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Chapter 5 (66)

I scroll down my messages with Lucas and just laugh when I remember how we got all muddy pushing his car from that shitty and huge ass puddle. It's been raining for awhile now and it's past midnight. Hell, I don't even know what time it is but I do know Brit and Ally are both asleep and I'm here, awake on the floor, trying to solve the problem if it's worth it to get up and pee.

Raindrops lazily hit the window outside and I just stare through it. The rain calms me down in this weird and unexplainable way. It is truly relatable how the water falling from the sky is pure, so pure and clean but when it hits the dirty ground, it loses its inncence and beauty and becomes nothing but a puddle of fucking mud.

I had dozens of missed calls from mom and dad and my siblings but I didn't bother to answer them. I'm happier here, as far from mom and dad as I can possibly be. I just.. I sometimes have a strong feeling that I'm actually adopted. I know it's not true but I can't help but feel as if I don't belong with the Andersons.

My phone is left on the small nightstand next to me and I look up to see Allison's sleepy face through the darkness. Her and Britney are sharing the bed and Mr. Stiles has barely let me sleep in his house so I better not complain about the floor. I don't mind even. I can fall asleep on whatever surface they put me on.

Her lips are slightly parted and long lashes are protecting the top of her cheeks as she breathes slowly. I admire the way waves of her hair fall across the top of her back. I've always liked to sleep in that position, too. You know, the one where your stomach is pressed against the mattress, one leg bent on the knee area and arms wrapped around the pillow.

I could never sleep on my back, facing the ceiling. It just doesn't feel natural. What am I supposed to do with my legs then? Just hold them open as if I'm getting ready to get a blowjob or some shit? Hah. No.

Although, a blowjob would be nice.

Why the hell am I thinking of getting a blowjob while staring at Allison's lips?

They're just so perfectly plump and pink and flawless.

Okay.. I think I'm going to need a Bible and holy water because with these thoughts I surely won't be allowed in church anytime soon.

"Why are you staring at me like that? ", Allison's perfect mouth suddenly whispers, making me slightly jump and break from my trance.

"I was just thinking. ", I admit.

"About? ", she presses quietly.

"About.. ", I begin, not even knowing how to finish but my phone interrupts me with aa buzz.

"Who can it be at this time? ", brunette asks and amusingly glances at my crap of a phone. I roll my eyes and finally look at the ID.

"Why is Raini calling me? ", my brow raises and I answer her finally.

"Ross! ", she squeaks and I lean the weight of my head onto my palm, having my elbow pressed against the floor to keep my balance. My fingers run through my messed up hair and I lick my lips to make them less dry. It's such an awful feeling when you wake up or talk for a very long time and your mouth feels like you've eaten dozens of hot sand.

"Why are you calling so late? Or early? Whatever. "

"I need help. Calum's got into a fight. Please, he just won't stop! He's fighting two guys at once. ", she breathes heavily and my eyes widen as I sit up.

Since when is he that type of a kid? I barely hear him curse let alone see him harass somebody.

"What did you say? Where to? ", I uncover myself and curse under my breath when I realize I'm in my boxers and Allison is awake.

"The park. Pleas hurry! Calum! ", she yells and hangs up on me.

"Damn. ", I groan and stand up.

"What is going on? ", Allison frowns as I pick up my shorts and pull it up my legs.

Britney is practically invisible, she always buries her face under the cover when she sleeps. Something about fear of darkness? She thinks she's safer underneath the blanket. She's always been such a kid.

"Calum is in trouble. ", I whisper. "Actually, he's not in trouble. He's the trouble here. "

"Remind me who's Calum? ", she says equally as quietly and pulls the thin blanket off of her body. Nice, Allison, nice. A tank top and a short shorts.

Doesn't she have mercy for my dick?

Apparently not.

"My friend. The red head. ", I explain.

Allison uses her arms to subtly cover her chest when she realizes my eyes are scanning it and I look away and scratch the back of my neck.

