My baby fell asleep when I came back to our room to check on her. Those gorgeous brown locks of hair were sprawled across my pillow and I couldn't help but smile and kiss her lips quickly, hoping that action would give her more peace. We've been through a-fucking-lot last night and I know she's exhausted. I feel her but I couldn't let myself take a nap when my brother is hurting. That's why I asked Lucas to drive us both down town, to this local café. I just really needed a friend to talk to. So, after we ordered our beers, we sat down on the wooden stools and took a sip. "Just let me know what happened after. I need to know. ", Blondie on the opposite side of table told me and I nodded and continued telling the story at seven thirty in the morning. Winter here is pretty harsh though and I had to tuck myself into my coat.
Friday has come. I am back home with Rory who's constantly rambling about these three hot girls he met at the beach yesterday and how he can't decide which one to ask out.
"Rory. How many times do I have to tell you? It doesn't matter which one you ask because they'd all say no. ", Russel sighs frustratedly.
Rebecca and I begin to laugh as she leans her head on my shoulder. I grab a fistful of chips and begin to chew the food. My sister opens her mouth wide, looking at me like a hungry little puppy and I roll my eyes, shoving some into her mouth too.
"Thanks. ", she mumbles with her mouth full.
"Look who's saying. The guy who's going to the college as a virgin. ", Rory spits and I chuckle again.
"Those two will never fucking stop. My head hurts. ", Raymond groans and lies on the bed beside Becca and I.
"Who says that? I might hook up with someone by the next week. ", Russel says.
"You said that like two years ago. “ Raymond gives him a look. Poor guy.
"You guys just don't know how to appreciate innocence. ", our oldest brother huffs.
"Fuck the innocence. I can't wait to get laid. ", I say, beginning to daydream and Rebecca smacks my arm.
"My brothers are not allowed to be perverts. "
"What's good, perverted people? ", Elijah greets us as he walks into the room.
"Andersons are not perverted! ", his future girlfriend protests.
"You will see I will fuck someone by Friday. ", Russel growls at Rory and Elijah amusingly smiles at Rebecca. Raymond and I snicker to ourselves.
"Two of them are adopted. ", Rebecca says right away.
"Want to bet? ", Rory spits.
"Sure. What's the price? ", his blond brother asks.
"Um.. If you lose, you give me five thousand dollars and if I lose, I buy you a sandwich at Danny's? ", brown haired idiot grins.
"Whatevs. ", I say and sit up, earning a glare and a pout from Rebecca whose head was laid on my shoulder. "I'm going to go. Party is waiting for me. "
"You aren't going anywhere because I booked us a gig at Danny's tonight. ", Russel finally speaks to me.
"What? ", I blink. "But I was going to have fun with Lucas and the girls he brings to the beach. "
"Sorry Ross. You know how important this is. They offered to pay one hundred dollars for one night. "
"Fine. Fuck you. ", I spit and rush out of the room.
Might as well leave before they make me carry instruments too.
"Ross! ", somebody yells my name as I exit the house.
I turn around and all I see is red. Literally. Calum is standing before me with a bag of chips in his left hand. My feet carry me over to him and arms wrap around him in a hug.
"What's up? ", I ask him, taking a step away, and he pulls out his hand, smiling and waiting for a handshake. I roll my eyes and give him one.
"Sup with you? ", he questions. "How's your arm? Have you healed? "
"Er. I'm close to being okay. ", I stick out my tongue at him. "Where are you heading with that? "
I shove a hand into his bag and take a fistful of chips without his permission. He doesn't seem to mind though, I do it all the time. I enjoy stealing food from others.
"Actually, to your place. As you can see. ", he points to my house that's a few meters away. "I was going to check on you because I knew you were the only one who's not going to go to the salsa party. "
"That's very thoughtful but I'm actually going. "
"Really? ", his hand pushes the red hair off of his forehead, his green-grayish eyes fully coming to view.
