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chapter 9: Mr Arrogant


When we got back home that day Ari and Martha made sure I spilled all the details right in place.

They made me a talking machine.

Even though I told them everything there was one one thing I couldn't bring myself to tell.

It was that ex and liar friend of ari.

That was to remain hidden until it couldn't be hidden anymore.

I wanted to see their next move because I knew that the battle wasn't ending right there.

They were to pull another move soon or later because according to what I heard last time Lesley was a master mind so I had to be five steps ahead of their wicked plans.

They were silencing the storm.

That felt like it was so natural because I felt that their next move would be an explosion to the spot.

Martha and Ari were shocked that I slept with Abelardo.

If they called that shocking they were about to lose their mind with the news that will spread about me being his so called 'fiancé '

Today was a free day.

No work but I couldn't help to wake up in the middle of the night with the same nightmare that was eating me alive.

Everyday it was swallowing me.

Before I could step in the shower I stopped at the small cupboard that was filled with toiletries.

I took the needed ones being careful with the blade that I saw and stepped in the shower.

You could think I was crazy showering at three thirty in the morning but I couldn't help it because I was full of sweat and only a shower would calm my furiously beating heart.

Half an hour I was done with everything including shaving and scrubbing my body twice before going to washing my afro hair that stuck on me after I finished.

Having hair as hard as mine you could even say prayers everytime that a comb passed through it.

I walked out of the shower and switched on the lights in my room only to find Abelardo sitting on my bed typing on his phone.

What was he doing in my room.

When did he even enter my room and why was he here at this time of the night.

When he heard me he immediately rose his head making eye contact with me.

His eyes held something different each day after last year when I forced him to marry me.

I tried to avoid him in each way possible by staying far away from where he was and trying to stay hidden everytime that he came at home.

I would make my self busy even by seeming interested to the white walls near the kitchen.

I didn't want him finding out that I was hiding something which could possibly send Lesley and Greg to their graves.

Neither did I want him to think that I was over what he did.

I held my towel tighter making the towel on my head fall flat to my feet.

I took a step away from where I was standing as he eyed me intensely seeming to give out no emotion at all.

"Why were you showering at three in the morning?" He asked in his deep accented voice.

For goodness sake talk nicely for once.

"Uumm it felt hot in here so I umm decided to take umm a shower." I said trying to hide the real reason but it surely wasn't working.

I knew that he could tell I was lying.

"Then why was you fan on and your air conditioner at the ending degree.

Your room was man freezing that I had to switch off the air conditioner but nothing changed the coldness in here

so you are telling me that you felt hot in a freezing room?" He asked arching one eyebrow as I eyed the raised eyebrow annoyingly.

That was one of the thing that could get on my last nerve because it was just too weird and non understandable.

"None of your business.

Now if you dont mind I need to dress up" I said dropping the towel.

I really did not give a fuck that he was in the room.

"Is this about your nightmares again samah?" He asked his voice becoming somehow soft at the end.

I didn't answer to his question.

I just felt my body starting to shake for no reason.

How dare he!

After one year of turturing me with insults.

Why care!

I was fuming.

"Come lay down samah you need to rest." He said gently leading me to the inviting bed as he slid down next to me.

"Dont touch me!" I said gritting my teeth.

* * * * *

When I woke up the first thing I noticed was the light sun kissed arm on my chest holding me tighter to their body.

I tilted my head looking for what was going on and that was when all the colour in my face drained.

My towel was down on the floor like three feet away from the bed.

I was butt naked in Abelardo's arms while he slept like he had no care for the word his hair going in every direction.

Was it really bad that I wanted to run my hand in the messy looking hair that he had.

How did that happen.

How did my towel fly that far.

How did I even end up in bed with him.

I quickly removed his arm causing me to fall butt flat on the floor.

I wasn't fast enough to stand or take the towel because before I could even reach the towel to cover my naked my body he was wide awake looking at me with amusement filling his eyes.

How could he find this situation amusing.

He saw me naked again for goodness sake.

But this time I did not care.

"You know I have seen you naked before samah so what exactly are you trying to hide" he asked with a smirk on his face.

"I ain't hidding shit." I said rolling my eyes then walked to the bathroom.

I sighed looking in the mirror seeing how horrible I really looked.

I knew that my hair was dry because it wouldn't look that crazy while it was still wet.

I really did forget to wrap it up.

Did he see me like this.

"Samah we have a brunch to attend in twenty minutes wear normally it is just a friendly brunch with a long time friend" he said loud enough for me to hear and walked out of my room.

Making sure he banged my door for some unknown reasons.

If it was casual lunch then I could wear anything comfortable enough.

I walked to the closet looking for what I could wear since Martha filled my closet according to her own fashion and as she said I needed to be a woman that men craved because I was with Abelardo and being with Abelardo came with a price.

That wasn't just me.

