The next morning I woke up to the exact same treatment as the day before, I mean fuck I could totally get used to this. But I wanted to take a walk in her day, I wanted to see what it was that made her love to volunteer so much so we got up, cleaned up and we started to take a walk through what she loved to do with her time. The first place we stopped at was the orphanage, and I fell inlove with her all over again when I saw how all of these kids loved her. The second was the old age home, the old people went crazy when they saw her, and she suprised the one old gentleman when she played him a song she wrote about his and his deceased wife. He told me to pull up a seat, and told me exactly what the most important things are in a relationship and how to treat a lady. How to never get to old to call her baby, I enjoyed these peoples advice. There was a couple of wild old ladies, but Catalya saved me stating that I was hers and to keep their hands to themselves. My little Kitten was jealous an I loved it, it clearly was a new emotion for her since she looked confused about her reaction. Our third stop was the centre for abused woman and children, a place where I truly realised just how unfair the world were. And the fear in these women eyes, yet they would press their kids behind them ready to defend them with all they had. And I compeletly understood what Catalya meant the other night about a womans strength that even though they are small and fragile they would do anything to protect their kids. We went to the Navy SEAL and marine centre last, and my eyes opened to a whole different world, where my little Kitten did not fear anyone. She laughed and smiled, and would be compeletly carefree. This one older gentleman approached me and introduced himself as Regimald, Catalya called him Reggie. He was in a wheelchair and both of his legs were amputated, he didn't have any teeth and somehow as I took a walk in her shoes today I wanted to make a difference in these peoples lives to. Not for her, but for me. He rolled himself over and gave me a smile," Good day son, you look at a loss" I looked at him and asked him why she always looked so scared of her own shadow, yet here she was carefree and smiling. He told me to take a seat, so I did. " Because she knows she's save here, we are all her friends and here we all love and adore her. Most of these men, well all of us would die protecting her. I knew her grandpapa, he used to ranch here right outside the city. Both of his legs were amputated to, but he wore prosthesis a really incredible man. He used to bring and donate food to the centre, and he would bring his little angels along. Mikayla always hated tagging along, but Catalya she loved this place. She couldn't wait to come here." He stopped and took a breath before continuing " He and his wife passed away in a car crash when Catalya was only 12 years old but her uncle Dewaldt took over, bringing her here as often as he could. She never left, just coming back. Becoming a lot of our men's motivation and inspiration as time went by." His eyes lit up " she is just incredible, never complains and always reminds us that there is worse things in life." I took in each word, realising that even though I tought I knew her, I really didn't know her at all. On the drive back home I asked her why she volunteers, and even though I had an amazing time I was curios as to why she did all of this. She was silent for a second before she started. "I volunteer at the orphange because, I know what love is, I feel it everywhere in my moms eyes her hugs everywhere, these kids have no one. I would love to adopt, but where do I start, I would adopt all of them. I want to make a difference in their lives, to show them the way and to guide them. Teach them that live might not be fair, but it has more to do with who you are than what people think or say about you." She paused for a second and then said one word. " Time, that's why I volunteer at the old age home, most of these people still remember being my age. They are inspiring and motivating and teaches me each time that the gift of time is the most expensive gift yet, you can't take back time. You can't turn it back and you can't buy it. So live every single moment as if it's your last." She gave me a small smile, " I already told you about how strong and brave I think women are, no need to tell you why I volunteer there. But the Navy SEAL and Marine centre, well some of those men can't walk so every morning when I get up and swing my legs out of bed, I am grateful to be able to use my legs. Some of them are blind, so when I wake up in the morning and see the sun light through my window I am grateful to see, some of them are deaf so when I wake up and hear the birds, cars honking or your voice. I am grateful to hear, you see it's the small things in life that we take for granted, love, freedom, time, eyesight, hearing and all of our limps still intact. That we truly forget how privileged we are to have all of the things we take for granted." I stayed quite and let this all sink in because out of everything it was the truth, so many days we just get up in the morning not even paying a single mind or attention to the things we do have. She stayed quite to until she turned towards me, " you know i have learned a lot in 21 years, like the things money can buy you, it's all of the things you want like an expensive car,house and more. But there are so many things in life money can't buy you. Like love, commitment, respect, loyalty and faithfullness, friendship true friendship, health and most of all life. When it's gone it's gone. Nothing can bring you back from the dead." I let all of this sink in, how in the world does this woman have more wisdom than anyone I have ever met before. We made it to her place and I couldn't say a word. I mean I have learned more walking in her shoes today, than I did my entire life. My whole life has always been about success and chasing money, instead of chasing the things that truly mattered. We continued the night talking and making love to one another. And as she fell asleep, I decided to give my father a call. Just to thank him for always being there for me, loving and caring for me and for always having my back. I asked him if he would like to join our poker night, and he said he'd loved to. Maybe it's time to give him more credit, he only wanted what's best for me. I turned around and watched her sleep. My Little Kitten beautiful inside and out, she compeletly owned me.