"Really? ", his hand pushes the red hair off of his forehead, his green-grayish eyes fully coming to view
"Yeah. I'm even going to have to play with my brothers and sister to get mom and dad money for a damn water bill or some shit. ", I tuck my hands in my pockets and wince at the pain rushing through the wounded arm.
"You're sure you can play with that? ", Calum asks quietly and I glance down at the wound and then up at him.
An idea pops up in my mind and I smirk. "You're a fucking genius! "
"Whoa, whoa.. ", he waves his hands in front of himself. "I think you have a fever. "
"Shut up and enjoy your glory. You just gave me an idea. I could make my way out of this by claiming my arm hurts badly and that I can't play. That way I could truly enjoy this night. ", I rub my palms against one another excitedly.
His eyebrows narrow at me. "I thought you loved playing music? "
"Well, yeah I do but I like chasing girls better. ", I smile.
"Such a charmer. ", he rolls his eyes. "In that case, can I come with you? "
We begin to walk down the sidewalk side my side.
"Sure. As long as you bring the chips with you. "
Just like that, my hand is in the bag again and I'm finishing his snack, earning a glare from him.
An hour later, two of us and Lucas are on the beach in front of Danny's, just staring at the horizon and talking nonsense. It's our every day routine.
"You know.. They say there is treasure buried somewhere on this beach. ", Calum explains quietly.
Lucas and I raise our eyebrows at him in unison.
"Treasure? ", blonde guy besides me asks.
"Shh! Someone might hear you and digs up the ark before us. ", red head scolds him and I smile.
"Calum.. Would you just shut the fuck up? ", I beg him.
"That was not polite. ", he huffs.
"Fine, Dick.. Would you shut the fuck up, please? "
"That's better. "
"Remember when I called you a genius? ", I turn to him.
"Yeah? "
"I take it back. ", I smirk and he shows me a middle finger.
"Hey everyone! ", a voice happily squeals as a girl falls straight on Lucas' lap. My eyes widen and so do hers as we look at each other.
"Hi, Allison.. Ugh, I told you not to do it that harshly. ", Lucas whines and lifts her ass from him by her waist, letting out a breath of relief. Poor thing.
"Sorry, babe. ", she pecks his lips and cheek, smiling at his sour expression. "Better? "
"My face isn't what's hurting. ", he gives her a teasing smirk.
"I'm not kissing your.. ", his hand covers her mouth as Calum begins to laugh and I just stare.
"I think we get it. ", my best friend releases his girlfriend and she walks closer to Calum, giving him a high five.
"Hey Cal. ", she says as she does it.
"Hi, Sugar. ", he greets her and pinches her cheek.
When her eyes meet mines, we stare at each other awkwardly before I look away. Within seconds, she is back on my blonde friend's lap but this time not fucking straddling it. I bite the inside of my cheek.
"Ross. ", Cal elbows me and I shake my head and smile.
"It's fine. "
"We should totally go for a swim. ", Lucas quietly tells Allison, noticing the tension between us.
"Sure. Let's go. ", she smiles at him and they stand up, heading towards water. I roll my eyes and lie back on the hot sand.
"There goes our 'guy time'. ", I huff.
"Dude. What is wrong with you? ", Calum turns to me.
"She's running our friendship. Don't you see that? Always with Lucas and everything. If you ask me, someone should break them up. ", I say and yawn.
He furrows his eyebrows at me and raises his index finger as he speaks to make a point. "Don't you dare. "
"Nah. ", I stretch out my arms. "It's too much work. "
Calum shakes his head and laughs. "You are one hell of a confusing guy. "
"Anymore chips? ", I smile.
"Nope. All we had is in your fat ass now. ", he glares.
"I'm not fat. ", I protest.
"Well, you should be, considering just how much you eat. "
"I'm a growing up boy. I need food. "
"Hm.. ", Calum smirks and I just know he's got some stupid idea. I cringe and sit up.
"We should play truth and dare later. I think that could be interesting. ", he's still smirking.
"As long as Allison is out of the game, I'll play. ", I scoff and glance at the ocean and a couple happily laughing and splashing each other.
I will throw up any second. Puke is climbing up my throat.
