Caleb's POV
Stupid. Very stupid. I sighed as I looked at the darn tickets on my desk. Why in the world did I say yes. I am such a wuss. I was blinded by my love, it seems. Eww, I disgust myself. I lost all rational thinking when it comes to Charlie. I have got to snap out of this. She likes that Damien guy. Seriously likes him. There is no way that she would see me in any other way than Dara's pesky little brother. I kinda knew it, but I guess I really want her. So badly that I refuse to see reason.
I don't want to give up. But I know I had to. I would do anything for her. For her happiness, I would do anything, even help another guy notice her. There were times that I wanted to just get rid of the damn tickets and just tell Charlie that I lost them or something. But I couldn't. I didn't have it in me to hurt her like that. It sounded too petty and selfish. And Charlie had never been selfish. She deserves to be happy with the guy that she had chosen.
I couldn't explain how severely my heart broke when Charlie confessed that she liked Damien. It crumbled into tiny little pieces and it took all I had to not break down. Yeah, I am a sissy. I need to move past this. It's been 4 years, I really have to get over this crush. It's starting to dictate how I go about with my life and influence how I make my decision, which sucks big time. I have to be a man and just get over it. Yeah, I will get over her. Because I am a man and there are plenty of girls who want me. I know I sound conceited, but it's true. So, I should quit being so hung up on Charlie.
Plus, I know, for a fact that Dara would not like it if I get together with Charlie. She might feel uncomfortable. But then, she might be okay with it. I mean, who knows right. She might want her little brother to be with the best woman. And who else is the best woman for me if not her own best friend, right? Eh, who am I kidding...Dara would hate the idea. I just had a feeling me being with Charlie is not something she would ever expect.
Just then, I saw my watch and decided to get ready for swim practice. I need to burn off some steam anyway. I'll deal with the tickets later. Just then, I smiled, thinking of the sure fire way to sell the tickets.
Charlie's POV
Yeah, I know I've been a horrible person. I used Caleb for my own gains. Urgh, now that I thought about it, I remember being a manipulative bitch to the one person who I trust the most. But he did say okay. It's not like I threatened him or something. So, it's all good. Right?
Anyway, after a week, true to his words, Caleb managed to sell half the tickets that I had to sell, like 50 pieces. He sold 25 pieces in just under a week. To girls, presumably. Well, I personally do not care how he sold the tickets and to whom, I just hope he could sell the rest of the tickets and then some. It would impress Damien if I could sell more than my share. I did give the other 50 pieces to Ally and hope that she could sell them.
"I can't believe you sold off 25 tickets just like that! Thank you so much!" I cried happily as I hugged Caleb when he came over to give the money to me. He looked surprised I hugged him. I also pecked his cheeks noisily, like I used to do when we were kids and I babysat him. Although he insisted it wasn't babysitting. He called it a social call. He was such a weirdo. He chuckled as he pushed me away gently. Then he kinda lay on my bed, making himself comfortable.
"Hey, don't you like, have a date or something? Why are you hanging around here? It's Saturday night." I said as I pulled my hair into a loose ponytail. I took off my hoodie, wearing only my tank top inside. The tank top kinda rode up over my stomach, but I couldn't care less. Nobody saw, except for Caleb, and he doesn't count as a guy. He's Caleb.
I flopped onto my bed beside Caleb and nudged him. He was looking at me, but he didn't seem to be listening. I pushed his shoulder harder and he was kinda startled. What's up with him? He seemed weird these past few weeks. He didn't talk as much and he hangs around my room every chance he gets. I know for a fact that he could go out with his friends or any girl on campus. So, why the hell is he always here? It's kinda hard for me to stalk Damien's Instagram if he's always around. Even though he is only Caleb, I'm still embarrassed that I told him I liked Damien.
"Nah, I'm a little tired from swim practice this morning. Plus, your bed is much nicer than mine." Caleb said, his eyes closed. Hm, he may fall asleep any time now. It's not the first time that happened. He had spent the night a few times, although I would rather he wouldn't. My bed is not very big and he's a hugger. He had suffocated me a few times that I was compelled to just kick him out of my bed. So, the next time he slept over, I resorted to sleeping on my sofa. Or Lois's bed if she's not around. But I never told her. I was scared that she might put a curse on me and made me bald or have boils all over my body. I wouldn't put it past her to not do that.
