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chapter 5: Mr Arrogant


Two months have passed since I started working.

Linda finally got fired by Mrs Walters who couldn't take anymore from her.

A month has passed since I saw Mr arrogant pretty much of time huh but me on the other hand I was happy.

Happy that he was not here to criticize me.

Since that was all he managed to do since I arrived here.

I knew he was a non approach zone and I respected that a lot may I add.

Ulbretch on the other hand have been here everyday either to take coffee or to see if I was okay and everything going smooth.

Since that day I made coffee for ulbretch he became an addict.

Coming here every morning you would find him sitting at the kitchen counter waiting patiently reading a magazine or typing on his phone.

That became a habit for him.

After a week passed of me being here I came to find that Mrs Walter was Martha's mother.

You couldn't miss the similarity they had but I was surprised because they didn't look much alike.

Surprising much I also found out that Martha ulbretch and Mr arrogant were the best of friends.

I almost fainted hearing Martha telling me that.

Seriously it was unbelievable I knew ulbretch and Mr arrongant were bestfriends but even Martha come on.

Martha was the kind one from them but also freaky.

I also wondered why she was working at his place if they were bestfriends.

Confusing I know but I decided not to ask I had enough of news that day the only thing I wanted to do was sleep off all the information I got.

After a week of Mr arrogant gone I couldn't help it but ask .

I asked Ulbretch where he went and told me that he was out of the country for a month.

Next week would be my birthday and I will be twenty two in a week.

I didn't know what I would do because I would always sit in my room with Jinelle and Franco with me then we would talk.

My mom would come at night with some cupcakes then we would eat them me and Aleah.

This time that I was not at home I didn't know what to do.

So I was going to shut up about it and let the day pass.

I unwrapped my hair looking in the mirror the broken girl stood there looking at me lifelessly trying to refrain the nightmare that she got again.

They were hunting me everyday reminding me of him.

My father.

It was hurting more and more.

The day how it all happened I saw it and that horrific memory refused to go away and made a deal to always come and hunt me alive.

Every day

Every night

I let my hair out of the bun that I made and my afro went on show wildly.

Time for a jog.

* * * * *

When I made it back home I was sticky and stinky.

I smelled like shit.

Jogging at three in the morning didn't faze sweat.

I walked to the bathroom to take a long shower since I still had plenty of time to start my work.

I took my phone and set an alarm for an hour.

That was enough time for me to shower and finish everything.

A girl gotta take her time.

After I kept my uniform

I walked to the kitchen to prepare something for everyone and since Mr arrogant was arriving today.

Ulbretch forgot again to tell me such big information because apparently it slipped out of his mind again.

I was at the point of strangling him but then I remembered that violence was not the key to any answer.

I was so early like how I have been for a whole month.

Why was I having these again?

Was it because I was not home but then again for the last months that I have been here I had no nightmares.

No one knew about these nightmares and I preferred to keep it that way.

I hated to see pity.

I wanted people to see me as a fighter as an independent woman not a broken girl who watched her father being murdered.

I decided to make my favourite breakfast even though I wouldn't get to eat it anyways.

I took the ingredients I needed for making pancakes and started doing the mixing.

In the middle of making my fourth pancake the door swung open with so much force the it made me jump.

What the fuck.

Jeez did he have to bang the door with that much force and scare me like that.

His hair was messy his tie hanged low and a few of his dress shirt buttons were undone.

Was he tired

I didn't even know why I was concerned anyways.

He didn't even bother to greet me

He just passed by me then Diego followed with a suitcase and gave a grin.

Deciding to go in my room for a small rest before I start my cleaning I found Martha on my bed typing away on her phone.

"You need shopping

Uumm clothes shoes make up skirts heels boots bags shades perfume deodorant jewelry hair dressers underwear... Yes that is enough now Samuel comes in the picture" she said taping her chin.

"But.." I said trying to tell her that I was in my working uniform.