"You're the weirdest guy I've ever known. ", red head tells me and I raise my eyebrows and give him a small smile. "I don't count. ", he glares.
We both laugh and keel talking about shit, my eyes glancing at Lucas and Allison who are making out in the water.
"Looks like Lucas is going to get some. ", Cal teases and my eyes widen.
"Dude. She's only fourteen. "
"Fifteen in November. ", he clarifies as if that would make any difference.
"Whatever. She's practically still a little girl. ", I look away, my eyes falling on Allison's growing tits. Hell. Not so little..
"You are totally checking her out. "
"Whatever. ", I lie back down, not knowing why I sat up in the first place.
"Sup boys? ", familiar voice excitedly greets Calum and I. Britney's face appears above me as I flinch.
"Fuck. You scared me. ", I groan.
"Sorry, not sorry, goof. ", she giggles and squeezes herself on the sand between me and Calum.
"By the way you're talking, I'm guessing you've been hanging out with Raini lately. ", Calum rolls his eyes.
"Yeah. She taught me a lot about boys. ", my dark haired best friend says.
I have a lot of best friends.. I just can't choose the best one, they are all like family.
"Like what? ", I cross my arms beneath my head and watch her as she talks.
"Like how they're all jerks and disrespectful little brats. ", she shrugs, making both of us laugh.
"She must have gone through a break up or some shit. ", Cal calls out on her.
"Who must have gone through a break up? ", Raini asks from behind us, giving me a second heart attack today. I sit up quickly.
"Oh my fuck. Do you guys enjoy scaring me so much? ", I gape.
"Boo! ", red head yells in my face.
"That's not scary. ", I glare at him. He pouts.
"The sun has set down. What are you guys still doing sitting there? ", Brit asks.
Just then, a fat guy burned by the sun, walks by with his trunks hanging low on his hips. Too low. I cringe as his ass comes to my view.
"Good thing you're not wearing a thong. ", I mumble under my breath and Brit giggles.
"Oh, just sitting here, talking shit. Ross being a fat ass. Me being the awesomest guy ever seen. The usual. ", Cal smiles.
"That's.. great. ", Raini says and sits next to him, looking in the direction of Lucas and Allison.
"Those two seem to have hit it off pretty well. I've never seen Allison so happy. ",she adds and the lump raises in my throat.
"You knew Ally before? ", I turn to her.
"Ally? ", she raises her brows. "And yeah. Well, Brit introduced me to her about a year ago and we've been good friends ever since then. ", curly head explains. How come I haven't run into her before then? Practically, all my friends have known her for awhile and I was the dumbass who never crossed paths with the brunette.
If I met her before Lucas...
No. Stop.
I could be her boyfriend.
I told you to fucking stop!
What the fuck?
But seriously, she's so hot.
"Ross. ", Calum nudges me.
"I'm going to go get some ice cream. ", I jump to my feet. "Somebody wants to come with me? "
Britney raises her hand and stands up, walking up to me. Over my shoulder, I notice Calum making a heart shape at the two of us from behind and give him a 'what the hell' look. He just smirks, enjoying his chance to get on my nerves.
Two of us walk down the beach when she suddenly turns to me.
"Are you okay? "
I furrow my eyebrows at her and smile a confused smile. "I am? "
"I meant, because of your arm and everything. ", she whispers and looks away. Oh. That..
"I'm fine. ", she gives me a look of disbelief. "Really, Brit. It's almost healed and the drug is gone. I'm lucky not to be seeing Voldemort anymore. "
"You could've died. ", she shivers and I pull her in a side hug and rub her arm with my palm.
"If and could have are overrated. Who cares what would happen if it was the other way around? I'm still alive and that's what matters. Plus, the fucker is in jail for the rest of his pathetic life. "
"Diego hates you. ", she tells me.
"Who the fuck cares? He's a dumbass anyway. If I had Sean for an uncle, I would have killed myself a long time ago. ", I offer her a smile again.
"Why did you want to fight him so badly? What happened? "
My eyes darken as clench my fists and look away.