I push my phone inside of the front pocket of my yellow shorts and glance at Britney. Well, at the blanket she's covered with.

"Stay here and don't wake Brit. ", I command and tip toe out of the room.

I go downstairs and approach the front door. After putting on the sneakers, I slowly unlock it and walk out of the house.

"Wait! ", somebody yells from behind me as I begin to speed up.

I'm being turned around and my eyes meet hers in an anxious collision. Didn't she hear what I told her to do?

"What are you doing out here? ", that shorts is not good for my health. I think I'm going to need some dick-surgery.

I'm lucky that she has decided to put on her blouse with longer sleeves over the tank top. Running my fingers over my hair, I watch her approach me.

"I'm going to go with you. "

"No. Allison, you need to stay at Britney's. Imagine what your dad would do to me if he found out we were wandering around the city at three in the morning all alone, trying to find my friend who's currently fighting some douches. I don't want to disappoint him. ", admittance that leaves this shitty mouth of mines seems to have intrigued her.

"Why do you even care so much? He could give less shit about you and stuff. He'd just slap me a few times, repeat the talk about how I shouldn't go anywhere without his permission over and over again and punish me for a day or two. It's no big deal. ", Allison shrugs.

"Allison. Mr. Noren saved me from those tormenting dicks back then and I owe it to him not to disappoint him. ", I glance down at the small scar on my wrist.

They burned my skin with a cigarette while I was asleep. It hurt so bad, it is especially painful to a seven years old boy whose fear only adds up to the physical pain.

"I don't care. I'm going to the park and you may as well join me if you want. Dad won't even find out. ", her confidence is so strong as she walks past me and hurried down the street.

"Fine. ", I snap and follow her. "Bitch. ", I murmur to myself and she eyes me closely before rolling her eyes.

"You are the most interesting and obnoxious person at the same time. ", Allison remarks.

"Why thank you. Will you now get your ass to move faster because this is an emergency? "

"Hey. You try having short legs and we'll see how fast you are gonna run. "

The fact that I'm just walking fast and she's jogging next to me amuses me and I begin to think of what to say to annoy her. Coming to conclusion that my friend is in trouble and this is not the time for flirting with Allison, I eventually give up and grab her wrist. When I begin to run, she whines and her hand slips out of mine. I groan and stop moving.

"What? I'm a cool kid but never in a million years can I run like that. ", Allison defends herself and I furrow my eyebrows at her.

"You know what? Just go back to Brit. You are only pulling me back and I need to go. ", I admit and her mouth falls open, as if she's offended.

Allison closes it and suddenly runs past me. My eyes widen and I turn around but she's already far away. Shit. What is this chick?

"Allison! ", I speed up and quickly catch up to her. "You run like a duck. ", I can't help but laugh and she swats at my shoulder.

I pretend to be hurt and cover the place she hit with my hand.

"Where are we.. Oh, there's Lucas' house. ", she squeals when it's in our sight. I nod.

"And this one's mines. ", my finger points at it and I notice the way dimmed light is filling Rebecca's room. Frown overtakes me on the inside and out at the thought of her being awake so late. What is she doing?

"Why are we here? ", Allison is clearly confused and I'm going to have to explain to her why the hell I'm in front of the house from which they kicked me out. Well, my dad.

"I'm going to sneak into my backyard and take my father's bike with me. You stay here and this time, I mean it. Okay? ", our eyes meet and hers quickly look away, followed by a nod of her head.

I smile and press a quick kiss to her cheek before opening the gate and running across the lawn.

"Shit. ", I curse when I trip over a garden hose and fall to the ground.

Why the fuck do women obsess over flowers all the damn time? My mother takes better care of our garden than house, really.

Allison laughs from behind me and leans against the wooden gate to keep her balance. Middle finger I raise is meant only to shut her up but it fails. She laughs even harder as I stumble to the shed between my and Lucas' house.

Fuck this shit.

I go over to Lucas' side of this small wooden house and type the password in a small lock around the door. He gave it to me just in case. He didn't say which case though, so that should justify this, right?

