It has been a week since what happened on my birthday and since that day Abelardo has been kissing me like it was normal.
It was too weird to take in.
I wanted an explanation of what he was doing and enough information of what he said to leech.
Every time I brought up the subject he would say that he is busy or tired and other stupid excuses like that.
I was starting to get irritated by his words and actions.
That was the complete opposite of what I wanted to do here.
I wanted to come here calm down and go back home when I finish paying the debt.
I slowly removed the uniform that I was wearing and kept on a vest with sweats.
I wanted to be as comfortable as possible.
Abelardo always came late at nights looking tired but today I made sure to wait for him until I get some answers.
I wanted to sleep but my answers were in the palms of his hands at the moment.
Midnight passed he still wasn't there.
Was that how much he buried himself with work or not.
Abelardo came into view as the little dim lights shone on his face forming a highlight on the already tanned skin of his.
"I need to talk to you" I said in my usual small voice.
"I am tired and I don't tend to waste my time on you samah I have been telling you that for a whole week that we have nothing to talk about here.
If this is about what I said or did on your birthday just know that it was an act to chase a clingy woman away that had no meaning at all.
It wasn't meant to last women like you are not my type because you are a liar.
You can go sleep or stay here all I know is that I don't care because I have a job waiting for me early in the morning and you already wasting my time standing here.
I need to pass because my time is counted and you are wasting it." he said a little bit too harsh shoving me aside as he roughly passed next to me.
I thought all his actions were generous on my birthday but he lied and acted as if it was nothing.
"You lied to my mom" I said feeling anger rise up
He could lie to me heck even lie to Jinelle but not to any of my family members.
He let out a loud and cold laugh throwing his head back looking at me From where he was standing on the glassed stairs.
"You are stupid to think that it would last" he said still sending me a glare.
Congratulations Samah you played yourself.
* * * * *
"You look horrible" Martha said looking at me.
I couldn't blame her to notice.
She was right because the same nightmare appeared again this time knocking me down.
I found my self in the puddle of my own sweat and my pillow wet.
"You know what today is Saturday you are not suppose to work we are going to the beach" she said walking ahead of me in my room.
I actually needed a break.
"You will wear this and if you refuse I will make you wear it myself no complaining or I will stitch your mouth" she said getting another one piece then started stripping to wear it.
I guess there was no escape form this then.
Did I want to wear what she gave me.
Did I want to argue with her.
The woman was unbeatable.
I kept on what she called a swim suit which had a deep cut v-neck with the knee length high heels.
The outfit was too much to take in.
It was really dramatic.
The deep v-neck showed way more cleverage than needed to be shown with the heels added I was sure that I looked like a striper.
I loved it.
"My gosh you are lucky I am not lesbian or I would bang you right now on this spot and the body chain oh my gosh you need to dress like this more." Martha said appearing behind me in her own one piece of swimsuit then smacked my butt.
I gave her a look that said really as I rubbed the spot she hit.
"Now the best part comes!
We are going to drive to Etoile Bernard Hotel in one piece come on ari is waiting for us." She said walking ahead of me.
She looked even prettier in the swim suit she was wearing.
I was shocked at how fast she could walk in those heels while I struggled to keep up with her speed.
When we arrived there I was amazed with the beauty of the hotel.
I clung my purse on my shoulder more as Martha talked to the receptionist that gave me some unreadable look but didn't utter a word.
"She is at the pool next to the beach we can grab a drink if you want this is the best French hotel so far" she said walking to the bar.
I didn't want to interrupt or say some unnecessary things so I just stood behind a few feet from the bar.
It was actually a good place to hold events and parties for those who actually had money for it but to me it was a look and pass situation.
"Hey she is over there talking to that guy let go" Martha said dragging me to the pool area.
"You guys made it" she said standing and pulling us in a hug.
"This is Gregorio my friend and Greg these are Martha and samah" she said gesturing us.