"I.. It's nothing. "
"Why don't you just tell me? ", Britney desperately asks.
"Because I don't want to. I said it was nothing. ", my jaw tenses.
"I can help you. "
"It's over now. Fuck. Will you stop being annoying for a second? ", I growl and throw my hands in the air, obviously frustrated.
Britney just stares at me and blinks before turning away from me and walking back in the direction we both came from. I sigh and look after her. I'm such a jerk sometimes.
I walk to the ice cream Brit and order chocolate and cookie dough for both of us, mine with the caramel topping. When I walk back to my friends, Allison and Lucas are both with them, sitting on the towel and laughing at something Calum is telling them. Iforce my feet to carry me to Britney and approach her from behind.
"Hey. ", I whisper to her when I'm closer.
She looks at me and back at Calum. I drop on my ass next to her with both ice creams in the cones.
"I got you cookie dough. I know it's your favorite. I'm sorry. ", I mumble and her eyes are back on me again, then on the ice cream that seems to be taking her breath away.
"Thank you. ", she takes it from me and I smile a smug smile. She's like a little kid.
"So.. Want to play truth and dare? ", Calum wiggles his eyebrows and I cringe, glancing in Allison's direction for who knows what reason. I don't want to be playing if she will. The reason is that I know someone would make me say or do something I don't want to and another is that Cal is a bastard when it comes to that game.
"I'll pass. ", when Allison says this, my heart dances in my chest and I nod approvingly at my friends, letting them know I will play.
Everybody else agrees and we begin the game. After awhile, we run out of truths and dares but here comes Lucas' turn.
"Truth or dare? ", he asks Calum.
"Dare. Duh. I'm not a pussy like Ross, always picking the truth. "
"Alright.. I dare you to.. Hm. ", blue-eyed blondie looks around and smirks. "Grab a fistful of sand and shove it in your mouth. You don't have to swallow but just chew it for a few seconds. "
Red head's eyes widen. "Dude! I'm of doing that! "
"And he says he's not a pussy. ", I say under my breath.
When a small snort escapes Allison's mouth and she flushes, obviously embarrassed, I begin to think of what else I could say to make her laugh. Just because her laugh is funny. That girl doesn't even laugh, she snorts like a pig and it's hilarious.
Calum glares at me and grabs the sand, pushing it into his mouth and earning a few 'ew's and 'woo's.
"Dogs leave their shit everywhere and you just ate it. ", Raini makes the situation worse for him and he spits, some of the sand staying glued to his tongue. I chuckle.
"There you go buddy. ", my hand pats his back.
"Alright, Mr. Pussy. Let's see what you pick. Truth or dare? ", he's still glaring.
"Dare. ", pride beats the common sense, as always.
His smirk is so big that I think his cheek might reach above the eye. "I dare you to be a vegetarian for a week. "
Fuck. No. "Fuck. No. "
"It's your dare. Either that or I shave your head and I don't think you would like that. "
I tug at my blonde mess as my mouth falls open. "You can't do this to me, we are friends, aren't we? ", I plea.
"Vegetarian. ", he repeats strictly. "For a week. "
"No meat? ", I gasp.
"No, I dare you to be a vegetarian who eats meet. Of course no fucking meat. ", he rolls his eyes.
"You son of a bitch. I will get back at you. I swear. ", I glare. "If I stay alive by the next week, that is. "
They all laugh at me and Lucas pats my back.
"Good luck. ", he mouths.
"Shut up. ", I push his hand off. "I'm going to be eating popcorn all week. "
"Not much is going to change. ", Allison comments.
"Nobody asked you to judge. ", I hiss at her.
"I'm not the kind of girl to wait for someone's permission to talk. ", she sweetly smiles at me as my eyes fall to her lips. She stares back at me and I look away.
"Ross! "
"And here comes another person who would like to scare the shit out of me. ", I roll my eyes and look towards clumsily running Rebecca.
"What are you doing? We need to play. Get up and let's go. ", she demands.
"My arm hurts. I am not able to play. ", I look away.
