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"So, where are we going?" I asked as the car sped along the highway, out of Seattle. Jeff smiled mysteriously and just said "It's a surprise," I laid back into the passanger seat. There were many cars on the highway and there were good music on the radio. I felt I was starting to enjoy myself.

Turns out Jeff took us to a quaint little restaurant in the outskirt of Seattle. It was a little isolated and there were only a few people in the restaurant. But the food was so good. So, the trip was well worth it. It was nice being with Jeff. He was funny and charming. I started to relax and have a little fun. The wine flowed freely and pretty soon, I felt a little tipsy.

Jeff helped me to the car and started to drive us home, holding to my hand as he drove. It was so nice. Holding somebody's hand is always a comforting thing to do. With some alcohol in my system and my stomach full, I fell aslep soon after....

I woke up with a start. Something wet was slithering on my mouth and someone was groping my breast. Under my top. In a fuzzy state, I fought to wake up. When I opened my eyes properly, I saw Jeff's face planted on mine and he was groping my breast and trying to undo the buttons of my top. Fear, shock and horror coursed through me. With all my might I pushed Jeff away. He stopped kissing me for about a second and pinned me back against the passanger door. I struggled for breath and kept pushing him off me, but it was impossible. He used the whole length of his body to pin mine down. I felt tears started to flow down my cheeks as I tried to fight him off.

"No, no, please! Jeff, let me go! What are you doing?! I said let me go!" I screamed and punched him on his ears. He cried out in pain and broke the kiss. He looked at me, his eyes wild and grabbed my hair. He slapped me repeatedly. This wasn't Jeff. I don't know who this is but he is scary as fuck!

"Shut up, you fat bitch! You're lucky someone wants to do this with you!" Jeff screamed at me and continued touching me all over. It was a good thing my top was still secured. With all my might, I pushed him off me, as hard as I could. I pushed him and punched him in the face. He yelped in pain and his grip on me loosened. While he was holding onto his bleeding nose, I pushed open the passanger door, grabbed my purse and leaped out of the car. I ran as fast and as far as I could. I didn't care where I was going, I just had to be far away from Jeff. I heard him call after me and came after me for a while. I didn't stop. I ran and ran, crying hysterically as I tried to hide from Jeff. I hid in a wooded area as Jeff tried to sniff me out.

"Where are you, you bitch!? Don't you act all innocent. I know about girls like you, slut! Come out now bitch! Fine, you can rot here!" Jeff screamed and then stomped off. I heard him drove away. I was shaking and crying uncontrollably. When I was sure he was gone, I walked out of the wooded area and onto the deserted road. I looked around, shivering in the cold as I left my jacket in the asshole's car. I waited for a cab or a car to drive by, but nobody did. It was dark and eerily quiet. Crying quietly, I dug out my phone. Hands shaking, I called the only number that would save me.


Caleb's POV

I put my duffle on the floor and threw myself on my bed. I was beat. The 2 day trip really wiped me out. I groaned into my pillow, happy to finally be on my bed. I had been very focused and determined to move past Charlie's rejection that I broke another record. It's been exhausting trying to get Charlie out of my head, but I did it. Now the next time I see Charlie, I'll keep reminding myself to treat her like a friend. Just as a friend. Nothing more. Okay, good plan.

But I wonder why was it so hard for Charlie to like me? Not wanting to sound conceited, but I have to admit that I'm hot. I know I am. But it didn't even make any difference with Charlie. And other than my looks, I think I'm a nice guy who respects others and would do anything for Charlie. I mean, Charlie could wear a burlap sack and I'd still think she's hotter than any girl on campus. I remember when we were kids, she's my protector and took care of me more than my own sister ever did. When I got sick, Charlie would come over and keep me company and feed me chicken soup grandma made for me. Dara would be around-ish..She's always been popular, ever since elementary school. Being the typical blonde, cheerleader with brains was a full-time job for her. So, I kinda had to fend for myself most of the time. That's why I depended more on Charlie. She didn't seem to have many friends, other than Dara. Both of them are so different, it was a miracle that they're even friends. But they are. And Dara looked up to Charlie like some kind of a role model. And I guess Dara was the one thing about me that Charlie could never be able to overlook. I guess if I ever get together with Charlie, Dara would think it's awkward. I sighed as I tried to close my eyes and nap for a bit. Suddenly, my phone played Kashmir by Led Zeppelin. I quickly sat up and fumbled for my phone in my jeans pocket. When I finally got it out, I looked at the screen to be sure. And sure enough, Charlie's number was glaring at me from the phone screen. I was giddy with excitement. She called?! She freaking called!

