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Chapter 1 (62)

-Continuation to Living Death.

It was a rainy day, year 2001. Twenty years ago. I was seven and walking through an abandoned neighborhood where kids were usually playing. I can't believe how someone can not love rain because I truly enjoy it. I've always loved the way those small explosions awaken the excitement in me yet, the fresh air somehow pushes the feeling of peace next to it and I'm left struggling whether I should run like an idiot and laugh or just close my eyes and imagine I'm on the clouds, watching how the raindrops appear and fall. Rain was always so special, meaning a new start of everything. At least to me. I could walk soaked through the streets of L.A. for hours until I thought my mom and dad would be worried and then I usually go home.

Heavy bag with groceries is weighing in my hand and I struggle to pull it up and lean it against my shoulder. I had to steal Russel's allowance for school again because I wanted to buy candy and mom had no money to give me. I may be little but ever since I was rewarded with conscience, I knew that we were poor. I knew that my parents struggled and it hurt to watch them fight for hours about where the last penny for this month went. At times like that, my siblings and I spent hours in our room, just playing games and laughing to get mom and dad off of our minds. It worked, we began shutting them out and building our own little world.

Russel is gonna be mad at me if he finds out I stole his allowance again but he will let it go soon. I just had to buy candy because I was running out of sugar and was about to collapse. I smile at the thought and walk farther, looking up at the gray, clouded sky. It scared me when it's like that even though I love rain so I speed up and stare at my feet as I walk.

"Look at that. We have some kid wandering around without his mommy. ", sudden laugh breaks my thoughts and I look up, facing four big guys with some sticks in between their lips. What exactly is that?

"Hey, kiddo. What's up with the sad face? ", dark haired boy asks me a question and my innocence made me believe he was actually trying to be nice.

"I'm sad because I didn't have enough money to buy my brothers and sister candy like I did for myself. ", I Iook away and they use my moment of vulnerability to grab the bag out of my hands and push me to the ground. Mom said no talking to the strangers and what did Ross do? He talked to them. Way to go, Ross..

"We'll get rid of this one for you so you don't feel so bad. Don't worry. ", one of them grins at me and I stare up at him. Fear and bravery are battling inside of me but I can't decide which one wins as I keep on sitting on the cold, wet concrete.

"What's that in your mouth? ", my shaky voice finally speaks. The guys look at each other and back at me. I feel so exposed under their killing gazes.

"Get up. ", dark haired maniac grips my shoulders and pulls me to my feet.

I wince when he cages my wrists behind my back and try to release out of his grip. No use. I'm too weak and I hate being so little. I wish that I could grow up right now, before their eyes, so I could teach them a lesson.

"What do we do with him? Rape him? ", the biggest one of them asks and I begin to wonder what does that mean. I've never heard that word before.

"Fuck your gay side, Sean. We will do much better. Give me the cigarette. ", the one holding me says.

Sean guy gives him a brand new cigarette and that's when I realize that's how the sticks in their mouths are called. The rain has stopped by now and the blonde guy with hoodie pulls out a lighter. My heart dances at the flame and I begin to wiggle for my escape.

"Let me go! ", I cry out and repeatedly kick the guy's ribs. He buries his fingers into my hair and pulls at it so hard that it's on the edge to be ripped from my scalp. Unwanted tears prick at my eyes as I sob but I don't let them fall.

"Do you wanna smoke, kiddo? Weed is just fine. It's like candy, only makes you feel much better. "

They light up the tip and hold me as Sean pushes the cigarette into my mouth. Blonde boy plugs my nose with his fingers and I shake my head left and right, refusing to breathe. That is until he grips my jaw and holds it tight. Tears spill from my eyes and I automatically breathe in, having the scent of death fill my lungs for the first time in forever. I try to spit the thing out of my mouth but they hold it, too. There's no stopping as I take a puff once more. Why are they doing this? I want my Becca here to save me a and hug me tightly..

My throat burns and eyes screw shut, letting out a few more tears of misery. I keep breathing and gagging and coughing into my own mouth. They just wouldn't release me and I open my eyes again. The sight before me is dimmed and blurry, warning me that I'll fall unconscious any moment. Brightness takes over my view and the last thing I see is Sean, eating my candy and this other guy throwing the groceries I bought. I close my eyes, knowing mommy and daddy won't be able to buy more for today.