I pull out his motorcycle and I'm right about him keeping his keys in here when I notice them hanging on the wall in the corner. Locking the door behind me, I push the thing across the lawn and to my gate. We don't have any limits between our front yards, it's practically shared between us. Only a small stick is put between them so we would know where's the middle of the Brit when we play soccer.

"What are you doing? That's Lucas' motorcycle! ", Allison squeaks and I press my index finger against her lips.

"Hush. He doesn't need to know anything about this, okay? We'll just use it to get to the park and then I'll bring it back here before he wakes up. It's simple. ", helmets hanging on the handlebar are on our heads within seconds.

"I can't just hide this from him. Do you even know how to ride this thing? We could crash. "

"Of course I do. ", I sit in the front and tap the space behind myself for her to put her cute little ass on jt. "Lucas' taught me. Don't worry, you'll never crash when your with me. ", I promise and she nods before joining me.

We drive away down the road and into the dark night. Her petite arms wrap around my torso and I try hard to memorize the feeling before it's gone. My teeth sink into my bottom lip and grip on the handlebar tightens. Heavy sigh is released from behind me and I throw a glance at her before turning to the road ahead.

"What's wrong? ", I ask when Allison's cheek leans against my back and her arms hold me tighter.

"I'm just tired. "

"We are almost there. "

The fact that only two lampposts are brightening our surroundings is a bit frightening, especially when they're not even close. This area is pretty dark and I try to swallow my fear instead of dignity. There's a girl behind me I need to protect and a clumsy but dangerous friend I need to save from his own stupidity. Not the time to have your balls shaking, Ross.

"Okay. ", Allison says and and pulls away to press her lips and tip of her nose against my back. I growl inside of my mouth. "I better prepare myself. "

"For what? "

"Beating up those guys. Duh. ", she says as if it was obvious.

"Sure. ", I laugh and turn right.

"You doubt in my skills? ", her fingers pinch my nipples through the plain black shirt I'm wearing and I curse under my breath.

"Allison! ", I squeak and she chuckles.

"Sorry, Ross. ", she lets go and hugs me from behind. My breathing increases.

Oh, she knows what she's doing. I'm almost sure she knows what this does to my head. Her touch fucks with my brain and I can't seem to think straight anymore.

I stop the motorcycle near the park and she unhooks her arms from my body and gets off. I do the same and sigh.

"Stay away, alright? "

"Why would I? ", Allison huffs as we walk down the path, completely alone in the dark.

"Because I don't want you to get hurt and I mean it. Please. ", I beg and wrap my arm around her shoulders as we walk.

Allison laughs but doesn't push me away. "You're too clingy. Somebody would think you have a crush on me. " Her smirk catches me off guard.

"I don't. ", I try to reassure her but her words have me thinking deeply into this topic.

"Of course not. It would be stupid. ", she sticks out her tongue at me.

"Oh. Look at me. I am so in love with you, Allison. Just can't shake off the feeling. On my. ", I tease and pinch her cheek. She laughs and pulls away from me.

"Nu-uh. We first marry and then we pinch cheeks. Sorry Mr. Anderson, the rules are rules. "

Her smile is so adorable and cute and fucking beautiful that I have to remind myself this is just a teasing game. I pretend to be crying.

"You're so mean.. I can't even kiss you before the matrimony? ", I pout.

"Nope. "

My arms wrap around Allison from the side and I press a hard, exploding kiss to her cheek, then release her. Irresistible, that's what this girl is.

"Too bad, Noren. Already did. "

"Ha-ha. ", she rolls her eyes. "Where are they? "

Just then, I spot a group of kids on the darkened path and immediately recognize Calum who's on top of some guy. Raini is standing aside from with her hands covering her face.

"Shit. ", I curse and speed up.

Allison follows.


"Shit. ", I groan as I hurry up the stairs of the hotel.