I didn't take advantages of a thing but what I did agree was that I needed to start dressing like a woman.

I walked to the closet and looked at the part of body suits with different colours.

I decided to go for the black transparent one that caught my attention.

To mix it up I took demin ripped shorts and knee length laced up boots from Franz Domlan.

To say I looked nice was understanding but I looked bomb.

I really did.

I combed my hair not in the mood to do anything special so I just threw it in an upper messy closed bun then applied some little makeup.

I was lucky that Martha brought more hair bands and hair ties thick enough for my hair.

When I was done

I walked downstairs to Abelardo who was patiently waiting for me while typing on his phone.

When he heard me he looked up his eyes widening with something I couldn't read.

"Uumm... How do I look?" I asked for the third time all he did was started at me with his mouth open not uttering a word.

Talk about weird people.

I snapped my fingers Infront of his face seeming to bring him back from his imaginary wonder world.

"Uumm.. what did you say?" He asked composing himself.


I repeated the same question three times and he wanted me to repeat it for the fourth time.

"You know what never mind aren't we going to be late for this brunch you were talking about?" I asked taking my shoulder bag.

I loved shoulder bags more that purses because they were better transportation well according to me.

When he stood up all I could do stare at his body and well fitting clothes that he wore causing him to look even hotter.

I didn't know any boy dressings but all I could say was that he looked yummy to devour at the moment.

He was not in his usual suit dressings but in more causal clothes that made him look edible.

"You can take a picture it will last longer" he said not even once turning to look at me.

I rolled my eyes.

Way to ruin the moment.

He released a small heart warming laugh causing me to look in his capturing eyes.

He held my hand with his gently guiding me to the black shining Audi Q7 outside.

The car was a goal.

I always loved audis but seeing that one made my love for it grow even bigger.

"You like it?" He asked looking at me while he fixed his shades.

How could anyone not like the car for goodness sake.

"I don't like it.

I love it. This is a goal I swear.

It must have costed you much" I said touching the shiny black leather sits which gave no sign of dust.

He just shrugged his shoulders.

"No it didn't actually according to me I bought it to a fair prize it was worth it.

Wait until you see the other cars in the garage" he said smirking as he started the engine.

The whole time we spent it talking and him bragging about his better looking car in his garage while I told him my love for Audis.

With shape of you by Ed Sheeran and alarm by Ann Marie playing in the radio.

Little did those songs start to match my life.

* * * * *

When we arrived there the restaurant looked like one of those magazine restaurants when you enter it you don't want to come out because they have those sexy waiters or the inside is full of gold.

"Angelo my man how have you been?" Abelardo exclaimed doing the guy hugging thingy that I didn't understand even a little bit.

First how could they do that.

Second how could they not fall with all the pulling and pushing done.

"I have been great and who is this lovely woman standing before me?" He asked giving me a smile that any woman would swoon over but all I did was return his smile with a genius one bringing my hand for a shake with his.

Never take a woman's politeness with a flirt she will actually slap you.

"I am samah" I said letting him kiss my hand while he added a wink.

Oohhh gosh why did he have to be hot with his Italian accent.

"My girlfriend Angelo" Abelardo said a little bit rude to angelo who returned it with a smirk.

"I see Abelardo but I am must say you got a damn piece of fine ass work" he said looking at me.

I couldn't do anything except to blush which I thanked my brown skin that couldn't show it.

"Back off Angelo she is mine." Abelardo said pulling me to his side while we entered with Angelo on the side.

The brunch was great surprisingly and Angelo kept on hitting me up while I was busy removing Abelardo's hand that kept on creeping on my thigh.

It felt as if it left a mark of sensation on my bare skin as I cursed my self for wearing shorts.

Each time he kept his hand I removed it and that gave him pleasure to go higher until I actually pinched him.

He gave me a glare which I returned it with a smile.

I wanted to stab him with my fork but then I remembered that violence was not the best answer.

All that they talked was business bla bla bla business which bore me out of my mind.

As I imagined before we entered the waiters here we sexy and good looking.

Great atleast that could kill my time checking out waiters and giving them false hopes and impressions.

"I hope we meet again samah it was a pleasure meeting you here" Angelo said taking my hand again and kissing it.

How of a flirt could this guy be atleast he wasn't like Abelardo who was cold and emotionless sometimes.

"Me too I hope you won't be flirting like this when we meet again because that girl right there kept giving you googly eyes and I saw you wink at her so don't try to even deny it" I said smirking while folding my arms on my chest.

I saw a smile creeping on Angelo's face.

"You should keep her she is really something" Angelo said looking to Abelardo.

Their eyes seemed to talk for a while the language that I couldn't understand so I just looked around since we were standing at the exit.

They all nodded at once which I found really weird.

"Bye samah" he said walking away backwards.

I didn't respond I just looked at him and shook my head walking with Abelardo.

