I didn't get why Abelardo couldn't send only one person.
Like five of them were doing my hair three of them doing my makeup and two more busy removing the white dress which was in a transparent paper bag.
I thought twelve more were doing Martha and Ari's make up because I didn't see them for the whole day.
Boy was I wrong.
"Okay dressing done it is almost time Mr Mendoza is down the stairs you can go we will try to arrange this mess we did in your room" she said opening my bedroom door for me.
My heart started drumming in my chest as I started wondering of what he would think of me if he sees me out there.
Why did I even care.
There was no time for thinking too much because as the lady said it was almost time and I didn't want to be the reason Abelardo would be late for the event.
I spotted him talking to Mrs Walters who still had her uniform on.
I lifted my dress a little high enough to prevent it from tripping me on the stairs and started descending slowly with every step that I took.
I finally made it at the bottom of the stairs as Abelardo started approaching me.
"you look absolutely beautiful tonight samah" Abelardo whispered in my ear causing goosebumps to appear on my already covered arms.
"Why Thank you" I said looking down.
I didn't know if it was a facade or not.
* * * * *
The gala wasn't what I imagined it to be at all.
Yes I expected people wearing fancy clothes but what I didn't expect was a red carpet full of lights as photographers took many many pictures
too many for life seriously.
"Just act normal because this normally take time.
You can't just walk inside without taking any pictures.
Don't answer any questions okay." he whispered in my ear as he led me to the red carpet.
The only answer he got from me was a nod assuring him that I got the information and I would follow his lead.
"Samuel are you getting married?"
"Samuel is she your new fiancé?"
"Samuel is she your wife?"
"Samuel is she pregnant?"
"Samuel who is she?"
"Samuel are you ready to move on after what happened with you and Lesley's relationship?"
Those were the questions that were thrown in our way.
Were they suppose to ask private questions like the one who asked if I was pregnant my eyes got wider that a soccer ball itself.
"I will be introducing myself to some people if you don't like that I suggest you go wait for me at that table it has our names o it maybe Ari and Martha might join you in a while" he said pointing a finger to a nicely decorated table with black white and gold material covering the tables and chairs giving them a fancy look.
I was a socialy awkward person so he saved my life telling me to go sit somewhere that I could get a drink.
I walked to the table and took a sit as a waiter walked to me keeping a glass of champagne next to me with a smile.
I said a small thanks returning the same smile that he gave me then started taking small sips on my drink.
It was starting to bore me and I had no company at all.
My butt was starting to pain
As I walked I saw a small room in a corner where it looked like a small door for drinks that was not visible if you didn't pay too much attention to the walls.
That was what I did
I paid attention to the walls because I was really bored.
I slowly walked there to peek what was inside.
They said curiosity killed a cat but hey atleast the cat got some informations before it died.
I was a bout to go back but stoped when I head people making out while mentioning Abelardo's name.
I slowly peeked inside making sure that they couldn't see me if they turn around.
It was Lesley and Greg making out.
It looked like they just had sex because his pant's belt was open while Lesley's dress so high up.
I totally knew that there was something off with Greg but at that moment I immediately knew what it was.
"Lesley we need to make a move on him fast because he is screwing that new toy of his" Greg said not even bothering to low his voice.
"Don't worry Greg I made up my mind we will do it today night" she said kissing him again.
"What is your plan then" Greg asked crossing his arms on his chest.
"At nine sharp I will put a drug in his drink you see that waiter over there I will tell him to go give it to him.
The drug won't do much just make his mind dizzy to forget what he did from the moment he drinks it.
I will take him upstairs on the fifth floor in a bed room of the hotel.
I will have my ways with him and definitely fuck him then when he wakes up in the morning I will threaten to tell the police and social media that he raped me if he doesn't accept to marry me." She said smirking at herself.
That was actually a good and wicked plan
"How is that associated to me then?
If I am not engaged in your plan what am I still doing here?" Greg asked removing his arm from her waist.
"Can you shut up I am not done.!
You your job is to go at the the fifth floor and make sure that no one is going there.
I will give you a head start when you see me putting the drug you will take the elevator there.
I know if I threaten him to say that it was rape he will immediately marry me because his companies will collapse down when they hear that their leader is a rapist.
When he marries me I will make sure to drain all his money and put it in our bank account like we talked about me and you will move to Manelia away from here.
We have thirty minutes to strike you can go and enjoy your drink I will give you a call when it is time." Lesly said kissing Greg again.
