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“What I’m saying that you should just listen to your grandfather, son.”

That’s exactly what Forth has been doing with his whole life—listen to his Grandfather, their family’s head. He’s been showing himself every Mondays and makes sure to report everything that is happening to his life because that is the only way he could indirectly say that he doesn’t need to find a spouse.

Of course, that doesn’t guarantee that his Grandfather with his advisers wouldn’t pest him to death about choosing the perfect candidate for him. He hates how that sound but that exactly what it is. He is simply choosing a perfect Alpha with the perfect family background to be his spouse and then to continue their lineage. Fuck. This is triggering him in all the negative ways possible.

He sighs and held his mother’s hand. “Mom, have I told you that I love that dress you’re wearing?”

His mom sighs, too, and shakes her head. “It’s not like you want one for yourself, son, and stop changing the subject. Just please, give it chance. Go to—”

“—the dates my grandfather is setting up for me and be a good boy.” He didn’t want to sound rude but how can he not when he is doing exactly that all his life to satisfy an old man? “I know, mom, but please can we just continue this date without you reminding that I have to be the grandson my grandfather would want me to be?”

Good thing that his mom decides to agree with him and apologizes for pressuring him.

Trying his best to calm himself, he sets aside the fact that his hatred for being an Alpha is resurfacing and wanting to eat him alive. Fuck it again. How long has it been since he last felt this disgusting hatred?

Sooner or later, he will have to face his grandfather and stop him himself. That would cost him almost everything but, once in his life, he wants to defend what he knows right for him. He wants to throw every Alpha responsibility he has and stand up as a common person, as Forth. Talking about having the highest goal in life.

Ronan suddenly enters his mind and that instantly calmed him down.

Since he met Ronan again, he can’t remember having these thoughts. Yes, nothing will ever change his hatred for being himself, for being an Alpha, even if it will me the most ironic and hypocrite thing he will ever do. But now he just proved that Ronan, in the very least, helps him ignore this. No one else but Ronan has done this to him.

“You’ve been staring awfully long, son, and now you suddenly smiled. Are you alright?”

He chuckles and nods. “I am, mom. Sorry for suddenly spacing out. I just remembered something.”

“Your mood is even worse than a woman’s.”

He laughed with that remark.

* * * * * * * * * *

Waking up with a slight headache, Forth tried to move and adjust his position but to his surprise—something heavy is above him. Slowly opening his eyes, he wanted to think that he is dreaming but he definitely is not.

Ronan is really hugging him with half of his body laid on him. It really is Ronan—looking like a complete angel while he sleeps and his breathing is slowly and warm against him. Ronan is whole warm against him.

He can feel his heart race in his chest and he can’t remember his heart ever doing this before just because he is staring at someone who is sleeping soundly. Even his ears feel warm and he can conclude now that he is definitely blushing because of this innocent man beside him.

Wow, Forth, for the first time in your life someone has made you blush like a whipped teenager.

Damn, he couldn’t even remember why Ronan is here and the day has barely started and he is already having this.

“How long do you plan to stare at me?”

“Y-You’re awake.”

Ronan opens his eyes and looks straightly at him. “I am because someone just couldn’t keep himself calm down there.”


He swears he didn’t even mean to poke Ronan with his morning hardness. He wasn’t even thinking about anything sexual! He was quick to move away from Ronan but to his surprise, the doctor didn’t let him.

“Why are you running away when you have me here to help you?”

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