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I looked at Damien rehearsing on the stage and sighed. He had been so busy rehearsing that we hardly had time to talk, except for Damien to give me stuff to do. I looked at the prop set that I was painting with the prop crew. The play was that Friday night. And on Saturday night, we'll be on our date!! It was 3 days since Damien asked me out. He had been nice and smiling at me a lot, even when he's busy. Saskia was really keeping him occupied that I couldn't even have a conversation with Damien. I guess she had to, seeing that opening night would be in a couple of days.

In addition, things have been really quiet lately. I haven't seen Caleb since the night Damien asked me out. Come to think of it, I kinda missed him. Wonder why he's been awol. Probably busy with training, maybe. I fished my phone out from my handbag and started searching for his phone number. I hit call when I found it and waited as the phone rang. And rang. And rang. I frowned when my call went into voice mail. I called again and the same thing happened again. I found it weird since Caleb always answers his phone. He's probably busy with his swim practice. I took a deep breath and stuffed the phone into my bag. I took the paint brush and started to paint again. But my eyes kept wandering to Damien who's reciting his monologue. I couldn't wait for our date. I haven;t been on many dates. Only a few, but most were a bust. I haven't even kissed anyone yet, which makes it all the more embarrassing,

After practice, I called Caleb again, hoping that he would pick up. It rang and rang, but Caleb never picked up. I sighed as I walked slowly out the auditorium. I looked over my shoulder at Damien and the actors. He suddenly looked up and gave a smile. I smiled back happily and all my worry over Caleb being AWOL has disappeared. Then he went back to his discussion with the other actor. I sighed again as I exited the auditorium, throwing one last glance at Damien. Suddenly, a thought came over me. What the hell am I going to wear on Saturday night?!


Caleb's POV

I dried my hair with my towel as I let the phone ring. I glanced at it. Charlie's number. Of course. With superhuman strength, I picked it up and reject the call. I sighed as I sat on the bench by the pool, taking a breather. Practice has been grueling and Coach Winters really pushed us hard. My body was aching every day and I would usually just crash on my bed when I get back from practice. Plus, I'm trying to stop myself from seeing Charlie. Seeing her now would be a bad idea. She's going out with Damien this weekend and is probably giddy about that. He would be all that she wants to talk about. And I don't think I could stand it. I want her her to be happy and Damien makes her happy. I just couldn't stomach listening to her gush about how hot or amazing he is. I might punch a hole into a wall. Or into his face. Either way, it's best to stay away from her for a while. I'm not saying it's been easy. It's so hard to stop myself from picking up my phone when it rings and her picture is blaring on my phone screen. Like it's doing right now.

"Hey man, you wanna get that? I'm starting to hate Led Zeppelin because of you." Ben, a junior said with a chuckle. My ringtone for Charlie is Kashmir by Led Zeppelin because it's her favourite song. I sighed and reject the call again and turned off my phone altogether. It may seem cruel but it's gotta be done. It's about time I get rid of this silly, impossible crush on Charlie. My hopeless, 4 year crush. God, I'm pathetic.


Charlie's POV

I dropped my phone on my bed and groaned. Why isn't he answering?! I am in a major crisis right now! I have nothing to wear for my date with Damien. My room looked like a godzilla had gone through it and got angrier. I need to go shopping but shopping alone is a little sad. I should know, I've been doing that half my life. With a groan, I got up and started to change. Yeah, I have to go shopping whether I like it or not. I grabbed my purse and car keys and headed out of my room, praying I'd find something cute at the mall. Urgh, the mall...

I drove my car, listening to God-knows-who on the radio. Suddenly, something caught my eye. Caleb?!

Caleb was walking to his bike with his gym bag in his hand. True enough, I was driving by the sports complex. I jammed on the brakes and parked haphazardly. I got out of the car, feeling an excessive amount of happiness looking at Caleb packing his gym bag on his bike. I decided to surprise him, so I tiptoed behind him and suddenly let out a loud, horrifying roar.

"Raaaaawrrr!!!" I roared and smiled when Caleb jumped and screamed in fright. He turned around so quickly and stared at me in disbelief. I smiled evilly and cocked my head to the right, infuriating him more, I know. Caleb let out a breath of relief and closed his eyes, his hand on his chest. I'm such an evil person.

