I didn't want to move
These nightmares were swallowing me each passing day and the bad thing was that it was slow.
Inch by inch.
Wait why was my pillow this warm.
I rose my head a little to take a proper look at it.
Honey eyes were looking at me with amusement filled in them.
I got trapped in them.
How could someone have such beautiful eyes but an ugly comportment.
"I dont mind waking up every morning like this" Alebardo said chuckling.
What was he talking about?
First thing that registered in my head was emotions.
He just chuckled Infront of me.
Miracle that was a miracle to me.
I looked at where he gestured with his chin.
When did this happen.
I smirked.
My right hand was tangled in his hair my left hand was on the hem of his sweat pants almost touching near his man hood.
I immediately removed my hand away from him feeling a laugh errupt from the pit of my stomach.
When everything from yesterday registered in my head I looked at him.
"Time to start your job samah" he said looking at me with a smile my way.
What just happened.
* * * * *
"Wake up girl today you will not work I am making you look pretty!" Samah said jumping on my bed with another pretty girl by her side who kept smiling.
"Why are you so early and exited today?"I asked ready to kill her for waking me up at five in the morning.
How could anyone wake up at five I thought it was a sin.
"You don't remember?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows.
What should I remember.
"Nooooo" I said dragging the o slowly trying to remember what was so special about this day that made her go crazy.
"It is your birthday bitch" Martha said rolling her eyes.
Ooohhh how could I forget.
My birthday.
I looked at the girl who was standing next to Martha smilling and I was pretty sure she looked familiar with someone.
"Ooohhh how rude of me.
I am Ariandra cande Mendoza Samuel's sister"she said pulling me in a hug.
Oohhh no wonder she had the same eyes as Abelardo but her hair was different.
she had blonde hair.
She had a lighter completion compared to Abelardo's but the similarities were there.
You couldn't miss the way they all had intimidating stares but hers was little less and she smiled.
She was a really walking beauty.
What was there to say?.
I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth as I removed the hair tie that was holding my hair together.
Being free on your twenty seconds birthday was a good feeling.
I was going to fully bath today.
I walked out of the the bathroom with the hair tie on my wrist wet and sat next to Martha who was typing on the phone along with Ariandra.
"Happy birthday" Ariandra said giving me a box.
I hesitated to take it but she pushed it forward almost shoving it on my stomach.
"You can't refuse a gift samah" she said putting the box on my lap.
"I love your hair now open it I want to surprise you" she said a little bit too excited.
It was still wet making it fall on my face.
I slowly took the box and opened it.
I smiled at her as I took the long gold chain.
"What is this I don't mean it in a rude way it is just that it is too big to be a necklace and has too many layers for it to be a belly chain" I said laughing nervously at her.
She laughed at my attempts of defending my self but noneless explained it.
"It is a body chain samah let me show you how you put it on" she said helping me put on whatever that was.
"Now you won't remove it"Martha said clapping her hands twice.
She loved doing that for some unknown reason or reasons.
"My present is later today so go dry your hair and your clothes will be on the bed when you are done" Martha said going in my closet.
She really gave no room to argue.
Before I could go get the hair drier that she brought I heard a knock on the door.
"That must be mom bringing breakfast you can go open samah she said she wanted to make it special" Martha said still in my closet.
I walked to the door and opened it to take the breakfast.
I knew Mrs Walter was a good cooker and I wouldn't have a second thought of eating the breakfast without sharing.
I froze on the spot when I saw who was standing behind my door.
He had no shirt on and what was he doing there in the morning.
"Uumm.. I came to look for my sister" Abelardo said looking anywhere but in my eyes.
Was he nervous
For the first time I saw Abelardo lack words.
I was amused.
Or was it the amount of clothes I had on.
I was wearing a really short towel.
"No buddy you are not allowed move along" ari said shooing him with her hand.
He nodded his head then looked back at me.
He really did look delicious.
I didn't know what in this man made my whole body go weak but it just happened like that.
"Okay" he said and sent a wink at me.
Holly shit.
I closed the door and turned to look at the girls who were giving me a look and a grin at the same time.
Okay that was not creepy at all.
"So you are the mystery girl that took my brother's heart?" Ari said giving me an evil smile.
"I don't know what you are talking about"I said looking at the two girls like they were crazy.
"Come one how do you not know?
Read this" Ari said showing me the screen of her phone.
' finally the bachelor on another girl or is she like this others?
On 25th samuel Abelardo was caught exiting the mall with a new girl hands in hand.
