My eyes fluttered open. I winced when I tried to move. I was aching everywhere, like I just got run over by a train. I groaned and tried to get up. I couldn't.
"She's up! Oh my God, my baby! I was so worried!" Mum gushed and fussed over me, kissing my forehead and looking at me worriedly, with tears streaking her face as she cupped my face. Then dad came and smoothed my hair, looking angry and worried at the same time.
"Charlie, honey, who did this to you?!" Dad demanded to know.
I couldn't answer. I just started bawling and my mum held me as I hiccuped, wetting her top with my tears. She hugged me, smoothing my back and murmured that everything was okay and that I was alright. I clung to her and then dad. It was so scary. It could have spiralled out of control. It was lucky Caleb and Mr Cohen came when they did.
After my parents kissed me and left to talk to the doctor, Dara came flying in, crying and hugging me tightly. It hurt like hell, but I hugged her back.
"Oh my God, thank goodness you're okay. I was so scared. Thank you, Charlie for defending my honour. I love you so much! I thought they would kill you! Those bastards, I'm gonna kill them! Oh, honey, your face..your poor face.." Dara blubbered as she looked at my face and cried. We hugged and then I told her I was fine. From the corner of my eye, I saw Caleb lounging at the door of my room. He looked a bit worn out and was staring at me, worry etched deeply in his face.
When Dara left to get some coffee Caleb sauntered into the room and sat heavily on the chair at my bed. He didn't say anything, just stared at my stomach. Then he took my hand and squeezed as he finally looked at my face. His eyes were filled with worry and anger.
"I'm sorry I was late Charlie. So sorry. I should've gotten there sooner. Then those bastards wouldn't have hurt you like this. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you..I should've..."Caleb suddenly choked up and looked away.
I took his hand and squeezed. He turned his tear-streaked face towards me. I smiled as I brushed the tears from his face.
"Come on, it's okay. I'm fine. Just a bit bruised is all." I assured him.
" But I should've been there. You, you protected me when we were kids. When kids bullied me for being small, poor and an orphan. You helped me. I wish I could've protected you like how you protected me when we were kids" Caleb explained as he played with my hand, carressing it with his.
"It's fine. I'm okay, see...." I reassured him and suddenly Caleb got up and hugged me, tight. I hugged him back, feeling his firm back on my palm.
After a while, Caleb pulled away and kissed my forehead. I was a bit surprised and looked at him. He was looking at me, his expression really weird. It was unreadable. I squirmed under his scrutiny.
"You know, you kinda looked badass. With the bruise on your cheek,"Caleb said teasingly suddenly and touched my cheek and I winced. It still hurt.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you?" Caleb fussed as he smoothed my hair from my face. I looked at him, feeling all weird. Good God, what the hell??
"It's okay. It didn't hurt much," I said with a smile.
Just then, Dara came back with her coffee and some juice for me. Caleb let go of my hand and stood up, letting Dara sit by me. He stood by the bed and just looked at me. I felt Caleb staring at me the whole time Dara was fussing over me. He stayed and helped out, especially when I needed to go to the bathroom.
My whole body ached when I tried to get up. I winced as I sat up. Caleb came and helped me get off the bed. He put his arm around me and supported me as I walked to the bathroom. I was still a bit weak, but I could walk.
In the bathrrom, I pushed Caleb out and locked the door. I looked at my face in horror. My cheek was bruised and I had a black eye. I had no idea how I got that. I lifted my hospital gown and was shocked to see bruises all over me. No wonder I felt aches all over me. Damn those jocks.
I stayed at the hospital for 3 days. During the day Caleb came and kept me company for a few hours until he had to go to his pool cleaning job. He kept me company and joked around, generally acting like his usual self.It was nice and I was never bored. He even sneaked in donuts and burgers for me. Hospital food just kills my will to live. Dara came after work and stayed until the nurses had to throw her out. Pretty soon, I could go home.