"Damnit Charlie! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Caleb managed to croak out. I giggled and thumped him none too lightly on the shoulder that he winced and finally chuckled.

"Sorry.. Well, that's what you get for not answering any of my calls. Your phone better be dead or I'll kill you. What, you're avoiding me now?!" I said as I crossed my arms on my chest and gave him a sharp look. Caleb kinda looked at me and ran his hand through his wet hair. He just shrugged, looking sheepish.

"Err, well, my phone's old and it's got issues. Can't afford to replace it at the moment." Caleb said sheepishly.

"Yeah, right. Are you sure you're not busy wooing some girl and I was cramping your style? You are, aren't you? Well, you are telling me everything when we go shopping. I'll buy you lunch.. or dinner. It's almost 5. Come on!" I said as I grabbed his arm and dragged him to my car. Caleb quickly grabbed his gym bag and helmet and tried to protest, but I ignored him. He's coming with me whether he likes it or not.

"Wait, Charlie, I'm beat..Can't you go alone??" Caleb whined as he resisted, but I was having none of it. I pulled him harder and ignored his whines.

"No, you know I can't. I need your help Caleb..Please..???" I pleaded with him when we got to my car. Caleb sighed as he looked at me. I gave him my best pathetic Puss-In-Boots impersonation. I didn't care if it makes me look like a drowned tabby, especially when Caleb rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Fine, but just this once. And I'm serious, I am tired. So, you're buying me a huge dinner." Caleb said as he opened the car door. I grinned and nodded enthusiastically. So we got into the car and I drove happily. Glad that I won't have to be alone at the mall.


Caleb's POV

Yeah, yeah, yeah.. After almost a week of avoiding Charlie and ignoring her calls, I've finally succumbed to her charms. One look at her and I was gone. Not seeing her for almost a week was really, really hard. It was different in the past when she's in college and I was in school. We were far apart and I was too broke to actually visit her in college and too determined to stop liking her that I hid myself away when she's in town. Here on campus, she's barely 5 minutes away and wants to hang out often. And that's not good with my getting Charlie out of my head mission. It's a total bust. And all she had to do was pout. Sheesh..I am a sad human being. And weak as hell.

"So, tell me the truth, is your phone really broken? Or are you with a giiirrrlll...."Charlie said annoyingly and chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

"Really, Charlie? That was juvenile. And yes, my phone is acting weird lately." I said as I narrowed my eyes at her. You are such a big liar and you are going to hell, I thought to myself.

"Really? Do you need a new phone? I can buy you one." Charlie said casually. Yeah, she is pretty loaded, since her mum's a General Manager of a bank and her dad's a dentist. And the fact that she's an only child. But she never flaunts her money. She's keeps a low-profile and is always very generous. Her kindness and humility are some of the things that makes me fall for her.

"No! I'll get my phone fixed, don't worry." I assured her. Taking stuff and money from her always makes me uncomfortable.

When we arrived at the mall, Charlie jumped out of her car and grabbed my arm, dragging me with her. Electric currents travelled up and down my arm and making me shiver a bit. Crap, this is not good. Especially when I got a whiff of Charlie's favourite pomegranate scented shampoo. Wow.. She smells really good. I let her drag me. I couldn't help it, being a total chump that I was.

She dragged me from one store to another. And tried everything. I hated every minute of it as she kept asking me if Damien would like this outfit, or that outfit. I personally, couldn't give a flying eff whether that pretentious ass likes her outfits or not.

After a while, Charlie tried on this really pretty black v neck dress. It was a wraparound and had a deep V neck, displaying a slight hint of her generous chest. Not really spilling over, but enough to make me swallow hard and start to sweat. And the skirt flared a little at the hips, nipping a bit and giving her a smooth, graceful waist. And her ass.... Again I gulped.... No way is she wearing that.

"What do you think? This is my favorite. I'm taking this one. Makes me look skinny and it's on sale." Charlie said as she pouted her lips comically and posed like a supermodel in front of me. I couldn't say anything. I was mesmerized and worried. Very, very worried. Damien will definitely like that dress on her.