That was a good plan if they move to Manelia no one would know that they are there it was a closed up island sittuated at the other side of the world and not so many people lived there.
I saw Abelardo heading my way.
I made sure that my face was normal before smiling at him.
"Hey you okay over here alone?" He asked eyeing the bartender who was busy shaking whatever he was shaking in the bottle.
He remembered what I did yesterday.
"Yeah I am okay don't worry nothing is goin to happen you can go back to your partners" I said smirking.
If I went with him Lesley or Greg would pull something on me causing me to leave his side so that they complete their plan.
The best option was to keep an eye on Abelardo from far.
He looked at the bartender and gave a suspicious look at me before nodding his head and walking away.
The clock striked nine.
My eyes were still glued to Abelardo so far he was still taking his halfway glass of champagne.
I saw Greg heading to the elevator and saw Lesley paying the waiter as she kept white things in the glass of champagne and pointed her finger to Abelardo whispering something in the waiters ear.
I had to make a move fast.
It was all too fast.
I spotted Martha and Ari talking on the table that I was last sitting to.
"Thank God I found you guys.
Ari I need you to go and seduce Greg before he enters the elevator because this is a life saving situation and you Martha go to Lesley and tell her that there is a police officer calling her outside at the backyard and needs to talk to her its an emergency.
Trust me with this I will tell you the reason you all have to lie just do it now!
We are running out of time." I said moving forward to Abelardo who was massaging his temples.
That only meant one thing
He already drunk the drugged Champagne.
I saw Lesley walking toward him but Greg was already fallen in my trap because he was giving googly eyes to ari who was leading him somewhere I didn't care at the moment.
If Martha couldn't stop her at that instant she won't be able to stop her Infront of Abelardo
Lesley was way too close to getting him and I had no chance of saving Abelardo if she gets her hands on him.
At that moment martha appeared Infront of Lesley from no where then started talking to her shaking her shoulders because it looked like Lesley was not paying attention to her.
When she finished I saw Lesley's eyes widen but other than that she followed Martha outside.
It was at that moment or never because I had little time until Lesley figures out that Martha lied to her and comes back inside.
I made a run to Abelardo pushing aside the bodies which were blocking my way then saying a sorry at the end.
He was already sitting on a chair probably fighting himself trying not to collapse or pass out.
I lifted him up struggling to keep up with the weight his hand was applying on my shoulder as I helped him walk for the nearest exit.
I couldn't go to the main exit because it was way too far and I couldn't make it before Lesley comes back also people would give me suspicious glares.
I couldn't go to the main elevators because they were far away from where we were and again Lesley would catch up with us.
The only option that was remaining was the private elevator just at the corner next to where we were standing.
I started dragging him to the elevator his hand on my shoulder while my other hand held on to his torso trying to balance both of us.
To my luck he had his VIP card with him that allowed us to pass just by swiping.
I pressed the button to the tenthn floor and waited for the elevator to reach.
At the tenth floor no one would know that we went there and they wouldn't try to call him because I kept both our phone in Ari's purse.
When we reached in the room only one thing was remaining.
I started removing his shoes and carefully layed him on the bed when I was finished with everything.
Sorry Abelardo.
* * * * *
"Samah what is this?" I heard a furious voice.
I knew he would be furious.
It was only for his protection.
"What does it look like to you Abelardo." I said trying to make my voice normal.
"Why are we both in the same bed naked?" He asked looking at our naked bodies.
"We had sex Abelardo" I said acting normal.
"You are lying samah I consumed alcohol but it was enough not to make me forget what I did.
Only if you kept something in my drink.
Did you samah?
Did you keep anything in it?" He asked his voice getting low.
I brought the covers up to my chest.
I let out a non humourous laugh looking at him.
I practiced it all in my dream.
"It was about time you realise it Abelardo now how about we stop playing catch and catch and talk about my suggestions?" I asked leaning away from him to the wall.
"What do you want from me samah" he asked this time giving me his whole attention.
Good just what I needed.
I had to say it or else Lesley would make another move like that and was sure that after this encounter with him he would fire me and send me to prison.
If I say it I was sure there he wouldn't refuse and if he agrees he would be taking me to the events like those with him even though they were boring but I could keep an eye on every move Lesley would do.
"Marry me Abelardo" I said my face remaining neutral.
"What?" He asked shocked with my words.
