Caleb's POV
I stole a look at Charlie. She looked like she wanted to kill me. Which is what I wanted. Jill is really hot and friendly. And she's great fun. But she's not Charlie. Charlie who looks crazy sexy in that fitted black top and dark skinny jeans. With those adorable Uggs. And that gorgeous hair..I could almost smell her yummy shampoo and feel the silky strands between my fingers.
"Yes, I win!" Jill cried when the cheese on my pizza broke. I laughed as I looked at her. I could feel Charlie's jealous gaze on me. I knew I was gonna pay for it later, but it was worth it to see her this way. Charlie never showed how she felt about me. Well, now I know. But I guess I'll have some fun just a little while's too much fun looking at her like that. Somehow her jealousy makes her look sexier.
"Hey, let's go to this club my friend runs." Jared said and we all agreed. Except Charlie, who just smiled.
At the club, we all got in and found that the club was packed. We all got drinks and Jill pulled at my arm.
"Let's dance!" She cried and pulled me to the dance floor, not even bothering to wait for me to agree. Okay, she knows what she wants. A good quality to have in a girl. We danced and she pulled out all this sexy moves that even made me blink a few times. Whoa, this girl is sizzling..
Charlie's POV
Just look at that. She was bumping and grinding against Caleb like a little harlot. And like an idiot, Caleb seems to like it. He was dancing and holding her at the waist as she was grinding her crotch to his. Urgh, so gross. I looked away. I took a sip of my drink. Jared was looking at me. He smiled.
"Come on, let's dance." He said as he pulled me up. He pulled me to the dance floor against my will.
I am a shitty dancer. Jared, on the other hand looked like he belonged in an Usher music video from the 90s. I just swayed whatever I could, and tried to look like I know my shit. I actually really don't. I looked over at Dara and Alex who were dancing. Dara was laughing at Alex's silly dance. He obviously couldn't dance to save his life but he was being a good sport about it. They looked really happy together. Alex stopped dancing and held Dara and they kissed. I sighed. I wish I could be that way with Caleb. Suddenly I missed him. I looked over at where Caleb and Jill was. They're not there anymore. I looked around frantically. Where the hell are they?! I tried to get them out of my head and concentrated on Mc Hammer trying to convince me that I can't touch this. Jared was hillarious. He wasn't aware how attrocious his dancing was. I giggled, for real and Caleb and Jill were momentarily forgotten.
The night wore on. Pretty soon, it was pass midnight and I was tired. Jared had passed out beside me on the booth. Alex and Dara were slow dancing. Caleb and Jill finally appeared. They were talking quietly and eating peanuts. I didn't feel like joining them. I was very hurt by Caleb ditching me. Well, I know cooling off was my idea, but he didn't have to be so committed in doing it. I was a little frustrated and jealousy has made me very tired. I closed my eyes for a bit and lay my head on Jared's shoulder.
"Charlie, honey, wake up... " I could hear Dara's voice. I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around me and sat up. Jared was awake, too, but looked a bit lost. Caleb and Jill were looking at me.
"I'm up, I'm up!" I mumbled as I gathered my things. I got up and all of us walked to the exit. The club was almost empty. I stumbled a little bit and felt someone caught me. I looked behind me. Caleb was at my back, holding on to my elbow. He gave a small smile. I glared at him and shook my elbow free. He frowned and looked at me. I held onto Dara's shoulder and she supported me by the waist. Caleb followed us quietly out of the club with Jill close behind.
Alex dropped Dara, Caleb and me off at my dorm. Dara kissed Alex goodnight. Jill hugged Caleb and gave him something. He smiled. Her number, probably. Bitch. When they're gone, Caleb put his arm around my waist to help me go up the stairs. I pushed his arm away and glared at him.
"Go home Caleb! Goodnight!"I said as I walked unsteadily up the stairs. He just stood there and rubbed the back of his neck, a confused look on his face. He finally hugged and kissed Dara on her cheek and said goodnight to her.
"Good night, Charlie!" He called. Urgh, please just fuck off, asshole! I said to myself. When I heard his Harley had driven off, Dara and I walked to my room.
While Dara was in the bathroom, showering, I was sitting on my bed, brushing my hair, Just then my phone buzzed. i looked at it. A message from Caleb came in.
Hey Charlie, are you mad at me? The message read. I rolled my eyes and ignored it. I continued brushing my hair. Then my phone buzzed again. Groaning, I looked at it again.
Please baby..please reply. I thought you said we should cool off until she goes home. I'm only doing what you told me to. Really..You know I love you Charlie. I looked at the message and was almost swayed by his words. He never called me baby before. I kinda liked it. Urgh, no! Don't be too soft. Let him stew for a bit. I threw my phone on my bed beside me and continued combing my hair.
Dara and I had a girly talk all night. We mostly talked about old times and Alex. I stiffened whenever she mentioned Caleb's name. The phone buzzed a few more times a few hours ago. But it stopped around 3 am. He probably fell asleep. I do feel a little guilty for punishing him for doing something that I told him to do. But I never asked him to enjoy it too much! Boys are stupid. Even men my age are idiots. What more could I ask for from a guy younger than me, really.
The next day, we had brunch and headed to some of Seattle's tourist spots. Jill was there, too. Urgh. Caleb came on his Harley and Jill hugged him when he got off his bike. He glanced at me and I ignored him. He hugged Jill back and was all smiles. Jerk.
Caleb looked especially good that day. The black fitted shirt under his leather jacket and skinny jeans made him look sexier than he usually does. As if he wasn't mouth-wateringly gorgeous already. Grrr... he looked good enough to eat. Damnit.
