Keegan's P.O.V
She has been giving me the silent treatment since that night, we had to go to dinner tonight though and I couln't wait to see her again. The dinner was slow and dragged on, I couldn't get that night out of my mind I have been going crazy since. But then again she looked breathtaking, she smiled and laughed but didn't talk much. At the end of the evening we walked out, as our parents already left. I turned to her as we waited for her car, she was silent. " Why do you keep ignoring me? Did I do something wrong?" she looked at me with tears in her eyes, "what the hell are we doing Keegan? I push you away you keep pulling me close, we do things that we aren't suppose to do. It's wrong. It's just a matter of time before you realize I am not worth al the effort and you will leave and I would be the one picking up all of the pieces like I always do." I stood there looking into those gorgeous eyes and for the first time ever I realized just how much damage were done. I realized she don't see herself the way I do, she sees herself as worthless,I see her as pricelesss, she sees herself as ugly, I see her as beautiful, she sees herself as a dissapointment I saw her success I wish she could see herself the way I do. I pulled her inclose for a hug, and kissed the top of her head. "I am not going anywhere I am staying, and if it were so wrong then why the hell does it feel so right? I will never see you as just a chase Kitten I can see the end result. You are worth so much more My little Kitten, you are priceless and I will never deserve you but I will spend the rest of my live proofing my worth." And I meant every single word.
Catalya P.O.V
For the next week me and Keegan texted nonstop, All trying to figure out exactly where we both might be heading to,trying our best to compromise and meet each other half way, he wanted a relationship. An all exclusive relationship, with the extremely big possibility of marriage and a family. I tried to negotiate for something a little more lighthearted. Since I am a poor negotiator trying to negotiate with a business man I decided it just weren't the effort. So instead I came up with the idea of rules, we called it the rules of engagement. And these were my terms and conditions. 1. I struggle with trust, every single man me or my mom dated cheated. So I have to know that, that's off the table. I have full access to you whenever I want or need you. 2. No working late, if you're not at the office where you are suppose to be. 3. Girlsnight is a very big deal for me, you are allowed to tag along. But I do not want to see you or hear you unless, you're there to protect me. It's an exclusive time I get to spend with my friends. 4. Don't tell me what to wear I love what I'm wearing and I love to show some skin. I want to flaunt it while I've still got it. 5. Never tell me to look down when I am talking to you, or you're talking to me. Neither between you're friends. 6. I need my independence so don't tell me not to work or have my own income. 7. Incase of a disagreement just talk to me, no screaming or any sort of violence would be permitted. I WILL WALK. 8. If you don't like the way a friend or stranger looks at me, it's not my fault so don't even think about punishing me for someone elses behavior. My list went on and on, all of my fears from my previous relationship came forth no matter how hard I tried not to let it. I send the terms and conditions and not even minutes later I recieved it back signed. He sent his of course stating 1. You are mine, I am yours no other men or women. 2. Always be yourself 3. Just fucking love me. I stared at the words, and with shaky hands signed the deal.The rules
For the next week me and Keegan texted nonstop, All trying to figure out exactly where we both might be heading to,trying our best to compromise and meet each other half way, he wanted a relationship. An all exclusive relationship, with the extremely big possibility of marriage and a family. I tried to negotiate for something a little more lighthearted. Since I am a poor negotiator trying to negotiate with a business man I decided it just weren't the effort. So instead I came up with the idea of rules, we called it the rules of engagement. And these were my terms and conditions. 1. I struggle with trust, every single man me or my mom dated cheated. So I have to know that, that's off the table. I have full access to you whenever I want or need you. 2. No working late, if you're not at the office where you are suppose to be. 3. Girlsnight is a very big deal for me, you are allowed to tag along. But I do not want to see you or hear you unless, you're there to protect me. It's an exclusive time I get to spend with my friends. 4. Don't tell me what to wear I love what I'm wearing and I love to show some skin. I want to flaunt it while I've still got it. 5. Never tell me to look down when I am talking to you, or you're talking to me. Neither between you're friends. 6. I need my independence so don't tell me not to work or have my own income. 7. Incase of a disagreement just talk to me, no screaming or any sort of violence would be permitted. I WILL WALK. 8. If you don't like the way a friend or stranger looks at me, it's not my fault so don't even think about punishing me for someone elses behavior. My list went on and on, all of my fears from my previous relationship came forth no matter how hard I tried not to let it. I send the terms and conditions and not even minutes later I recieved it back signed. He sent his of course stating 1. You are mine, I am yours no other men or women. 2. Always be yourself 3. Just fucking love me. I stared at the words, and with shaky hands signed the deal. We discussed dinner for the weekend, he said he'll come pick me up at 8. And yes, like clockwork Keegan knocked on the door. I dressed an off the shoulder red dress with golden heels and a golden purse. My lips were red and my eyes gold with a smokey shade, My hair were done in viking style braids on the side and a high ponytail. His eyes raked over me in hunger, from head to toe and I couldn't feel more incredible knowing I had this kind of effect on Keegan Kruger Clark which was a really big deal. He handed over a big bush of pink and purple roses, and smiled, " You look stunningly beautiful Kitten" I could feel my cheeks heat as a blush crept onto my face and I looked down to my shoes. His finger tipped up my chin, so that I look up to him His eyes were warm and a tender as he smiled "never look down remember?" I gave him a warm smile in return knowing he read the terms and conditions of our relationship agreement so I turned on my heel heading inside to grab a vase to place the roses in water. I reached up to grab the vase when I felt him press up against me and reached up behind me to grab it for me. We started small talk, asking how each others week went. Keegan told me all about his friends, I have never met before, but now I wanted to. I wanted to know all about them, there was a small knock on the door and my excitement sky rocketed when I saw Anya and my little boy standing infront of the doorway I had an open door policy for all of my friends. I grabbed them both into a huge bear hug. They each introduced themselves to Keegan as I grabbed the envelope with this months expenses. I paid for most of the things Anya needed since she enrolled back into college she was working really hard raising her son, working and college all at one go. I handed her the envelope, and grabbed the box of cookies and candy I had prepared for my little boy. His smile lit up the entire room,"thank you aunty kitty, I love your cookies and candy" I picked him up and smothered him in hugs and kisses. The love I felt towards this little man could not be described. Anya hugged me and thanked me for everything, this is why I love helping her the appreciation were always so evident . It warmed my heart, after saying our goodbyes we moved outside to the elevator. "What was in the envelope?" I didn't reply it wasn't anyones business. "Let me guess, you pay for everything since you know her, my guess is you help with babysitting to?" I stayed quite for a while before I spoke" I don't like talking about it, if I help people out. It feels like people lately want to do something good for attention. Like all of these people give money to the homeless but sticks a camera in their faces, it's humiliating and degrading I mean who does that? I believe it's about not showing what you do, and nothing I do I want back.. It's an act of kindness, and I want to pay it forwards" I looked into his eyes, as his eyes softened even more.