"Just get on and lean your back against me. You can't fall that way. ", I demand with different thoughts occupying my mind.. Her in front of me. Hm.
"You are such a dirty son of a.. "
"Oh, no, no, no. Kids shouldn't use bad words. What would your mommy say? ", I mock her in none other way than joking but Allison frowns and turns away from me. Pain slices through my chest when she wipes her eyes quickly.
"I don't have a mom. "
Yep. I'm an idiot.
"Oh. I'm really sorry. I'm a dickhead. I didn't mean to. I just wanted to make a joke. ", a stupid fucking one. What is wrong with me?
"Nah. It's alright. I'm over it. ", she says but her eyes tell me different when they meet mines.
"What happened? ", now I'm being nosy too? I really need to get a doctor.
She shakes her head and laughs, climbing at the handlebar finally. I tighten my grip on it and her body stays rigid in front of mines.
"I actually have no idea. She's still alive but my dad never told me where she headed or what happened. ", Allison sniffs and I feel the slight brush of her hand over mines. I nod at her explanation and begin to ride slowly.
"I'm sure she's a great person. She'll come around. ", I lean in to whisper into her ear from behind and she laughs.
"Enough with the pathetics. I think this crap will break until we get to my house. ", her statement immediately pulls a smile to my lips.
"Then we need to take a small break, don't you think? ", I ask as I constantly turn left and right, purposely torturing her.
"Ross! Ride in a right line. "
"Nope. Lean into me for better balance. ", my smirk appears as I pedal faster.
"Ross! Just stop, oh my god! ", she covers her eyes with her hands. Her balance betrays her as she begins to fall and I widen my eyes, pulling her back to me with one arm.
"What the hell is wrong with you, woman? I said hold the fuck onto me. ", I laugh and she throws her head back, snorting like a pig. Which makes me laugh harder as she relaxes into my chest.
"You are so stupid. ", Allison shakes her head, having it resting on my shoulder.
"I've met you less than a week ago and you're already getting on my nerves. ", I comment and use the opportunity to concentrate on the smell of her shampoo. It's an apple. Sweet, poisoning apple.
"Thanks, dick. It would actually hurt if I cared what you think. ", her giggle travels to my ears and I can't help but get a trace of goosebumps at the back of my neck. Her mouth is so close to my earlobe. Damn.. I'm a guy with a very cute and intriguing girlfriend of my best frinend pressed against my chest, okay? So do not blame me.
"You smell nice. ", I compliment her and blow into her hair that's covered my face as we go.
"Thanks. It's an apple with a preach shampoo. ", Allison explains.
"I'm not a shampoo expert but thanks for the information. ", the bike stops moving.
"Why are we on the beach? ", her voice is clearly filled with confusion and I need to take a break from pedaling because I'm exhausted.
"It's not for long. We are leaving in ten minutes, let's just walk around because I can't ride this thing with you on it any longer. You are so fucking heavy. ", I complain.
Allison jumps off of the bike and gives me a middle finger. I smile at the sight and as crude remarks crawl into my mind.
"I bet that finger your favorite one. Yeah? ", I lick my lips and smirk at her. Her laughter explodes and I begin to think of just how often this chick laughs. She's utterly crazy. I like her.
"You are so perverted. You need help. "
"Then help me. ", I walk closer and her face turns disgusted.
"Alright, lover boy. That was enough. ", she ruffles my hair.
"You are such a kid. ", I notice as I walk behind her, trying to catch up to her.
"What else would I be while fourteen years old? ", her question throws me off guard and I begin to think of how most of the girls in her age act.
"I don't know. Maybe some stupid girl who thinks she's already an adult and can put on a ton of makeup and put half-naked pictures on social media. ", I shrug my shoulder and glance at her.
"I'm not like that. I promise. ", Allison assures me and I smile.
"I can tell. Wanna swim? ", my offer blows her mind as she struggles to answer me.
Present- January first of 2021
Cool breeze dries my pointless tears and Allison's frown is the only thing I see. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I stare at the way her oblivious eyes seem to be burning circles through mines. Pure disbelief is awakened in her soul that I have direct connection with.
"That's not.. How could that be true? You are lying to me, Ross! ", she shouts in my face and I shake my head.
"I'm not. Ally, I swear. No. It is the truth. Ask Lucas. ", I breathe in and out and look at my blonde friend who confirms the beginning of my story with a nod.
"I wasn't actually there when that thing with the bike happened. ", he glares. "But I remember how the two of us met and how we were neighbors all those years. That night, we went to a party together. Do you remember me taking you to an RCrew gig back when they weren't actually an RCrew? How can you not remember? "
Allison's expression is unreadable and I try to pull her to my chest to comfort her but she refuses and looks up at me.
