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As much as Ronan wants to deny and ignore it, he had a great rest over the weekend all thanks to Forth. Of course, he wouldn’t tell a single soul about it but the fact the he really was rested despite being sore from all the sex they did, amazes him. He has never slept so soundly in his life.

“You look happy, Doc Ronan, did something happen?”

He smiles at his assistant nurse. “Must have woken up in the right side of the bed.”

“Or maybe you finally knew the beauty of yourself.”

He looked to whoever spoke and it’s an old lady in her wheelchair. His nurse giggles and says she will assist the old lady back to her room but he stopped his nurse. Something with this old woman caught his attention and he knows she might know that he is an Omega—he can feel that she knows it.

“You can go without me. I think I’ll assist madame on his room myself.”

“Shall I put you on break, doc?”

“Yes, thank you.”

When his nurse excused herself, that’s when she approached the lady and went to push her wheelchair. Her dextrose is labeled Room 634 and that is close to where they are. For a moment, they were silent until the old lady told her to stop by the garden.

“Sit down, boy, I have been meaning to talk to you.”

He smiles to himself. This old lady is giving him the vibes of those rich ladies from the movies who are bitches. He did, he sat on the bench close to where the lady asked him to place her wheelchair.

“You are an Omega, aren’t you?”

Straight to the point, he liked that the very least. “I am, madame.”

“I am, too, so don’t sound like you lost the game or whatever. My own doctor told me that I’m dying and I’m okay with it—then I saw you.”

He remains silent and waiting for the lady to continue.

“I’ve been for almost half a year and I’ve always loved observing people. Out of all the people, you were the most special to me because you are too an Omega. It’s common in our kind to hate ourselves, even I experienced that.”

Was this lady shooting daggers? This is the first time anyone told him that they know that he hates himself.

“These past few days, I noticed that you were relaxed and more comfortable with your own skin.” The lady suddenly chuckles. “Boy, what I’m trying to say here is that you’re already finding your way to your inner peace and I hope you don’t let go of that.”

He gulps uncomfortably. He doesn’t know where this conversation is going but he is suddenly afraid to hear the rest.

“Stop with the self-loathing. I know it’s easier said than done but you have to do it sooner than later. You are an Omega and it will never change—but it doesn’t mean you are ‘just’ an Omega.”

His nightmares pops into his mind, he never liked remembering them but this conversation triggers them. How ironic it is to have it said to him in person but in a whole different context?

“Like what I told you, I’m dying, but you know what? I’m dying happy because I am Omega and being an Omega is beautiful.”

He didn’t know he needed to hear these words but damn it. It triggers so much in him that he feels like scratching himself hard. He wants to scratch himself. He needs to scratch himself.

“Madame Jane, there you are! We have been looking all over for you.” The nurses came rushing to them.

The lady smiles and for a brief second touches his hand. Why in the hell he suddenly feels like crying too?

“You’re a on the start of discovering that, don’t stop.”

* * * * * * * * * *

“Are you okay? You’re pale.”

Ronan just shook his head with Kei’s question. He didn’t know that he was pale but he’s sure that he’s okay.

They are here on the hospital’s cafeteria for their early dinner. Most of the day nurses are here, too, since their shift is ending. He still has some few rounds to finish for tonight and Kei is already done with his. His co-doctor just insisted to join him over dinner while waiting for his boyfriend Heath.

Speaking of the boyfriend, Heath strides in the cafeteria—unconsciously gathering all the nurses’ attention.

“Maybe it’s a wrong idea to join you after all.” Kei says, already cursing silently to everyone who is gawking at his boyfriend.

That made him chuckle. “Frustrated already that you have a handsome boyfriend?”

“Handsome my ass. He’s mine and I say his handsomeness is only mine.”

Now, that made him laugh out loud.

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