It have been a week since I saw Mr arrogant.
I didn't know why I still called him that since he told me his name.
It was Monday and as usual the alarm would ring and annoy me every time that it reached 6:10.
Since life was unfair I woke up and walked to my small sister's room to wake her and prepare for school and everything.
"Aleah wake up now!" Ladies and gentlemen that was the tenth time I was calling her name
"Noooo" she protested again she have been giving me the same answer for the last ten times that I have been calling her.
"I am gonna go get a bucked full of cold water and I swear I will tell mom that you peed!" I said marching to the fridge to get a bottle of water.
"I am up I am up" I heard her shouting.
And I rolled my eyes
I went to check again if Aleah didn't lie to me since I knew teenagers very well.
She was not there so I went to take a shower too.
When my dad was still alive we used to live in a big house with five bed rooms but when he died we ran out of money my mom had to sell the house since it was our only chance to pay all the debt's we had.
After one year we were completely broke and we had no where to stay if it wasn't for Gemma my mom's friend we would have been in the streets wandering around and looking for a place to stay.
When I saw our situation I started looking for a job.
I knew they couldn't hire me in a high quality job because I dropped out of college.
I got lucky to get a job at a caffé and with that I started helping my mom looking for a house.
Save all the details for another time.
I quickly kept on black jeans and a grey t-shirt took my purse keys of the house and headed out leaving Aleah sitting at the dining table taking her cereal saying a quick bye and reminding her not to leave the door unlocked again.
I headed to the bus stop.
I arrived exactly at seven just right on time.
I opened the door and the usual ding sound filled my ears.
I first saw the ginger headed chick and then saw the blonde girl and finally the bronde headed boy.
I actually got along with my colleagues except for Jenna ( blonde girl) and Christa.
Jinelle's face broke into a wide grin and Franco's also.
Jinelle and Franco were literally my best of friends.
Franco who was gay and a very dramatic human being and Jinnelle had long red hair giving her the pretty face with the big attitude and the most likely not to care.
"Samaaah!! Over here girl you need to clean those tables fast" jinelle said closing her apron.
The whole thing smelled like coffee and that was why I liked it here in the mornings.
The welcoming coffee smell would fill your nose every time you enter in the morning.
The smell was sweet mixed with the breakfast smell which didn't stop to make my stomach full.
I went to the staffroom to get my apron then took the cleaning cloth took the sponge along with the spray soap then started wiping.
Half an hour later I was done removing the dust on the tables and rearranging the chairs.
"Okay since you are done on time you can change the sign from closed to open and go wait behind the counter for customers" Jack told me heading to his office.
Jack was the manager.
I did as I was told and went to wait next to Zack since he was the cashier.
We chatted a little before the café started being filled with people in every corner.
Almost all the tables were taken.
I took that as my clue to start doing my job.
The customers were so many but I managed to find time for lunch break to talk with my friends.
"Argh work now" Franco said dramatically putting a hand on his forehead pretending to faint on his chair as we were done with lunch break.
Jinelle rolled her eyes stood up and left me since she said that she found him very dramatic and that one day it would be bad for his health.
I stood up looked at him with worry clouding my eyes but that went away as fast as it came.
Leaving him on the table alone since I agreed with jinelle but there was one thing that I didn't agree with her.
Franco was very dramatic but not bad for his health since drama has never damaged one's health.
It was four and the café was still full with hand full of customers.
"Samah you are dismissed you can go home" I heard jack say from behind me.
I jumped a little from hearing his voice behind me scaring the hell out of me.
when what he told me registered in my head I opened my mouth to ask why since my shift always ended at eight.
"No asking questions just go" he didn't look happy telling me to go home early and that got me suspicious.
I wanted to open my mouth again but since I was told no questions I kept back my apron took my things and went not even saying bye to jinelle and Franco.
The bus ride was not so long since not many people were inside. It took me only five minutes to arrive home.
When I arrived at my front door the door was wide open.
"Man don't tell me Aleah forgot to close the door again" I whispered to my self.
Even though I did know enough karate to fight anyone who was inside the house I held tight the purse because it had the house keys.
The last time I lost them my mom almost made me sleep outside.
I entered slowly and soundlessly
I looked to the kitchen side since I could not see the sitting room side without closing the door.
I closed the door slowly until it was fully closed and since I didn't see anyone I kept my purse on the table and removed my shoes.
Food was the first thing that came in my mind first after removing the shoes.
I went to the fridge and before I opened it something registered in my mind.
How could I be this stupid I didn't look in the sitting room side but since I didn't hear anything I just took a small peep.
My eyes got wide at what I saw.
The view was too shocking to be true.
In my sitting room sat none other than Mr arrogant and his two bodyguards sitting like it was their house.
Raising my eyebrows at them I waited for one of them to talk.
How didn't I see them.
They were all in black suits while our couch was red how didn't I see them.
All their heads turned to me when they noticed me.
Mr arrogant stood up with all his bodyguards on both his sides.
He had a small smirk in his face since it looked like he never smiled.
"You owe me" he said in that deep manly voice.
The voice that sent goosebumps on my arms.
"How" I asked I was the one who never used to talk that much when I was not around my friends.
"Your father had a debt from my company and he died before paying it" I thought we paid all the debts that my father left.
"I could take this house but it wont even pay off half of his debt for me" he said eyeing the house and scrunching his face.