Lucas dropped me off here and went straight down town to bring Diego to the hospital to get his wound checked. I run to the door of my and Allison's room and push it open. Rebecca is lying on my place, next to my sleeping Allison and staring up at the ceiling. Heart begins to hurt at the sight of her unconsciously laid there, with a big frown on her beautiful face.

"Allison.. ", I whisper and approach her. Rebecca's eyes snap up to mines.

"Oh my god. Ross, you're okay! ", my sister nearly screams bug it comes out more as a squeaky whisper.

"I'm all good. I promise. How is she? ", I walk around the bed and to Becca's side, she sits up and pulls me to sit on the sheets with her arms around me.

"I was so worried. Don't you ever do this to me again. ", whisper catches my ears and I shiver, tightening my arms around her.

"I'm sorry. How is Raymond? ", I pull away.

"His body temperature has raised and the ambulance has taken him away. They say it's gonna be fine but they obviously don't know that sister becomes crazy and paranoid when her brother is in dangeour. You can only imagine how it's like when it comes to two brothers at once. ", she sniffs and leans her head against my shoulder.

I wrap my arm around her shoulders and another one goes beneath her thighs.

"I'm sorry. I'll carry you back to Elijah and Riley. I'm here for her now and you need to rest. Okay? ", soft kiss is placed on her forehead and Rebecca smiles.

"I missed you. ", she closes her eyes and I smile, carrying her out of the room and to hers.

When Rebecca's laid on her bed next to Ell, I peck her forehead and tuck her into the heavy quilt. Elijah's arm immediately reaches out for her in his sleep and I nod approvingly when he pulls her to his chest.

"Why are you so creepy? ", Riley's voice breaks me out of my thoughts and I slightly jump and turn to her small bed to see her awake.

"I'm not. ", I approach the sweet girl and she nuzzles more into the pillow.

"Watching my mom and dad cuddle in their sleep is not creepy? ", she smiles.

I'm standing before her now and I can't help but quietly laugh.

"I guess you're kinda right. But I love them. "

"Yeah. My mom and dad are totes adorable. ", Riley glances at them.

"Go back to sleep, sweetie. It's very late. Well, early now. ", I stroke her cheek and she smiles.

"Okay but please don't stare at me the way you did at them.. "

"I won't. ", I laugh and lean down to kiss her forehead the way I did her mom's only minute ago.

When I approach the door, I hear her speak from behind me.

"Wait. Aren't you gonna kiss my daddy, too? "

My hand covers my mouth to stiffle another attack of laughter and I shake my head. "I think he will be fine without me kissing him goodnight. "

With that, I leave the room and hurry back to Allison who is now coughing in her sleep. I take off my pants and pull the boxers I left on the floor up my legs. Quilt is cold on my side of the bed and I nuzzle up to her sleeping body, tapping her shoulder in the gentlest way possible. As if she knew it was me, her eyes shot open and she turns around.

"Ross. Oh my god. ", tears begin to slip from her eyes and I pull her closer.

"Are you okay? ", I ask, feeling her bare skin against mines. Somebody has taken off her pajama for some reason and I assume it's Rebecca.

"No. Are you? ", she sniffs and snuggles up to my chest.

"No. I'm sorry. "

"Did he hurt you? ", her arm wraps around my torso the way it did in my memory. Only now the feeling is deeper, stronger and is pulling me under. She loves me now and I am helplessly in love with her, too.

"No, he didn't. I wounded him. He shot Raymond. That's unforgivable. ", I hiss.

"I saw him.. I.. I was so worried. "

"You had an attack because of me? ", I ask and pull my face away from her neck to have our eyes meet.

"Who told you? "

"Lucas. He told me everything. "

"Oh my god, he told you about the baby? ", Allison gasps for air and I blink for a few times.

"About the.. what? "

Allison is heavily breathing again and I try to calm her down by whispering comforting words into her neck. Tears unstoppably run down her rosy cheeks and I try my best to wipe them all.

Silence surrounds us before she tightens her arm around my body and tangles our legs more.

"I miscarried. "

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