessed right. There, lounging at my doorway was Caleb. He was wearing a white t-shirt under a leather jacket and dark skinny jeans. And yes, he does look like a model posing for an ad campaign. I rolled my eyes.
"What do you want Caleb?" I asked lazily as I continued flipping my notes.
"The swim team is having a mixer. Let's go."Caleb said as he lay on my bed as if he owns the place. Then he looked at the goths who were positively salivating and nodded his head at them whilst smiling that sneaky adorable smile of his. I looked at him and scoffed. Lois actually smiled at him and looked human.
"What makes you think I want to go? I do have stuff to do,you know?" I said rather affectedly. Caleb chuckled and sat up, slinking towards me. He put his chin on my arm. And pouted as he looked up at me, doing a puppy dog impression. Good God, seriously?!
"You know you're 19 right?" I said almost smiling.
"Aww, Charlie. Please come with.. You know how shy I am right? I won't know anybody..pretty please??" Caleb begged as he batted his eyes at me. This boy is just so...urgh!!!
"Oh God, you're hardly shy, you know that, right?...Urgh, fine! I'll go with you! Who knows, I might meet a gorgeous swimmer there."I finally surrendered. Caleb whooped and sprawled on my bed, sighing happily. Then he stopped and looked confused.
"Wait, what? A gorgeous swimmer. Hey, you got one right here. I'm all yours!" Caleb said with a dazzling smile as he posed like an ad campaign model. I rolled my eyes.
"Urgh, you're just a child. Gross!" I said with a grimace.
"Hey, don't underestimate a younger man ok. I know a little something something, you know..go ahead, try me," Caleb said as he moved closer so that his face is a kiss away from mine. My heart suddenly raced and butterflies were committing suicide in my stomach. Each exploding in my tummy, one after another. The eff?! It took all I had to push him away and pretended to look grossed out.
"Very funny Caleb. Stop being gross! Now get out, I need to change!" I said sternly and narrowed my eyes at him.
"Okay, I'll wait here while you change." Caleb said casually as he lay on his stomach and buried his face into my pillow. Like hell, he would! I took a small pillow and threw it at him. It hit him at the back if his head. He yelped and winced. He looked up from his supposed nap and glared at me. I gave him a don't-mess-with-me look. He groaned as he got up heavily off my bed. He shuffled towards the door and winked at the goth group. They were enthralled.
"Um, since Charlie needs to change, we'll just wait outside ok. Come on, guys!"Lois said with a smile. The goths rushed to the door behind Caleb and got out.
I sighed contentedly and started to change. I do not own any remarkable outfit for a party. I only wear a top and skinny jeans. So, I took a black wraparound top that I never wear and dark skinny jeans and wore them. I put on some light makeup and a spritz of my favourite perfume and brushed my wavy brown hair. Just then I stopped short. Why am I so dressed up? It's not like I know any of the people there. I basically keep to myself. Whatever. I got my ugg boots and pulled them on. I grabbed my leather jacket as I opened the door and saw Lois and the goths simpering and giggling at whatever Caleb was saying. Girls will be girls, I guess. Just then Caleb saw me. He raised his eyes appreciatively and sauntered towards me. He looked me all over appreciatively. I felt myself blushing under his gaze. Eeewww..Caleb's being weird again.
"Wow, you look gorgeous!" Caleb said as he came over and gave a low whistle.
"Shut up.." I said, a little embarrassed as pushed him away, rolling my eyes. Caleb chuckled and slung his arm over my shoulder as usual.
"Let's go gorgeous!" Caleb said as he pulled me along. I felt eyes on us as we breezed along the partially busy hallway. I know we make an unlikely pair.
Outside the dorms, Caleb walked towards his old Harley and handed me a helmet. I took it, eyeing the old rusty metal.
"You still have this?! How old is it?!"I wondered as I put on my helmet. I was a little worried it might break under my hefty weight. It was pretty old.
"Come on, she's not that old. Hop on. It's safe, I promise," Caleb said as he patted the seat behind him. I hesitantly hopped onto the bike and held on to him. Caleb started the engine and revved it up. The sound was a little obnoxiously loud.
"Hold on!" Caleb said over the roar of the engine. I held on tight as the Harley lurched forward and tore along the road. Damnit Caleb! I held onto him as tightly as I could as the Harley tore on the streets in a breakneck speed. I prayed so many times to not die like this. Caleb, on the other hand will die by my hands later.