I woke up feeling good. The misunderstanding with Caleb was all cleared and today was the last day Dara would be around. It's not that I didn't like having her around. It's just so tiring pretending to not be with Caleb. Ok, today's the last day. Hold on Charlie! You can do it!
I was getting dressed and Lois was getting ready to leave our room when there was a frantic knocking on my door. Lois opened it and Caleb breezed into my room and plopped himself on my bed.
"Good morning Lois. Going out?" Caleb asked in a friendly tone.
"Why yes, I do. I gotta date. Have fun you guys. Later, Caleb?"Lois asked meaningfully.
Caleb chuckled and nodded his head. Lois gave a smile and left. I was wearing only my towel.
"Damnit Caleb,I'm trying to get dressed! Can't you wait outside," I said in dismay.
"Why would I? Here, gimme a little peek..pretty please??" Caleb said in a flirty tone.
"No fucking way! Now get out.." I tried pushing him but instead he me pulled to him on my bed, I almost dropped my towel.
"Aww, pretty please..just a tiny peek.." Caleb pouted as he looked up at my face. I was straddling him. I laughed and got off him. He let me go and pouted. I pulled him from my bed and pushed him out my door. He looked so forlorn that a naughty thought came to me.
"Hey Caleb.." I said.
"Yeah, baby.." Caleb looked at me.
Wordlessly, I opened my towel and flashed him. His eyes bulged as he stared at me. I could even see him salivating. After about 5 seconds, I slammed my door shut.
'Wait, Baby!...Argh damnit..you're killing me Charlie..you're really killing me," Caleb groaned from the hallway as I felt him lean against my door. I laughed. It felt so good to do that.
"Okay, you, wait for me downstairs ok. I'll be down in a few minutes." I called as I put on my underwear.
"Hmm, fine. Be that way....I'll be downstairs.."Caleb sulked as I heard him trudged down the stairs.
After I was dressed, I took my jacket and went down to the lobby, where Caleb should be waiting for me.
That day we went to the museum and the park. The weather was getting colder. I wrapped my arms around myself as we walked along the lake. Caleb looked cosy with Jill. But at times, I caught him staring at me. When he knew he was caught, he would wink his eyes and smiled at me.
It was dinner time and we had a nice meal at a famous diner near the lake. I suddenly had to go to the bathroom. I excused myself and went.
When I wanted to go back to our table, I saw Jill. She was with someone. They were kissing! He'd better not be Caleb! I rushed towards her and was taken aback when I saw that she was with Jared. Jared saw me and he pulled away. What kind of sick twisted thing are these two doing doing kissing each other?! Weren't they supposed to be siblings?
"Hey guys, what's going on?" I asked and saw Jill had been crying. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were wet.
"Um, Jared. Why don't you go back to the table. I'll handle this," Jill said softly and Jared nodded his head. He looked at me with a sad smile and walked off.
I looked at Jill who was sitting on one of the benches near the bathroom.
"Why don't you sit down Charlie?" Jill said as she looked at me with a small smile.
I sat quietly and just looked at her. She looked straight ahead as if she was reminiscing.
"I was 9 when Jared's family adopted me. My parents were addicts and Jared's mum was my teacher. She took me out of my crazy household by calling social services and rescuing me. Instead of letting me be put in foster homes, she adopted me. She is the sweetest person I've ever met and she loved me just like a mother would. My mother never loved me. She was always too busy getting her next fix and my dad, well, he'd run off after I was born. So, Jared's mum took me in and I met Jared." Jill said and then she paused. She glanced at me. I was staring at her. Oh my God, the poor girl! And I called her a bitch..well to myself anyway.