We didn't get a proper picture of the girl but we surely know that if he is going for nother girl this one didn't look like the others.
We had no information about her so she must really be a chilled one.
Is the hot bachelor ready for a relationship after what happened.
To our research it shows that he got a new hang after Lesley the British model happened.
After that another picture was shown both going and exiting a restaurant hands in hand.
"So is she going to tame the multi billionaire or is she like the others? Only time will tell'
My mouth hung open did they know about all this and never told me anything?
I was sure that the girl on the picture was me.
She was wearing the same clothes and had her head covered the same way I did.
"Did you guys know about all this?" I asked looking at Martha.
She didn't answer she just avoided my gaze.
I took that as my clue and left
* * *
"It is still early I am sure I can grab some breakfast" I said eyeing the perfectly made breakfast on the counter.
"Fine five minutes" she did sitting with me.
Time to go girls" Martha said interrupting my breakfast.
I was left with one more pancake and when I extended my arm to take it Martha was already dragging me out.
"Where are we even going?"I asked Martha a little bit annoyed that she didn't let me finish my remaining food
"To make you look pretty on your birthday" Ari was the one who answered.
* * * * *
When we arrived home I wanted to sleep but Martha being the dramatic girl she was woke me up saying that we were running late again.
This time we wore fancy clothes I didn't know what was up with her.
She gave me the yellow dress and heels.
As the three of us walked out to the garden that I did not pay attention to.
It was all decorated with small lights with bleeding heart flowers hanging in the middle of the lights.
I was in awe.
I could see a green house from where I was standing and made a promise I would go there one day.
This was totally amazing but then why were there lights at this time in the backyard garden not at the balcony where they were needed.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" I heard voices shout from nowhere.
I kept a hand on my mouth and another on my chest not really believing who I was seeing.
They almost removed my heart.
I was sure I would likely have a heart attack if any of that happens again.
How did they even get here.
My mom Aleah. Franco and Jinelle were there.
I ran and gave my mom a hug missing her warmth and her relaxing scent.
I missed her.
I missed them.
I missed the woman who kept us together moving forward after my father's death.
I didn't want to think of that now.
I wanted happy thoughts.
"Wow samah why haven't you married the man yet?"Franco said giving me a bone crushing hug.
I missed him and his drama.
"Because your my one and only Franco"I said pouting a little.
"Sorry babes but I don't like you"Franco said flipping his imaginary hair.
I missed him.
Jinelle came chuckling behind me as she gave me a hug.
"I am wounded Franco" I said touching my heart.
"Go to the hospital I am sure the E.R is not full I will make sure to bring you Noddles" he said grinning.
He knew very well that I despised them.
"Jiji I missed you terribly" I said hugging her.
"You are lucky that I missed you or else I would have strangled you to death for calling me that name" she said hugging me back.
Someone was missing.
Ofcourse it was Aleah who was busy drooling on the two bestfriends who were talking.
"Aleah" I called out loud her name and she almost snapped her neck looking at me.
"Seriously you had to embarrass me like that Infront of those beautiful men talking over there?" She said walking to me.
"Oohhh cut the act Aleah I know you missed me now come and hug me I am getting impatient"I said pulling her in a hug.
She didn't say anything back except scoffing and hugged me tightly like how I did with my mom.
I really missed them.
"How did you guys even get here" I asked my mom and Jinelle.
"Your hot ass friend came and got me and Aleah but Samuel got the rest" my mom said looking at Ulbretch and rolling her eyes to the way he kept stealing glares at Jinelle.
Why couldn't he just come and talk to her.
Abelardo did all this?
How did he even know it was my birthday
No most of all how did Martha know it was my birthday.
I had to thank Abelardo for this.
It was the most amazing and incredible thing that he did and made me this happy since the day we met.
I walked to Abelardo who was busy talking to Ulbretch.
"Uumm... Sorry to interrupt but I w...." I didn't even get to finish my sentence because Ulbretch being the annoying human being he was interrupted me.
"No you are not interrupting samah you can stay and talk as long as you want even go somewhere else because I'm off" ulbretch said walking to Jinelle but not without sending a wink to our way.
What was wrong with these boys and their eyes today.
When I looked to Abelardo he was looking intensely at me.
By the time I looked in his eyes I was lost for words.
"Uumm..I was going to tell you no to... To thank you for inviting my friends and family over"I said looking down a little bit not meeting his eyes.
