“Your pheromone scent and level are stronger than ever, Doc Ronan. I would have to give you a stronger suppressant pill. We will keep in the same dosage and use but we are switching them to another higher brand. According to some of my patients, this pill usually makes them feel drowsy throughout the day so I advise you take a day or three leave when your Heat comes just to see the effect of pills on you…"
Ronan attentively listens to his doctor. Despite the fact that he hates himself for being born an Omega, he will never allow himself be a victim of his own Heat ever again. He needs his utmost care for his being. Even if it means that he has to go to his painfully long sessions with his doctor.
An Omega is one of three classifications of humans today. Alpha, Beta, and Omega. The lowest of hierarchy and the kind of people who belongs in the one percent of the whole world population. The kind who experiences what they call “Heat”. Heat is like menstruation to normal Beta women—an indication of full body maturation for pregnancy.
Betas don’t really release nor don’t have their own pheromones, but they can smell and even get affected to Alphas’ and Omegas’ pheromones. Same goes with any male gender, the Beta men can also get pregnant but the chances are slim like to those with Alpha men. The true male pregnancy only occurs a hundred percent chance with Omega men. Pregnancy with women of any kind is as high as those of Omega men.
The Omegas are also the only ones who can undergo “true mating” with an Alpha. When an Alpha and an Omega mate, a “Bond” could happen when the Alpha decides to “mark” the Omega through biting onto his nape. That bite seals the Bond between the Alpha and the Omega—the act where the Alpha is fully owning the Omega. The Omega then can no longer mate with any other Alpha and his Heat wouldn’t affect any other Alpha aside from who he bonded with.
Just like a woman reaching her maturity the moment her menstruation comes; an Omega’s sign of maturation is when he finally experiences his Heat. The Heat is this literal burning feeling inside an Omega as he releases his pheromone. This pheromone now attracts Alphas, and in some strong cases even the Betas are affected by this scent, because it is a sign—an invitation—that an Omega is ready to mate, ready to be bonded with an Alpha. What’s worse in the situation is that Heat doesn’t come as regular as some menstruation do. It can be anytime and anywhere.
This is why the Omegas are considered to be the lowest on the hierarchy. Often subjected to as only sex objects—because that’s how they are naturally programmed, attract Alphas for mating purposes. It isn’t even the Omegas fault because the Heat can only be subdued naturally without the intense pain on the Omega when he mates with an Alpha. Sex. Sex calms down the Heat naturally. Sex with an Alpha is the only way to fully satisfy the Heat. When an Omega doesn’t get to mate with an Alpha, or even with a Beta, the burning feeling brought by the Heat will cause the Omega the intense pain he can experience until his Heat naturally passes on its own.
This is also why when the Alphas, and even Betas, rape or assault Omegas during their Heat, it would not be their fault for doing such crime. They were only “attracted” and “invited” to do such thing.
Luckily, Heat Suppressant pills and shots are now available to help an Omega subdue his Heat without the need of having sex with anyone. Without experiencing the intense pain that comes with it. This is the vital must-have of an Omega and it is even part of the law for Omegas to responsibly carry their pills or shots of suppressants anytime and anywhere for his and for everyone’s safety.
“Are sure you still don’t want to wear a collar, Doc Ronan?”
Ronan kindly smiles at his doctor. It’s always been a part of their discussion and this time wouldn’t be any different. He would not wear such thing.
A “collar” is a protective device for an Omega especially during mating. When he mates with Alpha, there’s always a tendency that an Alpha could lose control and bite the Omega even without his consent. So, to prevent further unwanted Bonds, a collar is also a must-have of an Omega but it is more on the optional side.
“Well, then, please don’t forget your pills and please take care of yourself more. You’re becoming anemic again.”
Ronan chuckles. “Thank you, doc. I’ll see you again.”
* * * * * * * * * *
“Holy fucking shit! Ronan!”
Ronan simply sighs when his long-time friend and co-doctor Kei enters his office slash clinic again without knocking on the door. The woman who he had just been making out with rushes to fix herself and when she finishes, she left with a last kiss for him.
He’s ready for his friend’s scolding now.
Kei, with his arms crossed on his chest, glares at him. “How many times do I have to tell you that making out with our patients’ relatives is not something you do in a hospital, Ronan?!”
Ronan laughs and then grins with Kei’s outburst. “How many times do I have to tell you, too, that you have to knock every time you’ll enter someone’s clinic, Kei? What if were having sex just now?”
His friend seemed to digest his words but he still rolls his eyes at him. “Touché.”