"Put this on" she said throwing clothes in my face.

It was some croptop with a butterfly on it and high waist shorts I was sure they were from her.

I had no clothes like this.

I had zero skills in prints.

"No refusing now let's go I have his card he sent it yesterday" she said dragging me out.

* * * * *

"Martha I am tired!"I exclaimed feeling fed up by the shopping that we have been doing for the last five hours!

It was four and I had not eaten anything.

I was famished exhausted and frustrated and my feet were killing me.

"We are not done yet we have other brands that we haven't tried hold on" she raised her finger uttering me to keep quiet as she answered her phone.

"Samuel is here" she said putting her phone back.

"What? Why?" I asked suddenly feeling nervous.

What if he says that we used too much money?

What if I get fired because of all this shopping.

What if he starts saying bad comments on me gain.

I was totally not prepared to take in his bullshit.

"I don't know I told him that the paparazzi will follow him but he said that he doesn't care so let him come" she said shrugging her shoulders. "Now let's continue" she said and started dragging me again.

Heavens help me.

Before we could enter I spotted Abelardo nearing us.

"There he is" Martha said and started waving her hands like crazy almost impossible because of the weight of the bags that we were carrying.

"Martha I am hungry!! I haven't eaten since yesterday night!" I complained for the millionth time.

We were inside the shop her throwing clothes to me some hitting me in my face and others falling on the floor.

I was tired of trying on these clothes.

"What? You haven't eaten since when??" He almost shouted.

Looking at him I rose a brow.

Why did he care anyways.

Something flashed but went away as fast as a lightning then anger flashed making his face look pink.

"Martha we are going!" He said standing up pulling me with him with the hand that was almost on his face.

"I am not coming with you" Martha said looking through the clothes.

"I was not going to ask you to" he said dragging me outside.

She turned around and flipped him as I gave her a glare for doing that.

She gave me a grin and stuck out her tongue.

Very mature.

"Bu...." I tried to talk but couldn't form a word.

"The bags will be home when you reach there now you need to eat" he said not even sparing me a glare and leaving no space to argue.

When we stepped outside too many flashes were there I had to bring my hand and cover my poor eyes to adjust the lack of light that was blinding me.

The crowd was making my stomach flip in every direction.

The good thing that he only did was holding my hand through the crowd.

The photographers were asking so many questions I couldn't even understand what they were saying.

Some men came from nowhere and started making space for us to pass I guess they were his bodyguards the same ones that were sitting in my couch.

"Thank you"I said when we finally entered the car away from those flashes.

He only nodded took his phone out from his jeans pocket and started texting away.

He didn't want to talk to me.


As the car moved I looked outside. Since my phone was dead anywyas.

"We are here"the driver said as the car stopped and Mr arrogant kept his phone inside his pocket.

He didn't even bother to tell me to get out ' well that is not how you treat a hungry woman Mr jerk' I said in my head.

As I got out I took a look at the restaurant properly.

High class were the word that the restaurant screamed.

"Let go" he said taking my hand this time gentler and leading the way to the restaurant.

When he was given the menu he went all quiet all-over sudden.

Better for me anyways.

"Are you OK?"I asked after my food arrived I didn't even know when or who ordered this food.

"I don't need you asking me such questions Samah.

We came to eat like normal and formal people and yes I am fine.

Now eat or if you dont want we can leave." He asked with such cold eyes thrown my way.

I really didn't get mad but got annoyed.

This man really had something wrong with him and I wasnt really going to take his bullshit.

Not when I'm hungry.

"Take me back" I said holding my plate of chimichanga.

I didn't care.

I'm sure he could pay for it.

He ignored my question by sending a cold glare at me.

I felt anger bubbling inside me.

It took everything in me not to jump across the table and strangle him to death.


"The bags are in your room I am sure Martha left them there" Abelardo said going to his room.

When I entered my room I was sure that my mouth almost touched the floor.