When we arrived back home he didn't spare me a glare he just walked straight to his office or wherever he went.

I shrugged off my shoulders and started looking for the right ingredients to make diner.

Today was the day off so I also gave the chef one.

I mixed all the ingredients needed and removed the chicken in the freezer puting it in water for the ice to come out while I started chopping the onions.

An hour half I was done with everything and the food was ready.

I walked to the stairs where his office was located but stoped at his room to check if he might be there before I go to his office.

I stood there thinking of what he would say if he sees me standing on the door or knocking on the door because last time I called him for dinner things didn't go well.

Before I could knock the door he opened it giving me an annoyed look.

"Samah you have been standing here for the last five minutes can you say what you want" he asked in his usual annoyed tone.

Did he see me or hear me when I came here.

Then if he did why could he just come out.

"I came to call you for food it is ready downstairs" I said looking down not bothering to make eye contact.

He just nodded his head and I took that as my answer to leave him alone.

I walked and kept his food in the microwave and started eating mine

It had been going on for more than a year.

I knew that he wouldn't come and eat with me.

On my second spoon he was standing Infront of me frowning at my direction.

How comes I didn't even hear him walk down the stairs.

"I though you said food was ready" he said looking around.

I was shocked that he even came.

My mouth formed an O shape before standing from my chair and walking to the closed microwave.

I didn't expect him to come that fast.

I walked back to him with the food perfectly placed on the plate as I kept it Infront of him.

Thankfully the food was still warm.

He sat across me looking at the orange rice that I made while his eyes gave a questioning look.

I didn't expect him to eat it just like that.

"What is this?" He asked looking at me.

I knew the food smelled like heaven I am sure he even smelled it another thing I was sure about was that he couldn't eat it if he didn't know what it was.

Everyone one is like that.

"It is called jollof rice.

It is a Ghanian traditional food try it is nice my mom used to cook it for us" I said smiling at him.

He didn't smile back instead he dug his fork inside the orange looking rice and ate one and twice before he released a quiet satisfied moan.

I smiled at myself and went back to my food.

My cooking skills were irreplaceable

"Are you from Nigeria?" He asked me this time giving me his full attention.

"No I am not.

I am from Senegal" I said looking at him this time making eye contact.

Even at night his eyes were still captivating and penetrating like they were searching for your soul.

"And you where are you from?" I asked not really expecting an answer.

He was a closed up man with his own walls.

"I am Italian my dad is Italian but my mom is mixed both Spanish and Mexican so I geuss you could say that I am also mixed" he said shrugging his shoulders a little.

Perfect mixture.

How could someone hold such a perfection.

"And where did you get your hair from since you have different hair colour with your sister" I asked again.

"Well I got my mom's hair and she got my dad's hair but our eyes we got them from our grandfather from my dad's side he was the only one with this kind of eye colour in his family" he said plastering a proud smile on his mouth.


I couldn't believe that he answered all the questions that I asked him.

"Wow" that was the only thing that came out of my mouth.

"Wow what samah?" He asked looking away from his half empty plate.

"I can't believe that you answered all the questions for the first time I am surprised you even kept up with my questionings." I said twirling a little my fork.

He looked at me intensly his honey coloured eyes turning into a darker colour while I just sat there wondering what was going on.

Why was his eyes turning like that even at night.

He then stood up and slowly walked to me taking small preying steps with his half naked form.

"Do you know what else would surprise you" he whispered in my ear making sure to nibble my earlobe.

Once he did that I was lost of words that nothing seemed to come in my head.

How could such an action make me like that.

Why could he make me like that.

I just nodded my head to the sides slowly showing him that I didn't know what he was talking about.

"The fact that I am on verge banging you right now on this table" he whispered again while pushing the dishes aside.

Did he just......

My eyes widened when what he said registered in my head causing me to turn my head swiftly causing him to kiss me catching me off guard.

"Are you going to allow me to do that samah.

Girlfriend." He said going a little lower to my shoulder.

I couldn't help but shudder to his choice of words he used.

Why did he have to bring that up

"Not here on the table"I managed to whisper in between the kisses he was giving me.

The table was to precious to do such things on it.

"Then lead the way wife" he said going to my neck making me tilt my head to the sides giving him full access to my neck.

What was he doing to me.

I slowly stood up with him behind holding my waist while I guided him in the room where everything was getting hotter with each step.

I entered the room after him while he stood inside waiting for me as I made sure to take my time slowly closing the door.

I heard him growl with impatience coming my way.

I knew I was screwed.

A smile slowly crept on my face before I felt him pull me causing me to fall back flat on the bed where he slowly climbed on top of me and I swear I heard him murmur the word mine which was muffled with kisses he was giving me everywhere.

Was what we were doing a bad idea

Did I care if it was or not.

Heck no now all I wanted was him to finish what he started.

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