"Hello, Charlie! You called!" I cried happily over the phone, thoroughly unable to act cool and aloof. Suddenly, I heard hiccuping and sniffles. What the hell? I wondered worriedly.

"Caleb...help me..Please.." Charlie said tearfully and a wave alarm and horror overcame me.

"Charlie! Charlie! What's wrong?! Are you ok?! Charlie, where are you?!" I said urgently, already worried something was wrong. I gripped my phone tightly as Charlie continued to cry quietly over the phone. I felt my heart clench when I heard her crying on the phone. She'd never cried before and to hear her do it was heart wrenching for me.

"I don't know Caleb..I don't know..." Was all she said as she continued to cry. Fear gripped my heart as I started pacing the room.

"Ok, Charlie, um..turn on your GPS. I'm gonna come for you, ok!? Just hold on ok. I'm coming for you! Wait for me!" I said in a rush and hung up. In a panic, I grabbed my bike keys and helmets and dashed out of the room. As I rushed down the long hallway, I tried to locate Charlie's phone. I installed that software a few weeks ago, wanting to make sure I would always find her if she's lost or in an accident. Hearing her voice just npw made me so worried, do anxioys I couldn't think straight. Oh God, I hope she's okay. I prayed, my throat tight and my hands trembling.


Charlie's POV

The light shone at my face was so bright. The familiar rattling sound shook me awake. Caleb? I heard footsteps running towards me and Caleb's voice talking to me.

"Charlie! Charlie! Wake up! It's me." Caleb said as he touched my cheek. My eyes finally opened and I saw him, crouching in front of me. His face etched with fear, worry and..

"Caleb?" I asked uncertainly.

"Yes Charlie, it's me. Are you hurt? What happened? You ok?" Caleb asked me as he helped me up. I had been sitting on the cold ground of the bus shelter.

I threw my arms around him when he helped me up. I held him tight and cried my eyes out. Caleb held me and made soothing noises, smoothing my back, comforting me. I held on to him desperately. I was so relieved to see him. I've never been so scared in my life. Caleb held my face and looked at me. He frowned at the bruises that had started to form on my cheek and my dirty tear-streaked face. I looked into his eyes and knew what I had to do.

"Caleb, I'm sorry...I'm so sorry.." I said tearfully as he carressed my cheeks.

"It's okay..you're okay now.." Caleb said as he kissed my forehead. I looked into his eyes. He gave me a small smile.

Then, I pulled him to me and kissed him. He was surprised at first, but then he sighed and pulled me closer, kissing me back. I felt safe and comfort and at home kissing Caleb. It was the best feeling I have ever had in my life. He deepened the kiss and groaned when I clung to him tighter. It was not awkward at all. I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.

When we finally pulled away, breathless, Caleb carressed my cheek and pressed his lips against my temple and said my name softly. I smiled and held him close, smelling his wonderful smell.

"Charlie..? Let's go home.." Caleb said softly against my hair. I nodded and we walked hand in hand to Caleb's Harley. We hopped on the bike and Caleb drove us home. I held him tight like I never want to let him go.

When we reached my dorm, Caleb came with me wordlessly. We walked hand in hand to my room. I saw Lois was not in. Caleb helped me out of his jacket and I went to clean myself up while Caleb waited in my room. After my shower, Caleb helped to put some cream on my bust up cheek. It hurt and I wished I could give one to that asshole Jeff.

"Caleb, can you stay with me..please?" I asked timidly. He smiled and kissed me softly. He took off his hoodie and took off his shoes. He climbed on my bed and opened his arms to me.

"Come here." He said softly with a small smile on his lips. I lay beside him, me head on his chest. I put my arm around his stomach as he held me close, kissing the top of my head. I looked up and he brushed his lips against mine softly. He held me closer and deepened the kiss. I held his face and sighed. Soon, we fell asleep. Caleb didn't even ask me what happened. He knew now is not the time. He just held me. I had the best sleep I have ever had that night.


Caleb's POV

I looked down at Charlie's face, mere inches from my face. I was still reeling from what just happened. I was unpacking in my room when I got her call. When I heard her voice, I knew something was wrong. She sounded so scared and all blood drained off me, making me shake with worry. I swear, I've never driven my bike that fast before. I almost got into accidents twice that night, since I was driving like a maniac. I was praying fervently for her to be alright.