* * *

When I wake up, I'm met with an unfamiliar ceiling above. I'm so confused as I sit up and notice a man staring at me curiously. Fear seeps in quickly and I begin to think how they kidnapped me and brought me to this guy to kill me. I start to cry again and bury my head underneath the blanket I'm covered with.

"You're awake. ", the voice approaches me. "Don't be scared. "

I continue crying without looking at him and he picks me up, having me wrapped in the cover.

"Look at me. ", said him softly. Our eyes meet and he gives me a small smile.

"What were you doing on the street all alone? With those people? "

"I was buying food for my family. They attacked me. ", I look away.

"And I found you and brought you here. ", the man exclaims.

"Thank you, sir. ", I murmur and wipe my eyes. My fright disappears.

"Do you know where your place is? "

"It's behind the park, two streets away from where they bullied me. ", I say and he nods.

"Let's drive you there, alright? ", he blows into my messy hair and I giggle and nod.

Not all the strangers are enemies after all.

Mom is gonna be mad I lost the food..

I give him directions to my place, forgetting to ask my hero for a name. When we are there, I stare at the big truck parked in front of the huge house next to mines. I've always admired to that building and equalized it with a miracle. New family must be moving in. I breathe in and get out of the car, wanting to run into my small place and disappear, but I collide with another body. Within seconds, I'm on concrete and someone's offering me their hand. I accept and stand up, meeting pure blue eyes and blonde hair of a shade a bit darker than mine.

"Hey. I'm Lucas! ", the boy excitedly greets me and I frown.

"Are you moving into that house? ", I ask.

"Um.. Yeah. We are new in town. Wanna go get some ice cream later? Martha could make it. ", he rambles and I swallow the lump in my throat when the man who saved me gets out of the car.

"Who's Martha? "

"My maid. ", he laughs.

"What's a maid? ", my eyebrows furrow at the unfamiliar term.

"Well, she makes my bed, cleans my room and does practically everything for me. Don't you have one? ", Lucas rubs his hands against his jacket.

"I think I do. "

"What's her name? "

"Well.. My mom. ", I say and look up to see the sky somewhat cleared from the clouds.

"That's weird. Wanna be friends? "

"Friends? ", I breathe out and glance at his huge house. "Why would you want to be friends with me? I live in a hole. "

Lucas shrugs. "You're the only boy besides me that has blonde hair. We are like brothers. "

I laugh at him and nod. "Cool. I'm Ross by the way. "

"Like I said before.. I'm Lucas. ", he chuckles.

"Ross, we need to tell your family you are okay. Let's go. ", the man nudges me and I nod and wave at Lucas.

"I'll yell for you through the window. ", he tells me. I nod and knock at the wooden door of my house.

Seconds later, mom opens and her eyes widen as she pulls me into a tight hug.

"Oh my god, baby. Where have you been? It's been six hours. ", her cries fill my ears and my heart breaks a little inside of my chest.

"Mommy, I love you.. "

"Ross! Oh my God! ", Russel shouts as he sees me from the top of the stairs. "Guys! He's back! "

Mommy kisses my cheek as we pull away and my siblings rush down the stairs and bombard me with questions. I cover my ears with my hands and shake my head, tears prickling my eyes.

"Thank you so much for bringing him back, officer Noren. ", my mom says quietly to the man.

"He was unconscious and barely breathing. Ma'am, your son almost got raped by a group of grown up men. They've drugged him with joint. I need to go back and finish my investigation. "

My mom's deep breaths and that man's face buries deep into my memory.

Summer 2010

My eyes open and I stare at my bare feet. Why am I thinking about this? It's been nine years since then, Ross. You're sixteen now and it's all forgotten. It is alright. Those psychos wouldn't dare coming near you right now, anyway. You'd kick their asses all at once.

I groan as the image of them pushing cigarette of marijuana into my mouth seeps through me. It felt so horrible, so suffocating that I decided on never smoking in my entire life. I never thought I'd change my mind though.