It felt good to be able to start working again. After the episode, nothing like that ever happened again. And I noticed Caleb coming more often. Sometimes with some random girl, but most of the time alone. He helped to bus the tables and sometimes just kept me and Dara company.
Pretty soon, summer was over and I had to go back to campus. This time with Caleb, which I dreaded so much. My parents drove Caleb and I to Washington. He was like the Duracell bunny. He kept jumping all over the car, making me feel like strangling him. I pinched him once, really hard when he was making me talk when I wanted to get a little shut eye. His eyes widen with disbelief when my pincer-like fingers pulled and twisted his flesh at his waist. He jumped, trying to get away from me. He looked at me like I had wronged him. He left me alone after that, thank goodness. When we finally reached the campus, mum and dad helped us get settled. They dropped me off first and then planned to drive to Caleb's dorm, which was nowhere near mine, thank goodness.
"Wow, this is it? Your dorm?" Caleb asked as he got out of the car. I nodded and took out my bag and walked to the trunk to get my stuff out.
"Yeah. Here, help me carry some stuff ok." I said as I took out my things. Mum and dad walked ahead with some of my stuff while Caleb lingered behind with me, gathering the bags that he could carry without taking a second or third trip. Urgh, guys and their compulsion with carrying everything they could in just one trip. As if a second one emasculates their masculinity. I just rolled my eyes at Caleb trying to hang as many bags as he could on his shoulders and arms. I chuckled when he finally succeeded and whooped over his success. Oh goodness.
He staggered as he climbed that 1 flight of steps. He was already panting when we reached my room. I chuckled as opened the door wider for him. Caleb quickly heaved everything and dumped the lot on the floor near my bed. He groaned when he fell on top of the pile of bags.
"Oh my God! Charlie, did you pack rocks?! I mean, these are so darn heavy!" Caleb complained as he peeled off the straps from his shoulder and neck. He untangled himself from the straps and groaned as he massaged his shoulders and neck.
I just rolled my eyes as my parents laughed at Caleb. Mum then proceeded to help me arrange my stuff, as usual. After we have got the bed and closet in shape, mum finally stopped. I sighed in relief. I swear, my mum could be so anal about arranging everything just right. Caleb was busy snooping around my stuff. When he got so involved that he didn't realize we were staring at him, waiting for him to stop, I kinda smacked the back of his head gently. He quickly looked up.
"What, you're done?" Well, duh! I gave him an exasperated look. Caleb just smiled sheepishly as he put my tampon box back into my night bag. This boy, seriously!
"Okay, so we're done here. Let's go to your dorm, Caleb. We gotta get a move on. I don't really like walking around a crowded hallway." Dad said as he walked towards the door.
"What, now? Hey, you're coming?" Caleb asked as he got up from my chair.
"Urgh, no. I got so much unpacking to do and I'm tired. Bye mum, dad. Thanks so much for giving me a ride back to campus." I said as I hugged mum and dad.
"You're welcome honey. Bye and take care, ok. Call me. Every week. Remember that. More often, would be better." Mum said and I hugged and kissed her cheek.
"My turn!" Caleb said, his arms open as he approached me. I pinched his stomach gently and he jumped, giggling. I smacked him on his forearm and rolled my eyes.
"Oh get lost!" I said and Caleb chuckled. he slung an arm over my shoulder and gave it a squeeze as he walked out of my room with my parents.
"See you later, Charlie!" Caleb said as I closed the door on his face. I just shook my head and sighed at the rest of the odds and ends on my rug on the floor. I changed into a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt and got to work. I saw that my roommate hadn't arrived yet. I hope I get a normal roommate. My last roommate was a gamer and she played games online all day and night. I never knew when she got any studying done.
Once I was settled, I went down and started looking around at booths for extra-curricular activities. Then, I saw HIM. My heart stuck in my throat. He's even more gorgeous than I remembered. God, I miss him... I looked longingly...wanting to get close but not sure how I could do that....