"Well, Jared was 12 when I came. He was nice, but he ignored me most of the time. Lea Anne was really nice,though. Everybody was welcoming and they treated me just like a daughter. After a while, I began to really like Jared. I would follow him at school when I turned 13 and he was a junior. He treated me like a child and I hated it. Then he went off to college and I felt so alone without him. I would only get to see him during the holidays. Then after I turned 18, during my senior year in high school, I decided to let him know how I felt about him. He came back for christmas that year. I remember waiting for him in his room while he was showering. When he came out, topless in a towel, I sat up on his bed. He was shocked to see me there and told me to leave. I asked him why should I? He just pulled my hand and made me go to the door. I pulled back and somehow ended up in his arms. He looked at me like I was crazy. Then I just closed my eyes and kissed him. Like I wanted to swallow him whole. I didn't care anymore. And the most wonderful part was, he actually kissed me back. I told him I loved him. He just held me and said he felt the same way. It was surreal. We love each other but we are worried about what the family would think. I don't want to lose them. It would break Jared's mum's heart if she knew. So, we've been hiding it. And I tell you, it's torture. Kinda like how you are with Caleb," Jill said as she glanced at me with a sad smile on her face. I blinked a few times. She knew?
"Yeah, Caleb told me yesterday when he kept catching me staring at Jared. We're stuck, aren't we Charlie?" Jill said with a sigh. I sighed too, looking at her.
"Yeah, we are definitely stuck. I wish I could tell Dara. I just don't want her to hate me. I don't want to lose her and Caleb over this." I said with a sigh.
"Yeah, I feel the same way. To lose a family we love over this is too much a price to pay." Jill said and I agreed.
We talked some more. And then we decided to go back to the others. We saw them at the pier. Caleb was talking to Jared. Jill went to Jared and whispered something. Then he glanced at me and Caleb. I gave him a small smile.
The night finally came to an end. Dara went back to the hotel with Alex, while Jared and Jill went to their family home. Caleb went back to his dorm while giving me a meaningful wink.
The next morning, Dara came by to say goodbye. We hugged and as I hugged Jared, I told him good luck. He smiled at me and said you too, as he glanced at Caleb. When everybody was gone, I turned to walk back into my dorm when suddenly Caleb jumped off his bike and almost ran to me. He grabbed my hand pulled me along up to my room. I stumbled a little to catch up with his long strides.
"Caleb, what the hell?!" I cried as he puahed me into my room and locked the door. Before I could say anything else, his lips were on mine and his hands were all over me. I was leaning against the door. I kissed him back,grabbing his jacket and listening to his ragged breath as he kissed me as deeply as he humanly could. He then put his hands on my ass and lifted me. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He hoisted me up and brought me crashing to my bed, all the while kissing me. He hovered above me, looking at my face after he broke our kiss. He didn't say anything. Just carressed me cheek and looked at me. Like he was memorising every line and contour.
"Caleb, I've missed you..." I said in a small voice as I traced his lips with my fingers. He smiled and kissed me, murmuring my name between kisses.
"I've missed you too, Baby.. So much it was driving me insane.." Caleb said with a chuckle. He lay beside me, playing with my hair. I snuggled up to him, glad to have him in my arms again. I inhaled deeply.
"Baby, did you just smell my armpit?" Caleb said suddenly as he looked down at my face. I hid my face on his chest in embarrassment. Damnit, he caught me.
"Wow, you must love me to smell me there,huh.." Caleb said with a chuckle.
"Well, I like how you smell. So sue me! Urgh, whatever!" I was too embarrassed, so I acted all huffy with him and tried to pull away. Caleb laughed and held me tighter.
"Aww, come on Charlie. I love how you smell too. If I could have my way, I'd keep you in my pocket and smell you and kiss you whenever and wherever I want." Caleb said as he nuzzled my neck. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it.
We spent the morning making out until Caleb was totally out of his mind from want. I felt him, I knew he wanted me. But I didn't think I was ready and Caleb always stopped to cool off when the make out session got too intense. He knew I wasn't ready. And he was willing to wait. He never pressured me. He just looked at me with eyes full of need that I felt horrible for denying him. I knew I had to get the Dara issue out of the way first before Caleb and I go to the next step.