We fixed that old house anyway and upgraded it. Now we have three rooms, one for Rebecca, one for Russel and Rory and third one belongs to Raymond and I. Mom and dad have got help from Mr. Noren who saved me that day and Lucas' parents who donated money for us. I guess we are alright now but mom and dad are still somewhat struggling. I guess it's hard having five teenagers they need to take care of.

"We need to go! "

"Fuck you. ", I shout at Rory who was in the room across from mines.

"You are a baby, Ross. Stop whining and get your balls straight, we need to go. "

"I don't want to film today. I just wanna lay in my bed, leave me alone. "

"Come on. We have to film today so we don't lose our touch. We've just started to gain subscribers and views. ", my brother walks into my bedroom holding a camera and I growl and hit him with a pillow before sitting up.

"You just won't leave me alone, will you? "

"Nope. That's what brothers are for. ", he grins at me and I stand up and stretch out my arms.

We've become youtubers about two years ago, filming different scenes in our life and then making music videos out of the material we have. My siblings and I would use well-known songs, for example, Bruno Mars' 'Treasure' or 'Locked Out Of Heaven' so we would gather more people on our youtube channel. It's fun but sometimes pretty exhausting because I can't have a rest for three days even. We always have to do more. If we get famous enough, we will get money and help mom and dad. That's my wish, to be useful at something.

"What do we do this time? ", I walk past him and grab my pants, pulling them up my legs.

"We will film ourselves having a gig. You know that local cafe about a street away from Starbucks? ", I nod and push the phone into my pocket. "That's where. "

"But.. If we are going to play, who's going to hold the camera? ", mirror appears in my way through the hall and I run my fingers through my blonde hair, looking at it to see how I look.

"Stop checking out yourself in the mirror, you are not a girl and, to answer your question, I was wondering if you could ask Britney to do it. ", Rory asks me and grabs his guitar from the couch.

"Brit? ", she's a great friend of mines, sometimes annoying, but I can take it. "I don't think filming a bunch of idiots with one really hot blonde dude, jumping around and playing instruments is how she would imagine the perfect evening. "

"Thanks. I know I'm hot. ", Russel, another permanent blonde in my family smirks and joins us by the door.

"Yeah. I was totally talking about you. ", I bite my lip.

Rory pulls on a leather jacket and looks at himself in a big mirror in the living room.

"How do I manage to look so hot? Hmm. ", his mouth opens slightly as he runs his finger through his brownish hair like a model. Russel raises his eyebrows and I laugh. Our brother turns to us and runs his hands down the jacket. "You want some of this, Ross? Huh? "

"I think Russel does. ", I quickly say, pulling on the sneaker on my foot and dashing out the door right away.

"You forgot the guitar! ", Russel yells and I stop, turning around.

"Could you get it for me? ", I capture my lips with my palms as I yell. No response comes back. "Please! "

"Ugh. I hate you. ", he exclaims and after about two minutes or so, both of them are out the door and Rory's locking it.

Russel hands me my guitar and I hang it around my neck.

"Where are the others? ", I question as we begin to walk towards his car.

"Becca is waiting for us at the bar and Raymond is out on his first date. ", my blonde brother smirks and my lips turn into an 'o' shape.

"Really? Did you lecture him about condoms like you did me three years ago? ", I cringe, remembering very well how Russel opened the foil in front of me and rolled the thing onto his fist.

"Of course I haven't. He knows it by himself. "

"But, why did you give me a lesson about it? Only me? ", pure disbelief rushes out of me and Russel pats my shoulder.

"Well.. Because you are you. "

"Ha-ha. ", I roll my eyes as we make ourselves comfortable in the car. Russel takes the driver's seat as the only adult out of all the siblings, Rory on passenger's and me in the backseat like a baby. They could've given me a bib and a bottle so it would look more believable.

"I thought we would play Ed Sheeran 'Sing' if that's fine with you. ", oldest brother of mines asks after awhile.

"Sure. I know the chords. ", Rory ruffles his hair and I groan.

"Fuck the song, when will dad buy me a car so I don't have to watch you two pricks sitting in front of me? ", I remark and Russel presses the honk to some idiot who's just crossed the red light and has almost crashed into us.

"Two more years until you become an adult and then... you can have this junk and I'll buy myself a new porche. "

"Where would you get the money? Quentin has barely given you this thing for lower than a half prize. ", I smirk.