"What? Really? "
"I'm sorry, sis. I really wanted to, it's just that the fate has come between me and tonight's show. ", I deeply sigh, faking the whole thing.
"You're an idiot. Now, who's going to play with us? ", she gasps.
"Well, thanks for your concern. "
"I'll do it. "
We all look towards Lucas who has his hand raised and is standing up already.
"Are you sure? ", my sister asks him. He nods and my mouth drops.
"Bu-but we were supposed to be finding me a good-looking chick. ", I whine.
"Sorry. ", he apologizes and gives Allison a peck on the lips before running away with Rebecca. I groan and lie back.
"This is such bullshit. "
"Let's go meet my friends at Danny's. They're about to arrive. ", Raini pats Calum's back and he rises to his feet.
"Can I come? ", Brit questions. Two of them nod and they walk away.
Allison just sits quietly besides me as I keep staring at the shiny dots on the night sky. I wonder what time it is.
"Where are you going? ", I ask her when I notice she's putting on her yellow shirt and the white skirt.
"None of your business. ", she says bluntly and picks up the towel she's been sitting on. I first sit up and then rise to my feet.
"Really? "
"Just leave me alone, Blondie. ", she begins to walk down the shore and I do such a stupid thing, following her lead.
"Why are you being so rude? ", I ask, catching her attention. She turns around with the colorful towel hanging on the part below her elbow and looks at me.
"Rude? "
"Well, yeah. "
"I don't mean to be rude with anyone but you annoy the shit out of me. ", Allison tells me.
"How so? "
"You're just.. You're seriously asking me that? I thought you didn't want to talk to me? You made it clear the last time I came to visit. ", she gasps.
"I don't but that doesn't mean you have to be a disrespectful bitch towards me. ", I shrug and her eyes widen.
"You're such a douche. ", her little hands furiously fly through the air around her to stand out just how pissed she is. I smile, not being able to hide it.
"Fuck. I am so offended. You really need to work on your skills. ", I brush her cute nose with my indew finger and she slaps my hand away.
"Shut the fuck up, Ross! Just.. Shut up. I have no time and energy to waste on you. I could care less about your opinion. "
"Why are you yelling? ", I grimace.
"Because you are annoying! ", Allison just can't seem to control it.
"Me? Annoying? You are the one that keeps talking! ", I snap.
"Because you keep asking me questions! ", her brown eyes are now on flames that burn slowly and are visible to me from every angle I take to look at her.
"You're retarded. ", I wave my hand through the space between us and step closer.
"Stop. ", she says and does the same. She is so angry. I better run before I find out she has a gun.
"What are you going to do? ", I challenge her. When she stays quiet, I swallow the rest of my guilt and speak up. "I don't even know why Lucas is wasting his time on you. I'm pretty sure he will fucking dump you as soon as possible because there are way better chicks than you. You just got that shameless mouth of yours that say every word they get from the brain. "
"Better get everything off of my chest than be a lying bitch who pretends to like someone she despises like most of the girls do. ", Allison fires back and I notice the way her lips are perfectly pink and plump under the neon lights that come from a café in the distance.
"You'd be a bitch anyway. ", I step even closer, distance between our faces less than a foot.
What am I fucking saying? Somebody slap me.
"You want to know what your problem is? ", she snaps at me.
"Please enlighten me. ", my eyes roll. She is so cute giving lessons that I will never listen to because I'm more focused on the way her eyes shine and mouth moves as she speaks.
"You are actually afraid to admit that you like me, Ross. ", she tells me with a thick voice and my heart begins to race at the way her index finger stabs the middle of my chest.
"That's your theory? ", I ask and press my palms on her forearms.
"Yes. ", her eyes can't seem to break from mines and I can't seem to deny that she's right. I only stay quiet with a sour expression on my face.
"It's false. ", I finally dare to speak but it comes off much more insecure than I intended to sound.
"It's not. ", she tells me quietly and I notice the way my fingers are brushing her left breast. Oh god.
She looks down at it, then back up at my face. I brush my fingers against it again, this time making more contact. My other hand grips her hip and squeezes.