He was arrogant I was just trying to keep in my zone.I was just supposed to work for him.To pay off some depts.Until fe...
chapter 1: Mr arrogant
I sat on the ground looking at the sight in front of me.
I cried again and again.
"Why did you leave us?"I screamed to the top of my lungs.
" why us" I screamed a gain this time my lungs felt painful but not compared to my heart.
" why did you have to leave us?"I said in lower tone this time lowering my head and looking down at the grave.
I just couldn't understand life or was it fate?
It took from us the most loved person.
"Why did you have to leave us miserable with no support dad?" I said looking down at his grave.
The grave I was sitting at the moment hopping that my dad could comeback and live happy with us like how we used to be.
Hoping that at least my dad could come and take me to where he went up there
Hoping that when I go back home everything could go back to where they were before my dad died.
I felt lost and empty
I felt sorrow and numb I couldn't move I felt like I had to pour all my heart and tell my dad everything that has happened in the last two years.
Three years of pain
Three years of misery
Three years of trying to keep up.
Three years full of pain and tears even now.
The years we learnt that we were never going back to that complete family we used to have.
My heart felt heavy with pain.
I could feel every piece of it shattering down.
I have been holding pain and tears that threatened me to shade them but remained masked.
Masked for who I loved and didn't want to lose also.
My mom my sister my friends.
I had to be strong so that I could show my sister and my mom that I was strong for them.
I had to mask my emotions but I was not good at it.
Always a mother knows their daughter best but little did I know that even my best friends saw it.
The pain the hurt the shatter the pieces.
Face could hold and mask emotions but eyes are always like open books.
I had to show my mother that I was okay because I did not want her to worry about me.
She wasn't over my father's death.
But she still worried over me.
She didn't show it but she did not tell me either.
I had to be strong but after some point in two years I felt that it was enough
Enough because even if I didn't explode in front of people I would explode at some time to come and that time was right now.
Right next to my father next to the person who told me to always be strong because the earth was cruel.
I never used to understand his words but little by little they were starting to make sense.
I couldn't take it.
I couldn't think of my dad without crying
Without shedding a tear
That was why I came to his grave in order to cry without hiding it from the world.
I had to let it all go to shed the tears to pour my heart my ache and shatter here next to him next to the man who raised me.
After shedding all the tears the sorrow the ache and the pain I felt on the grave.
I stood up dusted my pants and started walking to the olden rusted doors
I took small steps looking behind every now and back because I knew nothing was going to back to normal. But I had a mother.
a mother who cared for us.
I was thankful that God didn't take all my parents.
He let me main with my mother and for that I should be thankful.
I decided to walk to the park which took me probably an hour to reach there.
I needed to walk and clear my mind get some air and clean my eyes because I cried too much but it was worth it.
It was a busy day since I took a day off at the café I worked in.
The cars were passing non stop some stopping at the small restaurant ahead of me and some passing at a speed which was probably not allowed.
People these days.
All those small things brought a smile and a frown on my face.
Things nowadays were starting to become bitter sweet.
Maybe it was me but could you really blame me?
I had a waterfall falling from my eyes not even thirty minutes ago.
In the café I worked in it was a full shift since I wanted to help my mother pay the bills and she could pay for our food well more like their food and the clothes of my sister.
I always managed to take care of my self as possible as I could.
My mom worked her hands off to help us .
she worked day and night she didn't really tell us what her job was but she just told us not to worry about her.
I knew my mom was stressing her self off .
since I was younger and capable of working I tried to get a job .
In some places they wouldn't hire me since I didn't have any knowledge from college but I managed to find a job at the café.
I worked there full time since I was not in college anymore because of the lack of money we had and I have a sister who I do not wish for her to get the same life as me
I was working my hands off to try and save for her some money for college.
Since I was taking a walk and heading to the park I saw the entrance and the welcoming letters .
I walked to the nearest bench took a sit and took out a book from my bag and started reading.
How would I have looked if I was a bird?
Probably chubby and cute.
The children crying and running around took me back to my younger years where I used to come with my dad and play like them.
When my dad used to make me swing and push me high then my mom would start shouting at him that I would fall.
That brought a smile on my face and also some tears since I missed him.
My thinking was interrupted by a sniffing voice.
I looked where it was coming from and saw a small girl with blonde hair chubby rosy cheeks and eyes full of tears holding a teddy bear for dear life.
I looked at her and wiped my tears away using the back of my wrist.
"Hi sweety why are you crying?" I asked her wondering why she was crying and alone since she was extremely cute also.
The cutest.
"I lost my uncle is it because you lost your uncle too??
Is that why you are crying?" She asked in a small but breaking voice.
I tried to stop the urge of pinching her chubby cheeks.
"Ooohhh sweety no but I am sure your uncle is going to find you come here you can sit and wait for your uncle" I said moving and giving her space to sit with her teddy bear in her other hand.
I went back to reading
After some minutes she pulled my coat so that I could look at her again.