I gave him a smile.
"Hi" he said returning the smile.
He actually had a cute smile.
"Okay you guys can start drinking I am not in the mood for chlorine water today" Martha said leaning on her chair facing the sun with her shades.
His stares were starting to make me uncomfortable making me shift Everytime he looked at my chest.
"I'll go get another bottle of wine since this one is almost done" I said standing up atleast I could get a run from the creep who was sitting next to me.
When I arrived at the bar what I saw made my heart sink deeper than how it was.
Look who said that he would be busy.
Abelardo was sitting there with a glass which contained some whiskey probably and next to him was a girl who looked like she could jump on him if she was given an opportunity to.
She was practically sitting on his lap as she kept touching him everywhere and he made no attempt to stop her.
This time I didn't say too much I just let my actions speak louder.
I walked to him and smiled at the girl.
I made sure he didn't notice me approaching but he immediately turned his head when I spoke.
"Handsome man you got there" I said to the girl who answered me with a smirk.
I wanted to show him that the words he said yesterday didn't affect me anyhow.
I wanted to show him that beside the good girl side I also had a bad girl side impatiently waiting to be brought out.
He didn't say anything.
He just looked at me while the girl sitting next to him tried getting his attention like before.
"Hey a bottle of Chardonnay I heard you got the best wines." I said leaning a little too close to the bar tender who happened to do just what I wanted him to do.
Stare at my chest.
If Abelardo was going to be with her and probably sleep with her why couldn't I have my own fun the way I wanted it.
"I'll make sure to bring what you want miss and maybe we can set a late night my shift ends at ten" he said adding a wink.
I wanted to gag and laugh that would ruin plan.
"Sounds perfect to me which room number" I asked looking at the green eyes of the guy.
He had pretty eyes.
"That would be a secret between us miss now how about we meet here gain before I go" he asked again.
Couldn't he get a hint that this was for my own fun.
"Here is your order"he said sliding the bottle as I moved behind making sure he doesn't touch me anywhere but the tip of his finger touched the side of my breast.
I almost smashed the wine bottle on his head.
I picked my wine and stood up to leave.
I looked at where Abelardo was sitting and I could see his jaw tighten while his hand formed a fist on his side.
He could enjoy his company beside him I did not care anymore.
I walked back to where the girls were but couldn't find Greg.
"Look I hit the jack pot" I said waving the bottle of wine then told them about the bartender leaving Abelardo our of the conversation.
"Are you really going to go coz I could really use it" Ari said wiggling her eyebrows.
"Uumm no" I says looking at both of them.
"Then I'll make good use of it" Martha said looking at me with a smirk.
"Good luck" Ari said chuckling.
Was she really going go.
I gave her a look questioning her if she was really going to go.
She looked at me replied it with a duh.
"Don't worry he is there" Ari said pointing at Greg as if she read my thoughts.
Gosh I wished I had a camera to take a picture of him with water dripping from his hair to his nicely formed abdomen with the six packs on display.
When he reached next to me he kept a hand in my back and whispered in my head that we should walk.
I bent a little to keep the bottle down and in the corner of my eyes I saw Abelardo coming toward us with the girl still clinging on his arm.
I made sure to give a little show while I stood up because I knew he was looking at me.
I took his hand and granted his wish to walk away because I didn't want to be in the same place with Abelardo he made it perfectly clear yesterday night.
If he didn't want anything to do with me then I will stand on my side do my own things as long as I worked to pay him off.
"We should go back to them I am sure your boyfriend over there will dig holes in me if we stay any longer here" he said chuckling.
Looking back I rolled my eyes.
I was really having fun just talking to him.
Something was wrong.
And I knew it I just couldn't put a finger on it.
"Yeah let's go this sand is killing me I don't like the sand at the beach at all" I said picking up my shoes.
We were sitting at the sand staring at the water.
He gave me his hand to help me up.