"Everything is just a blur. I remember you've taken me to the bar and Britney there but I thought it was just us. Meeting Ross and his family is.. It's not true. There's nothing in my head. ", she rubs her temples and shuts her eyes.
"Allison. Baby. Those are the false memories you have. It all adds up, that's why Russel knew your name without me introducing you when you first saw him back at my apartment. That's why I didn't let you see the picture on the nightstand that same day because it was us. That's why I had an L tattoo that means 'Allison' before we've actually met. Benjamin hated me because I.. You almkst died by my side.. Do you remember the surprised expression I was wearing when we first met? I thought my eyes were going to pop out. You were standing there with those glossy, empty eyes of yours on me, looking like an art of destiny. "
"Stop lying.. ", Allison buries her face into my chest and I welcome her in a tight embrace.
"I'm not. I promise it's true. I didn't want to hurt you. ", my mouth leans against her forehead in a soft kiss.
"My father was the one who saved you from those guys? ", she asks me quietly.
"Yes, he was but I'll get to that point. ", I remember the look on Mr. Nicolas' face when we met again under different circumstances and a different age.
"Fucking talk. ", Diego snaps.
"She's cold.. Can't we sit in the car and talk? ", I ask as I glance down at Allison's pale cheeks and purple-turning lips. She's wearing damn slippers.
"Just proceed before I shot you, you little cunt. "
Shaking my head, I bend down to take my shoes off of my feet and lay them beside Allison's small ones.
"Step into these, please. I can't watch you freeze. ", I sniff.
"But you.. "
"I don't care for myself. You are the woman and need the protection. If I couldn't keep your ass safe before, I need to do it now.
Allison hesitates a little before stepping into my shoes and I shiver while standing on a cold snow only in my socks. Her foot pushes the slippers to me and I stand on them. I squeeze my heavy coat around my girl's body and lean down to draw a kiss from her mouth, breathing my warmth onto them. Allison kisses me back before pulling away and leaning her cheek against my chest. I close my eyes.
Past- Back to July 8th 2010
She was holding onto my shirt, not letting me take it off.
"Are you crazy? You can't swim right now. It's after freaking midnight and it may rain. "
"All the more reasons to go. ", I wink and throw the cloth off of me and to the soft sand. Taking off my jeans and staying in only my boxers, I watch her with an intense look as she makes no attempt to release herself from the clothing.
"But.. "
"Come on. It will be fun, Ally. "
"I don't have a bikini here. You stupid. ", the girl rests her hands against her hips, seeming like an angry teacher and I chuckle.
"Then wear a bra and your panties. It's the same thing anyway, the only difference is material. ", I say.
"I'm not taking my clothes in front of you. "
"Too bad. I rrally wanted to see your hello kitty bra underneath. "
"What.. I don't wear a hello kitty bra. "
"Prove it. "
"Damn you Anderson! ", Allison throws her shirt with short sleeves off of her and my eyes go wide at the sight. What the.. She's stunning while fourteen. I've never seen something so..
"If you take one step closer, I will call Lucas. ", she jokes but I recognize a piece of truth behind her words so I raise my hands in surrender and run towards water.
Minutes later, Allison joins me. Well, she just sits by the coast with her cute ass and legs in the ocean while I swim like a dolphin at the midnight. It feels too fucking good.
Minutes later, two of us are on my bike again, fully dressed with wet spots all over our clothes. I laugh at her claiming she looks as if she's pissed over herself and she notices I look the same. When we get off of the ride in front of her house, I text Lucas, telling him that she's safe.
Allison's dad opens the door and I sure as hell didn't expect t see him, the man who's saved me and helped us fix our damned old house in front of me. His eyes meet mines and I begin to wonder if he remembers a wounded seven year old boy desperately searching for a shelter from the world.
"Ross Anderson? ", he recognizes me and Allison frowns.
"You two know each other? "
"He was the boy I was telling you about the other day. ", Nicolas explains to his daughter and I just wanna disappear from here.
"You almost got raped? Oh my god, Ross. ", her arms wrao around my neck in a comforting hug that I return before pulling away.
"It was a long time ago. ", I notice the way her dad mouths a 'sorry' to me and I shake my head.
"I better go now. ", I give Allison a small smile and she stands there, still slightly shocked.
"Oh.. Alright.. See you soon? ", her lips press to my cheek and I bite the inside of the other.
"Okay. "
"Here. ", the girl pulls out a small piece of paper and a small pen and writes something on it. Then gives it to me. "It's my phone number. You should have it just in case. "
I smile and shove it into a back pocket of my jeans. "Thanks. Bye, Ally. "
"Bye. ", her smile is the last thing I see as I ride away on my bike through the dark.
When I get back home, I'm immediately welcomed with my father's angry gaze on me.
"Where the help have you been and why haven't you texted me or answered any of my calls? ", he slams the door behind him and I flinch.