To say that Martha shopped it was not an understanding statement.

The woman didn't shop.

She bought the whole mall.

My room was full of bags no where to step even my bed my cupboards it was all full.

I was so desperate for a shower I couldn't pass another minute without showering because I would die.

How was I going to get a towel and shower?

There was no way I was going downstairs to get a towel and the other guest rooms were locked except the one after Mr arrogant room.

My room was all packed no space for even taking steps.

All full.

I needed a towel.

Abelardo was my only option.

I tiptoed to his room and opened slowly making sure he doesn't hear me.

The lights were off but I could see the perfectly clean white towel on the corner of his king sized bed.

I slowly tiptoed there making sure that he doesn't hear me since he was showering and if karma was on my side I would get out of this alive.

"Trying to steal aren't we?" The voice that sent goosebumps running on my arms said.

I froze on the spot.

Nope that bitch karma was not with me today

He had been having bad moods today and only God knew what he was going to tell me this time.

I slowly turned and looked at him.

It was dark but the moonlight from outside the glassed doors was shining on his perfectly defined chest.

Broad shoulders his well defined torso and his towel hanging dangerously down.

He started taking steps approaching me.

Like a lion preying on it's prey.

He kept approaching me and I kept moving backward until I was sitting on his bed.

He bent down then corned me with his hands.

He brought his face closer to my face.

I still didn't respond.

I licked my dried lips not daring to make eye contact with him.

"What are you doing in my room at this time samah?

What do you want" He said sounding cold and menacing.

It sent goosebumps on my arms.

I looked at him my gaze hardening every second that passed.

I was starting to hate him even more.

He moved a little backward and when he was about to switch on the lights I stood up faster than a lightening and stormed out of his room.

I was so tired of life.

Especially him.

Going in my room I dropped on the bed staring blankly at the white ceiling.

Was all this really worth it.

I wondered my mind going into a fuzz.

Sleep slowly engulfed me.

Darkness consuming me.

I didn't want to sleep.

I didn't want to see the nightmare again.

The one nightmare that repeated itself almost every night giving me no peace.

It always came and when it came there was no one stoping it.

"Dad is coming ma!" I screamed and ran toward the gate to open the garage door.

Dad drove inside the garage and walked out.

"Dad today I wanna study with you" I said happy that my dad got home early that day.

"Okay let me get the materials from Dom and I will be back in a second". He said walking somehow backwards.

"Daaaad" I screamed.

Blood blood

Blood all over.

Mom screaming.

Aleah crying.

Blood on me

Dad in pieces.

"Samah! Samah!" His lifeless head somehow said my name

Dad can't talk he is dead.

"Samah samaaah!!!" Someone kept shaking me violently.

Shouting my name over and over again.

That was when I jerked awake holding my chest tightly.

My lungs.

Breath in

Breath out.

I couldn't.

I couldn't breath.

My lungs.

My whole body started shaking.

I started seeing dots.

"Samah calm down breath in and out" said a familiar voice.

I did as I was told and kept doing and doing until my breathing went steady.

I was drenched in sweat.

My breathing came to normal.

I opened my eyes and honey eyes were looking back at me worriedly.

He knows now.

He saw the broken part of me.

I started moving away from him fearing that he might tell me something offensive again.

I wasn't ready to take it at this point.

And I felt like this time I would really strike and hurt him badly.

I rested my head on my knees trying to catch a breath.

I was pulled in a chest.

A hard chest.

The smell that was familiar.

It calmed down I didn't know why but it did.

It made me feel safe while I shouldn't feel like that around him.

Samuel abelardo made me feel safe.

He calmed me down.

When I had these nightmares only my mom could calm me.

"Sleep samah" The voice said and without any argument I slept.

Slowly going until I was fully gone and I slept for the first time in the last four weeks I slept in peace.

In someone's arms.

Someone that I should hate but couldn't.

In the arms of Samuel Abelardo Mendoza.

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