"Don't mention it. ", he groans. "By the way, it's really nice of Lucas to borrow us the instruments. We need to get our own ones soon. "

"Yeah and start a band. ", Rory begins to hum to a random song on the radio.

"What would we call ourselves? ", my oldest brother asks my dumbest brother as their hot brother sits in the backseat and listens.

"I think 'The Andersons' is so fucking powerful. ", Rory says.

"It's stupid. "

"Fine. 'Rory and the siblings' could work for me, too. "

Russel glares at him. "We are not in the title. There's only you. "

"What do you mean? I'm 'Rory' and you guys are 'the siblings'. 'Rory and the siblings'. We are all mentioned. What part of it don't you get? "

Laugh escapes my mouth and I lean against the backrest. "Whatever. Before thinking of the name, we need another thing.. The money. We don't have it. "

"True that.. But if we keep on playing for these local bars with Lucas' instruments, we might earn enough to buy our own equipment. ", Russel exclaims and I sink into my thoughts.

"We don't even have the drummer. Raymond is clearly not into this stuff. He misses almost every rehearsal. ", I say.

"Wait a sec. Becca is calling. ", he tells me and picks up the phone.

"I've found the drummer! I've found the darn drummer, we have to play with him! ", my sister's voice obviously harasses Russel's hearing since we all can hear her.

"Rebecca. I only have two ears that need to last for about my whole fucking life. ", he snaps at her. "Where are you? What are you saying? "

"I'm at the bar. Come as quick as possible. ", she hangs up on him.

"Girls. ", Rory sighs.

About five minutes later, we are walking through the bar in a hopeless search for our sister because it's darn crowded in here.

"Britney! ", I yell when I spot the dark wavy hair of hers and my friend's shiny smile faces me.

"Ross! "

"I found them. ", I say and struggle to keep the guitar on my back as we approach my best friend, Rebecca, some brown haired dude next to her and a brunette girl with a 'California' hat on.

"Hey guys. ", Brit kisses each of our cheeks and Rebecca shoves the guy into our walking direction. Poor thing stumbles and collides with Russel's chest.

"Sorry, man. She's an energetic chick. ", he laughs and I nod.

"You got that right. ", I say.

"I'm Elijah Rawley. ", he introduces himself and we all do.

"Unusual name.", Rory notices.

Our sister claps her manicured hands and Britney grabs my arm, turning me to face her.

"Unusual name.", Rory notices.

"I wanna introduce someone to you. ", she points towards a brunette who's curled hair is hugging her cheeks and a hat is hiding eyes of hers.

"Why? ", I bluntly ask.

"Allison Noren. Nice to met you, too. Dork. ", she takes off her hat. I laugh.

"How old are you? A freshman? "

"Last year of middle school. ", she smiles and I nod.

"Can I have that? ", I point to her hat and take it before even hearing her answer.

"Sure. Since you are such a polite guy. ", her deep brown eyes roll as I put the thing onto my head.

"Yo. I'm cool now. ", I say and Len back against the table smoothly, knocking off Allison's drink.

"Keep dreaming. ", Brit laughs and I flush, kneeling down to pick up the empty cup.

"I'm sorry. I'll buy you a new one, princess. ", I wink at her expecting a blush. She only laughs at me though.

"Are you flirting with me? "

She's pretty and seems kinda cool. Her hair is such a distraction, it's a mess but a cute mess.

"It depends on whether you want me to. ", my arm wraps around her shoulders.

"I have a boyfriend. ", Allison leans away with a sight chuckle.

"Not for long. You are just too cute not to be with me. "

"Just leave. "

"Not until you tell me who that soulmate stealer is. "

That's when a guy appears behind her and wraps his arms around her waist. She smiles and turns around, pressing her lips to his. Yuck. This hurts my eyes worse than Rory's smelly socks.

When they pull away, there stands the last person I expected to see.

"Lucas! ", I squeak and he faces me.

"Since when do you have a girlfriend? And a hot one? ", I add.

Lucas laughs and Allison leans into his chest.

"Since two weeks ago. This is Allison but I believe you guys have already met since you're wearing her hat? ", he points at if and I nod.

"It's time to play. ", Rory announces and my eyes dart away from Allison's chest as I search for my family.

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