I looked at her
"My name is Ellana and I am this many" she said said raising five fingers gesturing that she was five years
"And you what is your name and how many are you?" She asked still having the small voice I guess it was her voice since I mistook it with a cry earlier.
"Well my name is samah and I am this many"I said raising all my fingers and raising all her fingers.
She took some time to count the amount of fingers and when she finished I kept all of them down kept one finger up.
She took a minute to finish counting and when she was done a victorious look settled on her face.
"You are twenty one" she said still grinning.
"Yes" I answered giving her the same grin she gave me.
We talked about other things like her school her school friends and she asked me also about my school days and my school friends.
I didn't know time rolled that much before I knew it the children were starting to go along with their parents and the park was starting to become empty.
I was caught up looking at the setting sun I didn't hear Ellana slipping off the bench and running to hug a man I couldn't see his face since he was far and it was also starting to become dark.
I went after her to confirm if the man was the uncle she was looking for.
"Ellana I suppose this is your uncle then?" I asked looking down at her since she was busy hugging the man's legs.
When she heard my voice she immediately released the man's legs and came to pull me using my hand toward the man.
"Uncle this is my new friend samah" she said with so much joy and I wondered if she was the girl who was crying two hours ago.
I approached the man and stuck my hand out toward the man for shaking.
"Hi my name is samah" I said and the man took a step in front.
As he approached his face came to view a little with the little light around I saw that his face screamed power.
The man had the most beautiful face I have ever seen.
The five o'clock shadow on his face the way his hair was flying in directions due to the little wind blowing here and there I immediately knew what kind of man he was.
I didn't miss the goosebumps that formed on my arms as he spoke.
Well this is weird
"And my name is Samuel Abelardo Mendoza"he said with a deep voice hard may I add.
His voice did give nothing except for the deepness of it.
His voice was manly enough that it screamed power
He didn't give me any smile his lips were set thin on a line he even looked a little bit hesitant to shake my arm.
I was not surprised at all.
I immediately disliked him
"So I will keep going since you found your uncle Ellana I guess this is goodbye see you around" I said bending down to give her a proper good bye.
She immediately hugged me and
that caught me off guard.
I laughed a little and she released me telling me to take care also but without poking my nose.
she was so cute.
I stood up and looked toward the man.
"Bye sir" I said with tight smile.
He just nodded his head took Ellana in his arms to his fancy looking car and speed off to where God knows.
I looked toward my watch I saw that it was already seven and it was very dark.
I started walking home since it would take me like two hours and a half to arrive and I remembered that I didn't bring money for the bus.
The road to the park was very dark it was full of trees and was really long.
Or maybe my head was tired or something
I walked like to thirty minutes still in the trees I started feeling uncomfortable since I was all alone in the trees and anything could happen to me.
I increased my pace and started walking faster.
I heard voices coming from the trees and I knew that it was not an animal sound they sounded like men and there was no animal in these trees actually.
I kept walking in a fast motion but it looked like the trees were not finishing.
I felt someone pull me I could smell the alcohol even when I was not near him or them.
Well this wasn't was my ending.
I could easily break a few of their bones.
I haven't told my mom that I was the one who painted her shoes when she refused to get me an icecream.
I haven't told my mom that I was the one who poured the green paint in the washing machine and they had to buy another one.
Mom I am sorry
But I was the one who ate all the cookies last when you told us not to eat them and blamed it on Aleah.
I looked my surroundings mentally calculating how many men I will kick.
The other men looked sober and it looked like they were four of them.
I wasnt going to go down this easy.
I rolled my eyes ready for one to strike.
Before any of them could stutter a word a car pulled near by and the same man well the arrogant jerk came out in the same clothes.
"Leave the girl and no body gets hurt" Mr Mendoza said removing his sunglasses now this looked like those movies where a girl is about to get raped and the guy comes running to save her.
That I could perfectly defend myself.
"And who are you to tell us what to do?" The other man says.
"Well let say someone who can beat all of you and leave you all unconscious" he said removing his sun glasses from his forehead.
I stood and watched my nails waiting to see how long it would take him.
Before I could picture anything I saw all the men who were trying to harm me lying on the ground and Mr arrogant jerk wiping sweat on his forehead.
Well I bet the sunglasses were now broken. I almost chuckled.
"Get in the car now" He more like ordered me to go in.
Me being the obedient girl I went in and closed the door to the passenger seat and buckled my seat belt.
Because let's face it if I was to roll out of the car for being kidnapped I could atleast do it somewhere that people would be able to help me.
The whole ride was quiet only the music playing.
"Do you know where I live?" I asked looking at him who stayed with a non changing face. Seriously. Where is this arrogant asshole from.
He didn't answer my question and I took that as a clue that he didn't want to talk to me at all.
When he pulled up exactly next to my door I could feel my heart hammer in my chest.
How the hell did he know my address. I did not bother asking I was just thankful that I was not kidnapped.
I stepped inside and closed the door behind me heading to my room.