"Look who the cat finally decided to drag back" Ulbretch said crossing his hands on his chest as he looked at who I was holding hands with.
Abelardo was sitting on a chair next him with a bottle of whiskey Infront of him.
Had he been drinking.
The words that Ulbretch said might have sounded funny for his emotions were locked just like how Abelardo did.
They were all the same.
Fuck them anyways.
"I'll leave you guys alone I am going to the bar" I said making my way to the bar.
"Hell no you are not going back there pick your robe and purse we are going to eat then go home" Abelardo said standing up giving me a murdering glare.
What was his problem.
"Let go" he said holding my hand marching to the reception.
I quickly kept on my robe as I adjusted the shoulder bag that was about to fall off my shoulder.
"Pay off for what I ordered when you finish have it handled to Ulbretch Emerson sitting at the poolside" he said not even bothering to look at the receptionist who was trying to get his attention by unbuttoning her buttons.
Poor woman better luck next time.
"Get in we are going to eat" he said when he was already in starting the engine.
I didn't say a word I just followed the only fear I had was that he could take my job away if I didn't do it.
We drove somewhere that I didn't know and probably would get lost if he chose to leave me and never look back again.
The only thing that maybe could of lead you to the main road would be the little white stones arranged properly on the paved floor.
"Please take me slowly I am wearing heels I can't match the same speed you are using" I said trying to make him atleast go slower because if he kept dragging me he would make me fall and my knees were not ready to get scratched by these hard rocks at all.
He probably got my message because he loosened his grip on my hand and reduced his speed.
Much better.
I could see an opened cottage with people walking in and out.
It looked Hawaiian with the green palm leaves on the top along with those long trees holding the cottage together preventing it from falling.
It looked like a restaurant where they would serve you the perfect amount of rice with shrimps not like those fancy restaurants that they serve food that can't even fit in your palms.
He still had my hand in his as we moved to the entrance a waiter was already standing there.
"A table for two" Abelardo said in his usual cold voice.
I gave a small apologetic smile to the waiter as he smiled back.
Poor guy I was sure that he wouldn't want to be near us again.
Another waiter came this time and asked for our drink and food.
"So why are you wearing like this samah you look like you are a whore" he said removing his shades.
What now.
"You don't control my clothing Mr Mendoza I can wear what I want and today it was a free day " I said looking anywhere but his eyes.
I would punch him if I did.
"I don't control what you wear but I won't resist the urge to say what I think about your clothing or other things you do" he said taking a sip to his beer.
"Well I am sorry but you are not important in my life to the point that I should care about your comments or what you think of me" I said this time looking in his eyes.
Something flashed but then disappeared fast.
"Then if you won't consider the fact that I don't want you near Gregorio at all or to see you even near that bar tender I will make them bankrupt don't taste my patience samah I do things the way I want them to" he said his voice getting lower making every single sell in my body vibrate.
"I do not care. I have a life to live waiting for me behind the doors that are preventing me to move" I said in the same low voice.
My intention was not to scare him seriously I would be dumb to think of that.
My intentions were not to make other people hear out arguments because he was going beyond limits in my private life.
"Remember samah I have a say in it Lesley probably spread the news that I am about to marry so you still have a hand to hold and an announcement to make." He said going to his food.
I couldn't believe he brought that up.
He should have cleared that up
He had more power than I had I was sure he cleaned those lies.
"If then it is like that you should start by giving me an example because it didn't look so when you were probably about to jump on each other you and that woman at the bar so if you want me to follow your rules I also get to make some." I said finishing my food.
I couldn't go to college I met up with this controlling selfish jerk.
We probably argued the whole time we were in the restaurant.
It wasnt a good vibe at all.
"Let go samah you have got a gala to attend" he said giving me his hand to stand up.
He was taking me to a gala.
Again he was making decisions for me and I knew that I couldn't escape this one.
I had a bad feeling about it.
I didn't take his hand.