"You heard me Abelardo I am not going to repeat myself you either marry me or I tell the reporters and the police that you raped me.
It would be a shame wouldn't it be?
Your company would collapse and closed because I am sure no one wants a rapist as a leader Abelardo.
You have thirty seconds to decide Abelardo
the clock is ticking.
Tick tock" I whispered the last part in his ears.
"I didn't know you were that wicked samah.
You kept on the good girl face but now I see that it was an act.
I see the bewitched ways of yours and the black heart that is in you samah.
The bad girl facade is falling down I see you are just like the others.
Gold diggers and sex cravers.
I will give you what you want samah but know that you are marrying a beast the one you would wish that you never crossed paths with." He said ripping away the covers that were bidding my naked body.
I immediately brought my hands to cover my naked self but he was faster and snatched them and holding both my hands on the top of my head.
"You know what samah I will marry you but I will show you what liars like you get when they want to marry monsters samah.
If you want to be my wife I will make you pay for your words.
I hate you so much and right now and I am going to fuck you so hard that you wish you never saw me at all.
I am going to fuck until you wish that you never even had the thought of marrying me.
I am going to fuck you until you spend a week without knowing how to walk samah.
I am going to screw you brains out samah." He said bringing himself between my legs.
No no no he couldn't do that.
That was not part of my plan.
Before I could refuse he slammed into me and I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen.
It was too much to bear with and that caused me to scream until I felt my lungs begging for air and my throat drying asking for water.
"You were still a virgin" he said looking in my now tear filled eyes.
He still continued.
* * * * *
That day I spent it in the room with him still having his ways and me not even trying to act that I enjoyed it.
The amount of hate I now carried in me made me look like shit.
The following day we were still in the hotel room until eight in the morning.
That was how much time he spent violating me taking away every right I had left.
I was sore every part of me was tired and numb.
I wanted to scream but I knew that I had no voice because it was all gone in the two days spent with him.
I didn't blame him
But I did.
I caused all that
I provoked him to the point that he couldn't take it but he decided to punish me in the wrong way.
"Martha is bringing clothes for you we need to get home." He said climbing off the broken bed heading to the bathroom not even sparing me a glare.
Yes the bed was broken I was sore and my mind seemed no to register what happened for the last two days.
He really did fuck my brains out.
I didn't say anything back I just looked at the beautifully hanging chandelier with a blank mind.
"You will not ignore me Samah you are my wife now you should know better than to disrespect me" he said holding my jaw while his lips were a hair width away from mine.
I couldn't nod because he was holding my jaw too tight that it would bruise for the next hours to come.
"Yes" I whispered.
"Good" he said harshly kissing me bitting down my lower lip too hard that I even tasted the metallic taste.
My own blood.
I couldn't even scream.
He removed his hand away from my jaw wiping the blood that stuck on his lip heading to the bathroom.
* * * * *
"If you are done let go." He said taking my hand with his.
He wasn't harsh with me.
His words were soft as he gave me a look that I couldn't read because well I am horrible at reading emotions.
Was he concerned about me.
Did he care.
It was midday the sun was shining so bright up but it was still a little bit windy.
The weather here was a a pain sometimes.
The pink shades that I wore helped to hide my red sore eyes.
I was sure that my hair looked like a cat and a mouse did a race in it.
When he finished talking to the receptionist he took my hand joining fingers with his as we walked to the crowd outside.
Atleast he still remembered to hold my hand in the crowd like that because I would have broken down.
"Mendoza We saw you at the gala yesterday and you gave us a good show with your new mystery girl. There is only one question which is bugging us right now.
The question is who is she can you tell us anything about your relationship? " One lady with a microphone asked trying to push the people who were Infront of her just for Abelardo to speak.
"She my girlfriend soon to be fiancé" he said leaving his answer short and understandable.
We were still standing in the crown that made my stomach do flips in every direction.
The same buff men dressed in black suits came leading the way to the car.
He did what I asked him to do.
He said it to the world.
It was what I wanted but the life I was going to live wasn't what I wanted at all.
There was no way of escaping now.
I broke the words that jinelle told me the day I told her that I would be coming to live with Mr Mendoza.
I broke the words I told my mom that between me and Abelardo will be strictly business.
Most of all I made a plan of an angry ex and psycho fail and I was ready for the consequences that came with what I did.
Abelardo didn't know anything about what Lesley and Greg were planning to do to him on that day.
I preferred it to be kept that way.