The week went by, and tonight I scheduled dinner at our place so that she could meet the guys. We decided on a BBQ and she had it all planned out, with the fridge restocked and the liquor cabinet refilled. She prepared for salads and dishes even dessert she wanted to show of her skills, so I let her. Each after the other of my bestfriends showed up after work, and she kept our glasses full. Just playing hostess most of the night. Until I told her to calm down a bit, even the guys didn't know what to do with her. She didn't look any of them in the eye, so I told her to take a break and come and enjoy it with us. Clearly she was thrown with this and no one ever asked her to join. "Did you get her to calm down yet?" Kade smiled. "Yes, she'll join us shortly. Clearly that asshole never included her in anything. She looked caught off guard when I asked her to join us." Collin spoke up " this is the problem these days, the guys who just likes a girl and wants to be with her gets punished for the previous fuckers fault, take Allison for instance." We heard laughter from behind us, and we all looked back to my little kitten. "Actually Ally Cat thinks you're way out of her league, she thinks you're way to attractive for her" That brought a smile to Collins face,he cleared his throat " well then, do you think" She didn't give him a chance to finish when she nodded her head. "Come here Kitten" She came over and sat on my lap. The conversation turned as everyone started to get to know her better. Of course Kade asked her about her most embarassing moment which is when she started blushing. "Okay so, not a lot of people knows about this, but it comes with a background story. So when I was 14 I was in a private Highschool which meant uniforms. Our girls uniforms were white skirts." We knew exactly which one she was talking about, we all went there. " So I got my very first period in class during a pop quiz. The boy behind me started making all sorts of disgusting remarks, and by the time I found out it was all about me, I freaked out and tried my best to grab all of my stuff to run to the restroom. But he got up and started pushing me around, since my tummy weren't feeling so well after the third time, I vomited all over him." We all got upset hearing this, since it was normal and we found his behaviour disgusting no matter how old we are or were we would never do that to anyone. " So fast foward years later, I never forgot what he did to me. It was humiliating and embarasing. So by the time I went to college so did he, Lucas went to college with me and since it was a halloween party I dressed up as Harley Quinn. I saw him straight off since he was dressed as Batman in spandex all of it. So I took him a beer and by the time we started dancing and kissing he asked me if I wanted to take it over to his frathouse. I was all in." I really didn't like where this was all going. But she told me, it did not have a happy ending. So I let her continue "so as we drove there with my car, this asshole starts farting. I had to roll down the windows just to breath." And by this time we were all laughing because we had a feeling where this was going."So we ended up at the frathouse after I nearly died and we made our way to his room we start kissing and I swear the smell is terrible, I just can't its horrific so I asked him if he could switch on the lights, so that I could have a clear view of what I am dealing with. But by the time je switches on the lights, I know why it smells like death. The whole place is full of dirty underwear and pizza boxes, I swear something died. The one pile of dirty underwear had streaks in them and I wondered if his momma ever told him how to wipe." Now we are all dying of laughter, the way she states everything just made us laugh so hard."So he takes of his shirt and I think, yeah I could work with this,this ain't so bad. Until he undid his pants, the worse smell ever hit me and I nearly died. I told myself not to look down, but I did. Now keep in mind this guy was drunk off of his ass. And when I saw his dick covered in his shit, it felt like highschool all over again I vomited all over him. I have never felt like that before." At this point we nearly fell over laughing, with her it's not just what she says but how she says it. "So he asked me if I could wait awhile, while he gets cleaned up. I was like no, thank you and bolted for the door. So I am running in my heels, Harley Quinn motherfucker. I am a villian and a badass bitch tonight, meanwhile he is coming after me screaming for me to come back. His spandex still around his ankles and his batman mask still intact.Real lovely role playing we've got going on. By the time we reach downstairs, everybody is still there and some of the students are either laughing or some starts to throw up. It's just awful. He stood there with his spandex around his ankles covered in shit and vomit,and I am beyond pale. And then he passes out hard cold, now I am the villian of the night. There is no way I am dragging his ass anywhere to get him cleaned up. So instead I reached into my purse grabbed the box of immoduim and threw it his way." I just knew at this point she somehow gave him a laxative which made me laugh even harder. Everybody knew it. " So karma is a bitch, and yes I spiked his drink with a laxative,but Karma didn't bite him in the ass so I played Karma for the night. A couple of weeks later he transfered schools." We were all laughing having some fun as she told us interesting facts about places, herself and her group of friends. The food was incredible as always. And the guys ate all of it, and if that weren't a compliment all on it's own I don't know what is. She fell asleep on my lap, so I picked her up and took her to bed. After my return we all sat and stayed quite for awhile "You are right, I want that, this, what you have with Catalya. The bond the two of you share is incredible. And she's amazing man, she has a great sense of humour and holy shit, she can cook" I couldn't help but smile. Because it was all true, she was incredible,she is incredible and she's all mine.