Since the weather was nice, we headed to the zoo. Yeah, it sounded lame but I happen to love the zoo. It was a lot of fun looking at the animals and Jared was a nice company, although he seemed a little distracted. He kept looking over at Jill and Caleb who were walking side by side and talking. I looked at Jared. What's his deal? Hmm, he might be worried about his sister is all. But why should he?
Caleb's POV
I looked over at Charlie who's looking at the bears with Jared close beside her. She looked really good today. I've never seen in her in a girly dress that short before. She looked great in the lace shift and leather jacket. And those ancient Uggs. And her hair was down today. I wished I was with her instead of pretending for Dara. I sighed as I looked at Jill who was looking at Charlie and Jared. She got this weird look on her face. I looked at her and then at Jared. He was looking at her, too. Wait a minute....something's weird...
"Hey Jill. What are you looking at?" I asked her, catching her looking at Jared. She blinked her eyes at me and sighed.
"Look, you can tell me. I thought we're friends. Come, on, I'll buy you some ice-cream." I said as I took her hand. She smiled and let me drag her to an ice-cream place in the zoo.
Charlie's POV
I watched Caleb pulling Jill to the ice-cream vendor. They both got ice-cream and sat on a bench, talking. Very cozy. I shut my eyes for a bit. I seriously didn't know if I could go on like this for another 2 days. I missed Caleb. Like terribly. he's right in front of me, but I couldn't touch him or kiss him. It's driving me crazy. And to think this was my idea. I am such a moron. But I did think that Dara won't like it if Caleb and me were together. It'll be too weird for her. I looked over at Caleb and Jill one last time before walking away with Jared behind me, dragging his feet.
All day, I didn't acknowledge Caleb at all. And he didn't even text me anymore. He was busy having a nice time with Jill. Dara and Alex were in their own world. The whole day passed in a blur. We all ended up at the Pike Place Market for dinner. It was nice and lively. Caleb and Jill looked really familiar and close. They're always talking and not once did Caleb look my way. I looked at him and felt my eyes became hot. Shit, I am so not crying. I quickly excused myself and ran to the bathroom. I entered a stall and just bawled my head off. I cried and cried, not caring if anybody heard me. I love Caleb. i admit it. I love him soooo much!! And this is killing me. Not being able to hold him or kiss him was draining my energy. I never knew I could be addicted to him. Yes, I am addicted to that little shit! This is so not happening!
I stayed until my sobs subsided. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I went to the mirror and saw my red, puffy face. My mascara had run and my face was all wet and blotchy. I washed off the makeup from my face and wiped it. I looked at my clean face and took a deep breath. The traces of blotchiness and redness were gone. When I stepped out of the toilet, i was surprised to see Caleb outside, waiting for me. I glanced at him and started to walk off when he caught my arm.
"Charlie, please. Just stop this. I miss you..please..." Caleb begged as he held me and buried his face into my hair. He took a ragged breath and held me tighter. My hand tingled to touch him. I missed him so much. His smell, his face, his lips, his kisses..god, his kisses..and the way he held me..I really missed it. I finally looked at Caleb's face. He was staring at me and looking at my lips. I closed my eyes and caught his lips in mine. Caleb kissed me back, in desperation and held me tighter, and clawing at my ass. I grabbed his back and felt the glorious heat of our bodies melded together. Oh God, I miss him so much..We kissed and Caleb kept saying my name and telling me how much he missed me. I didn't say anything but I felt somewhat relieved that Caleb's still mine.
When we finally pulled away from the frenzied passionate kiss, I looked at Caleb. He was looking at my face and carressing my cheeks and then he put his forehead against mine as he tried to catch his breath. I could feel his sweet breath on my face and I inhaled it, wanting to feel him to my very core. My arms were around his neck and he had his arms around my waist. He slowly kissed me again and I responded. It was a few more minutes when we finally pulled away. Caleb hugged me close that his chin was on my head and my head was on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat going a mile a minute. It was liberating that I had this effect on Caleb.
" Look, we still have tomorrow. Please, please reply to my text. Ok? Don't shut me out. Just remember that I love you, ..Jill means nothing to me. You're my everything. Ok, baby?" Caleb said as he looked at my face. I giggled when I heard him call me baby. He frowned.
"What's so funny?" He looked at me, mystified.
"'s just that you called me Baby.." I said and giggled again.
"And you like it, don't you?" Caleb said with a crooked smile. I covered my face. Urgh, how embarrassing! Caleb chuckled and pulled my hands away from my face. He laughed and I pushed him away.
"Aww, you're blushing! Come here, baby.." Caleb said with a chuckle as he kissed me deeply. My embarrassment forgotten, I sighed and enjoyed the kiss. He carressed my tongue with his and moaned as he cupped my breasts from outside my dress. I felt him put his hands on my hips and rubbed my naked thighs with his warm, soft hands. He cupped my ass as he groaned and kissed me deeper.
"God, I love your ass..." He whispered in my ear and I chuckled. I pulled away before we went too far, much to Caleb's dismay.
Realizing that we have gone too long, we headed back to the others. Dara was worried and thought I had food poisoning. I assured her I was okay and felt Caleb looking at me. I casually glanced at him and I saw his eyes looking at me, not really hiding how he felt about me. But nobody noticed it, which was a relief. We called it a night and went home. Dara was staying with Alex at the hotel while Jared and Jill went home to their parents'. Caleb drove his Harley to his dorm. He texted me when he reached his dorm.
"We will continue what we did soon, ok Baby..Goodnight, love you.." Caleb texted me. I smiled widely and felt so happy. Caleb is still in love with me. That's a relief.