"Did I tell you that you look beautiful?" he asked ignoring what I said and bringing his index finger under my chin tilting my head up.
I was lost with his words.
To finish his actions I wrapped my arms around his neck as I hugged him tightly.
I couldn't thank him enough.
"Thank you"I whispered when I pulled away.
"You are welcome now how about we go and cut the cake " he said pointing the cake that I didn't notice.
He took my hand and walked with me to the beautiful cake that was on the table.
Before we could reach a beautiful woman walked in with shades covering almost her whole face.
Who wears shades at night.
She was in a mid thigh red dress with black knee boots her blonde hair tied in a behind low pony tail as she walked to us.
I felt the tension in the air as Abelardo squeezed our joined hands more.
Who was she
I looked at him giving him a questioning look.
He avoided my gaze but kept looking straight to the approaching lady.
"Sammy" she said in a high pitched voice I had to scrunch my face as my eardrums hurt.
She threw her arms on him but he didn't do anything he just stood there squeezing my arm and using his other hand to remove her like she was a leech stuck on him.
All the eyes were on the three of us intensely looking at what any of us would do as first move.
"Get out of here before I call security Lesley" he said in his usual cold voice.
"Come on sammy I know you missed me who is this" she said looking at me in a disgusted glare this time removing her shades.
She actually had nice green eyes which were perfectly brought out by the amount of mascara she kept on her fake eye lashes.
Woah woah leech I didn't even do anything.
"None of your business get out of here Lesley" he said looking her with a glare I didn't know existed.
"Is she one of your night stands because I am sure they all end up going just like since you always loved me" she said still looking at me.
Here Abelardo was going to embarrass me infront of everyone.
Why was he still holding my hand.
"She is my girlfriend soon to be fiancé Lesley. I don't really see why I even loved you in the first place.
Why don't you get it right.
I don't love you anymore hell your existence makes my blood boil."he said squeezing my hand even more.
Did he just say that I was his girlfriend.
What! I said in my head looking at him with a confused look but quickly masqued it with a smile.
We will talk about this.
"She will not be your fiancé when I am still alive." She said her face getting red with every word she said.
"Watch me Lesley" he said smirking.
I knew that smirk.
He kept his palms on both sides of my face as he crashed his lips on mine.
Everything was forgotten just us two.
A kiss on my birthday.
I had never been Kissed on my birthday.
Our lips moved in sync as if everything was forgotten only me and him his arms caressing my back.
I sneaked my hands on his neck as he bit down my lower lip causing a small moan to escape my mouth and he took that as an opportunity to explore my mouth more with his tongue.
He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine.
"That was the best kiss that I have ever gotten" he said looking in my eyes.
"How many girls did you tell that?" I asked looking in his eyes.
I wanted an honest answer.
"You only you"
How clishé.
I heard Ulbretch clap and whistled.
"That was a scene man congratulations I never knew you were getting married"Ulbretch told Abelardo laughing.
He knew this was fake and some how it amused him.
Idiotic ass.
I looked at him with wide eyes while he just shrugged his shoulders.
"Can we talk about this?" I asked looking at both men standing next to me.
"No now let go" he said dragging my hand again.
"You took my man!"Aleah said looking between me and Abelardo.
Nah sista he is temporarily mine now.
"I am sure he is too old for a sixteen year old" I said rolling my eyes.
"I am taken by your sister but you can get my small bother" he said offering her a smirk.
"Young lady why didn't you tell me that you were with this man?
And you young boy imma mess your ass up if you play with my daughter I know boys like you but to my family I will mess your ass up in every way even if that means holing a gun on your head and shooting your brains out" my mom threatened in a low voice.
I have never seen Abelardo show this face before.
The thing that was written all over his face was horror.
"I won't" Abelardo said pulling me by his side.
"Good now I want to taste that cake over there so hurry up and cut it" my mom said giving us a small push.
"Is she like that always?"Abelardo asked looking me.
I chuckled.
"You should be happy that she didn't pull a gun out and shoot you on the place" Abelardo eyes got wide and I roared a laugh.
He was really easy.
"But seriously she is bipolar give in a minute she will come around" I said grabbing the knife.
Every body sang happy birthday and I cut the cake when they finished.
Abelardo kissed me again when I was cutting the cake and when I was giving him the cake.
What was up with this man.
"Can we talk about this?"I asked again
He was confusing me every day more and more.
"No" he said giving me a peck and hurrying away like I was going to kill him if he stayed next to me any longer.
I didn't want to think about it too.