Forth is trying hard to calm himself down. He’s breathing too harshly and he’s controlling it by taking slow and deep breaths one at a time. With his heart’s pace, it still seems to be attempting to break his chest bones. He splashes more water on his face then looks at his reflection through the foggy mirror in front of him.
He wanted to laugh at himself but all he could do is smirk like crazy.
Where in the world he got all that self-control? Fucking hell—with his current state now, he knows he had reached his limit hours ago and in all the miracles there are, it didn’t seem that way. That what has been amusing for him, he has lost his control and he could have bitten Ronan with how intense their sex was… and he didn’t.
He was waiting to fully lose control over himself because with how Ronan released his pheromones, it was enough to drive every Alpha in that very building crazy. It was too much even for him. It was too intoxicating, too addicting, too dangerous. He swears he could have bitten Ronan.
But he really didn’t.
He looks at the marks and scratches Ronan has left him, too, and that made him grin wider. Last night’s reminders of how intense the sex they have shared. After all of those years that have passed, who would have thought that they will end up having sex right at their first meeting?
It was like continuing the inevitable, continuing what they postponed to happen. To think that this is also the sole reason why their friendship got broken the first time—
He took another deep breath and let it out loudly.
All of his unexpected control over himself last night is taking toll on him now. This time, he really laughs at himself.
Sex with Omegas should always satisfy him but with what he and Ronan shared last night? It was far from reaching satisfaction. It was a start of addiction because all he knows now is that he will never, ever let Ronan go again. It wasn’t about satisfaction anymore—it was finding what will keep him sane forever.
Sighing again, he left the bathroom. He doesn’t know if he could ever control himself like that again.
He looks at the empty, chaotic bed.
The whole room still smelled like Ronan—it smelled like flowers. Calming and at the same time triggering madness.
Ronan. Ronan. Ronan.
Time to meet his doctor again.
* * * * * * * * * *
Kei slams his hands on the table and glares at Ronan. “He did what?!”
Ronan sighs again for the nth time today. After that meeting with Forth, he doesn’t know where he is getting this last drop of energy. He’s really tired and he needs to sleep but he really can’t blame Kei, too, if he wants to know everything now. Even Eden is worried but chose to still stay silent. He doesn’t know though if he’ll hear an earful from Elijah because he’s with Forth; for sure he would already know things, right?
He repeated again what happened minus all the details of their steamy sex. That would be too much information and Kei is an Alpha. He knows he wouldn’t understand the struggle of Heat. But with Eden? Being both Omegas, he knows what happened was out of his control and understands him that way.
Eden calms Kei this time. “You can’t only blame one party, Kei, because we all know that both are at their faults here. Ronan didn’t bring with him his suppressants and that’s the biggest fault. Forth, on the other hand—”
A knock on the door cut off what Eden was saying. It was Elijah.
“Both are old enough to know what they did and know how to take responsibility of their actions. Regardless of being Alphas and Omegas, we are not teens anymore. Both of you should let Ronan rest because we all know that he needs it and he’s still on his Heat period.”
Kei scoffs but then sighs. “Okay, okay. But this conversation is still not yet over, Ronan.” After that, he already storms out of the room.
Eden looks at him apologetically. “Rest well, Ronan, and don’t think about Kei too much. You know he’s the most worrywart. Shall we call the driver for you?”
Elijah takes Eden’s hand. “We will call the driver for you, Ronan, to take you home and we’re not taking ‘no’ for an answer. You can also take the week off even if your Heat has subdued.”
He finally had his first smile after this stressful morning.
At least, he’ll get his rest before facing again that asshole Alpha named Forth.
* * * * * * * * * *
Forth never paid attention to Ronan until he decided to give up on Eden. He’s an Alpha himself and he knew he doesn’t stand a chance in breaking what Fate has decided for Elijah and Eden—and that’s the problem. Now, all his attention is focused on something, or rather someone, else.
He doesn’t know why everyone seemed to be oblivious about this but it was so obvious for him that Ronan terribly likes Kei.
Ronan likes Kei too much that it makes him pity Ronan more than he should.