When I arrived at where she was, my heart broke when I saw her crouching pitifully at the bus shelter, looking worse for wear. Her dress was torn and her face was streaked with dirt. I was so scared that I would lose her. I was so relieved when she cried and ran to me and threw herself on me. I hugged her so tight, and she sobbed hysterically for a while. I held her tight as she cried. When her sobs subsided, she looked at my face with her panda eyes. And I thought I'd never seen someone so beautiful.

"Caleb, I'm sorry...I'm so sorry.." Charlie had said as she looked at me, her face so close to mine. I gulped as I held her tighter.

"It's okay..you're okay now.." Was all I could say as I was so relieved that she was okay. But then, suddenly, she pulled me closer and kissed me. I was surprised but so, so happy. It was the most gorgeous kiss I've ever had. Charlie was all I could feel, taste and experience at that moment. It was like my dream had come true. As I glanced at the sleeping face of the girl that I love, I know my dream has definitely come true. ...


Charlie's POV

My eyes fluttered open. I took a deep breath and tried to focus. And the first thing I saw was Caleb's sleeping face an inch away from mine. I felt his breath on my cheek. Suddenly last night's events came rushing back. I was almost raped and Caleb had saved me. The thought sent a shiver of fear down my spine. I clung to Caleb, to feel safe and to erase the memory from my mind. Suddenly Caleb's arms tightened around me.

"Good morning gorgeous.." Caleb drawled in that sexy early morning voice. He groaned as he stretched and buried his face in my hair.

"Good morning," I said, a little shy. I remember I was the one who jumped him first. I kissed him first and clung to him in desperation last night. And I was the one who asked him to stay the night.

Caleb opened his eyes and looked at me. He smiled and kissed me softly. He frowned when he saw bruises have formed on my cheek.

"Who did this to you?" Caleb asked as he smoothed my hair out my face and looked at my face.

"I don't want to talk about it yet. Please, can we talk about something else? How was your race yesterday?" I asked as I looked at him. Caleb smiled proudly.

"I got silver and the title Most Promising Athlete. Not too shabby when this is my first time competing in the college division. "Caleb said with a wide smile on his face.

"Wow, that's so great! I'm so proud of you!" I exclaimed excitedly.

Caleb chuckled and hugged me, kissing my forehead. I snuggled deeper into his arms.

"My, aren't we cosy. Don't mind me, just going out now. Bye you guys..." Lois said. I looked over my shoulder, embarrassed. She smiled and gave a little wave as she let herself out. I waved weakly.

'Oh God, was she there the whole time? Did you know she was there?" I asked, almost afraid of the answer.

"Yes, and yes,"Caleb said with a wicked grin. I gave a small shriek and put my face in my hand. Oh God, how embarrassing!

"Oh my God! Caleb, you should've told me!" I cried as I hit him on his chest. He laughed heartily.

"Don't worry, she had her ear pods stuffed in her ears. She didn't hear anything and she didn't even look at us," Caleb said as he giggled at my obvious shame.

"Okay, now we're alone... We can do anything you want...anything.." Caleb said huskily, his eyes dark and I could almost see what he wants. My stomach churned in anticipation as he started kissing my temple, cheek and moved down to my lips. His hands started roaming. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. Caleb was nuzzling my neck and his hands inching upwards to my chest. Goosepimples burst on my skin, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, anticipating Caleb's touch. Suddenly my stomach decided to betray me and growled. Very loudly. Caleb stopped and looked a me. He fought to keep his laughter. I blushed red and hid my face.

"I'm hungry. Let's have breakfast. I'll go back to my room and shower. I'll be back in 15 to pick you up, ok." Caleb said as sat up slowly. I got up from the bed to let him get off the bed. He got out of the bed and put on his shoes and hoodie. When he got his keys, he walked to the door and walked out. I got up to undress when suddenly there was a knock on my door. I opened it and Caleb was standing there.

"Why are you back so soon? I haven't had my shower yet." I asked, looking at him, lounging at my doorway.

"I forgot something."Caleb said in all seriousness.

"What did you forget?" I asked as I looked around my room.

"This," He said and kissed me deeply and pulled me tightly against him. I was pleasantly surprised by it.

"Okay...see you in 15..." Caleb whispered breathlessly. I nodded my head, equally breathless. Then he was gone. Ho man, talk about hot!

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