"Caleb? Err..You there?" Charlie said as she stepped forward and softly patted my cheek. I kinda snapped out of it and looked at her straight in her blue eyes. She was looking at me with one eyebrow raised. My eyes blinked rapidly as I snapped out of it. I cleared my throat and smiled awkwardly.

"Err, yeah Charlie..Urm, sure. The dress is nice. But I don't know..Um..it might be too..err..black?" I grappled with something to say. I have no idea what to say to stop her from buying that dress. Damien should never, ever see her in that dress. If he does, well, that's it. That dress will definitely seal the deal.

"Please, Caleb. I'm buying this. Looking at you all awkward and weird makes me want to buy it even more. Even you can't find anything wrong with this dress. Admit it. I look hot, don't I?" Charlie said as she struck another exaggerated model pose. She might think she's being funny. But she's not. There's nothing funny about seeing her in that dress. Nothing funny at all. This is bad. Really bad.

Charlie then went back into the dressing room to change. After she had changed, she paid for the dress and put her arm through mine and smiled widely. I wasn't feeling very happy at the moment.

"Come on, Caleb. Let's eat!" Charlie pulled me with her and I had no choice but to let her take me to the food court.


Charlie's POV

"Goodnight, Caleb. I'll see you later, ok. And I will make you tell me about the 'non-existent girlfriend'. You say she doesn't exist, but I don't believe you." I said as I stopped my car beside Caleb's bike at the sports complex. Caleb chuckled as he looked exasperatedly at me.

"Whatever. I told you, there is no girl. I'm serious. I'm too busy with classes, swimming, you." Caleb said jokingly and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, right! So, you're coming to opening night tomorrow? Please come! Keep me company while Damien's on stage. Please..At least we can bitch about how horrible the play is." I begged and felt a little bad about dissing Damien's play. Well, as much as I like him, I have to admit that his play is so atrocious and pretentious that it was torture to watch. I just have to remember not to tell him that.

"Err..I don't know Charlie. Maybe if I'm up for it. I still have practice tomorrow. And I might get too tired at night." Caleb said as he stifled a yawn. Suddenly I felt horrible. He really looked tired and his eyes were a little bloodshot. Urgh, I'm so selfish.

"Well, okay. It's alright if you're too tired. Have a good rest Caleb." I said, trying to sound upbeat.

"Okay, thanks for the dinner. I really did have fun with you today. Goodnight Charlie. Drive safe." Caleb said and got out of my car. He closed the door and stood by his bike as I drove out of the parking lot. As I drove away, I looked through the rear view mirror and saw Caleb looking after me, his helmet in his hand. A smile crept to my lips. I've never really spent as much time with Caleb now as I did when we were in high school. He had been around my house a lot. But usually Dara's around too. We never hang out just the two of us. And I have to admit, he is a really great company.


Caleb's POV

I got off my bike. It was 7 pm and Damien's play was opening that night. Charlie had left me texts begging for me to accompany her to the play. I sighed as I walked to my dorm. No, I wasn't going. I don't think it's a good idea. 2 hours of listening to her swoon over Damien is just too much for me. As much as I love her, there is no way I'm sitting there while she stares adoringly at Damien on stage and droning on and on about how hot he is. Yuck, no. Somethings got to give. There's got to be a limit to what I would do for her. And this is where I draw the line. I opened my dorm room door and just threw my gym bag on the floor by my bed and crashed on my bed. I threw my jacket on my chair and squeezed my eyes shut, willing for sleep to come and end my misery.


Charlie's POV

I looked around the audience. No Caleb. I've texted him and he didn't even read them. I felt really disappointed that Caleb's not here with me. It was lonely to be at the audience without anybody I know around. If only Caleb's here with me. Then he would make a joke about the atrocious acting and the over the top dialogue. And I have to admit Damien sucked. Like really sucked. Saskia was superb, though. She's really good. And Caleb's not here to bitch about it with me. I sulked a little as I looked around the auditorium of mostly girls audience. It didn't take a genius to figure out Caleb's clientele. So he did sold the tickets to his admirers. Most of the girls looked pissed with Caleb's absence. Well, you and me both, honey!

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