Sighing, I went to Caleb who seemed to slowly be falling asleep. He stirred and groaned as he pulled at my arm and kept it captive in his arms. He lay his cheek on my arm and held tighter. Rolling my eyes, I tried to pull my arm out.
"Damnit Caleb, can't you just sleep in your own room?! I need my beauty sleep and I want my own bed all to myself. Caleb!" I said exasperatedly. Caleb just groaned and mumbled something.
Just then, the door opened and Lois came in. She glanced at me briefly and then her gaze lingered at Caleb who was being annoyingly clingy. I tried pulling again and groaned when Caleb held on tighter. Urgh, he's being annoying!
"What's with him?" Lois asked curiously as she took off her jacket and draped it behind her chair. I sighed and just shrugged. In desperation, I started tickling his waist. He started squirming around and finally his grasp on my arm loosened and he giggled as he struggled to get away from my fingers. Finally, he sat up.
"Okay, okay, I'm up! Come on, can't a guy just rest his eyes for a sec?" Caleb complained and groaned, his eyes red. He must have really fallen asleep. Now I feel bad. Oops!
"Rest your eyes in your own bed, buddy. I want to sleep too okay." I said as I stood by the bed and looked at him pointedly. Caleb yawned and waved a bit at Lois who waved back with a smile on her black goth lips.
"Hi Caleb. You can sleep on my bed if you want to." Lois said girlishly and I looked at her, feeling surprised by her offer. Caleb just looked at her and smiled.
"Nah, I better get going before I get kicked out." Caleb said as he stood up and stretched a little. Then he got his bag from my desk and kinda dragged himself to the door. I felt bad kicking him out. He did look tired. And he did sell my tickets for me. I shouldn't be so mean to him. I mean, he wasn't being much of a bother. Except for hogging my bed. Oh well. He's a big boy. He'll be fine. I followed him to the door and opened it for him. He turned to me and hugged me, like he always does and said good night. I hugged him back and said goodnight, too.
"Good night Caleb. Thanks again for helping me with the tickets. I really appreciate it. Take care and be careful riding that bike ok." I said after I pulled away from the hug. He smiled and just looked at me.
" Yeah, it was nothing. the tickets practically sold themselves. And I'll sell the rest soon, ok, so don't worry." Caleb said and then left. I closed the door and was met with Lois looking at me weirdly. I looked at her asking her to explain her look.
"So, you guys are friends..right?" Lois said carefully.
"Well, yeah. His sister is my best friend, so we're pretty close. He's like a little brother to me." I said matter-of-factly and shrugged. I went to my bed and lay down, feeling tired already.
"Really? Okay...If you say so.." Lois said as she turned to her desk and started switching on her laptop. I looked at her, not understanding what she meant.
"Wait, what are you implying, Lois?" I asked her, lying on my side and facing her. Lois, took a deep breath and looked at me.
"Have you ever thought of, you know, dating him? I mean, he's gorgeous and nice. I mean, I would if I were you." Lois said and shrugged. I stared at her. What?!
"Uh, no! Eww! We grew up together and I've seen him naked, ok! Yuck, what a thought!" I said as I cringed and squirmed. Lois laughed and shook her head slowly.
"Sorry, my bad. I thought you guys got something going on, you know. Since he's always here and he does everything you tell him to. I mean, he's gorgeous. Anybody would think that he should be out there, dating girls and all that. But he's always here. With you. Come to think, maybe he has a thing for you..." Lois said her eyes wide. I looked at her like she was crazy. She gave a smirk and narrowed her eyes.
"Highly unlikely. He's just nice like that. Plus he looks at me like a big sister, nothing more. You really should stop thinking like that. It's just so out there!" I said with a laugh.
"Ok, then you won't mind if I ask him out on a date? I have no problem with asking guys out, you know. I think he's gorgeous and I like him. So, what do you think?" Lois said, surprising me. I shrugged.
"Go right ahead." I said with a smile. Lois smiled and shrugged. I closed my eyes and willed for sleep to come. But suddenly, my head feels full. And busy. Wait, Caleb and me? Caleb might like me? Lois asking Caleb out on a date? What?! WHAT!? Suddenly I was wide awake and felt suffocated. The hell is wrong with me?! Lois can ask him out if she wants to, right? I mean, it's none of my business. Plus she's actually pretty nice. I think..urgh, please go to sleep!!