"No no no you can't take the house it is our only shelter right now maybe we can figure out something else" I said almost begging him.
He couldn't take the house that was out of question we would go back to the streets again and I didnt want my family to go back to where it was
I was a grown up woman being twenty one years I learnt a lot of things in life so going at the streets was another painful part of what I learnt.
"Mmhhhmm....." He said as if he didn't believe me or he could care less.
"You can come and work for me at my house as a maid and just like that you can pay for your father with your salary" he said eying me carefully.
I didn't know whether to accept or not.
"Ca.. Can I give you the answer another day?" I asked in a small voice and mentally slapping my face for stuttering in front of him.
"The answer is now or never because I literary have someone to buy this house even though it is worth nothing!" He harshly barked at me.
I flinched at his tone and behaviour.
That was not how you talk to people that you met only a week ago.
"Okay I will be your maid" I said looking at him.
The guts of this man.
"Okay pack your things the car will be here on Friday evening to pick you" he said heading to the door.
My eyes got even wider hearing what he said.
I couldn't leave my sister and mom here alone they needed me and I needed them.
we consoled each other and we were each other's shoulder if the other was in pain.
"Do I have to leave with you?
Why not working from here?" I asked.
In my mind further I was hoping he could Change his mind and let me stay here or even forgive my dad for his debt but today karma was not on my side.
"I can't have my worker's living away from my place or even living in a trashy thing" he said eying the house with disgust filled in his eyes.
That made my heart sink but I couldn't show.
So lifting my shoulders high I let my eyes get core hard and looked at him dead in the eyes.
"Yes I will wait for the car on Friday with all my belongings at six sir now will please get out" I said looking at him.
He looked at me hard and the challenging glare I gave back showed that I wasn't going to back down.
Looking back at his men he nodded his head and with a last glare thrown my way the headed out.
He definitely hated me.
Finally when I heard the door close and the atmosphere quiet again.
They were gone.
I dropped on the couch then let my head fall in my palms.
* * * * *
"Mom I am twenty one now I know what to do and I can make my own decisions mom!" I whined like a kid defending my self
My mother was a woman who was always over protective of her two daughters.
"Samah noo you don't even know the man and now you are gonna go do livey divey with him who will take care of you? you are still my baby who needs strength and support from her mother." My mom said throwing her hands in the air like she doesn't believe that it is her daughter telling her this.
"Mom I am old enough and even he won't try anything between us it is business and after paying the dept I will come back home" I told my mom begging for her to accept and mentally praying that she doesn't cry.
"Samah I am afraid I already lost someone and now my baby wants to go live away from me?" She said her voice breaking with each word she said.
I hated it when my mom cried I hated to see the strong woman break.
But she was so damn emotional.
"Mom I am not leaving you I will come back soon and I promise as soon as I could take a break I will come atleast one week to spend here and you know you won't lose me mom" I said gesturing a hug for my mom.
She had tears that were not very far.
"And what did you say the name of the guy was?" She asked sniffing then smiled.
Wow talk about change of mood.
"The one who wants you to live with him?" She said raising an eyebrow
My mom knew I hated when people did that.
Like seriously how could someone raise only one eyebrow??
"Mom stop that and the guy's name is Samuel abelardo mendoza i don't even know if you know him" i said eyeing my mom and silently asking her if she knew him.
From the corner behind us I heard my sister screaming.
"It is him it is him oooohhh my gosh it is him!!!!!" She said jumping up and down while shaking my shoulders.
My mom watched her with horror filled in her eyes and I couldn't help but laugh at her.
"So sis tell me why you are jumping like you are set on fire?" I asked her
"Well you are stupid don't listen to mom
Samuel is every girl's wet dream
He is the owner CEO of Mendoza corporation he has parts of his company around the world and comes from a super rich family and that makes him a multi billionaire since his company is around the world.
He sleeps around like it is his duty he changes girls like how he changes his boxers and that means he changes girls everyday
He breaks every girls heart and never stays with a girl for longer than a week
Super rich man and he is a heartbreaker one
He was chosen number one bachelor and has charms that work on every vagina walking.
But especially super models and Italian girls just like him" she finished and took a breath.
Did she just?!
* * * * *
The next day was the same routine.
I arrived at the café then started my work I made a mental note that I will tell my friends about me going to Mr arrogant tomorrow.
The time seemed to fly off fast and before I knew it it was already my lunch break.
"So you mean you are going to live with Mr hot billionaire?"jinelle asked sipping from her straw
She was drinking her smoothie and Franco was giving me his full attention from the time he heard that it was about Samuel whatever his other name was.
" yap or else we will be in the streets" I said sipping my milk shake too.
"You have to live with Mr hottie and he broke into your house yesterday?" Jinelle asked again making a face which looked like she was pulling all the pieces together.
"That's what I said" I said taking a fry
"Franco??" Jinelle snapped her fingers in front of his face and that earned her a glare.
Jinelle rolled her eyes at him and brought back her attention to the story I was telling her.
"If I were you I would have gone before he even asked me!!!" Franco dragged his hand in front of his face like he was clearing something.
Jinelle rolled her eyes again.
Franco was just too dramatic.
"Well I know you can't give up on it but what I conseille you as your best friend 'be careful samah' " he said looking intensely at me.
Franco never looked so serious than how he looked and even Jinelle gave him a weird look.
That word was left in my mind and why did I feel like I was going give up to that word?