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Chapter 6 Disregarding the past friendship

Alina stood frozen, her mind racing with memories of Werland Villa—the place she once considered home, her sanctuary. But now, she realized the absurdity of that notion.

Locking eyes with Caleb, Alina let out a light laugh and chose not to address his request directly. Instead, she inquired, "What did Emma say to you just now?"

Emma had stormed out of the room, just as she had entered.

Without waiting for Caleb to respond, Alina continued, "You and she are now an unmarried couple, and you want me to come over and be the third party?"

Mockery and disdain laced her expression as she laughed.

Emma was Caleb's fiancée. Their engagement had been announced a mere month ago, and the fervor surrounding the news hadn't subsided.

The sarcasm irritated Caleb, much like it had three years ago when that woman had desperately needed surgery.

Alina's laughter intensified. "Or perhaps you want me to return to that place and conceive another child, so I can continue Miss Bell's life for you?"

"That's enough." Caleb finally interrupted before the words had fully left his lips.

His emotions were difficult to decipher—whether he was angry or experiencing some other sentiment.

Alina's smile abruptly vanished as she stared at him indifferently. "What? Can't believe that you were once a heinous murderer?"

In that marriage, who had been more monstrous than him? Her husband, from the beginning, had plotted to kill her and their child, to drain her blood and take her life for another woman.

The memory of Caleb's behavior at the time still sent chills down Alina's spine.

"Since you won't cooperate, I'll have to involve the police in the investigation," she declared, determined to force him to reveal the truth of their past.

As she turned to leave, she added, "You forgot to sign the divorce agreement. I'll prepare it again. Mr. Collins, if you sign it, we can part ways peacefully. If not..." Alina paused, taking a deep breath. "Well, we'll just revisit what happened three years ago. And I believe the people of Ingford are more interested in the car accident I had, which lingered for a month, than in the true nature of Andre's character."

Alina slammed the door behind her, striding away with an air of arrogance.

Speculation about the car accident from three years ago had been rife among the public, particularly now with Emma at Caleb's side. Everyone had various theories about that incident. If Alina were to reveal the root cause of the crash, it would undoubtedly expose the Collins family, causing Emma—who had just become engaged to Caleb—to bear the brunt of public opinion.

Clenching his fists, Caleb pondered how to resolve this situation.

When Alina emerged from Apricot International Group, Emma stood waiting near her car.

Unlike in Caleb's office, there was no sadness in Emma's eyes at that moment, only resentment towards Alina.

Alina ignored her completely.

Just as she opened the car door, Emma spoke up, "Are we really going to disregard our long-standing friendship like this?"

Conscience and feelings were nothing more than extraneous concepts to Emma. Alina gazed at her with a sarcastic glint in her eyes. "You want to talk about friendship? I thought you abandoned that notion three years ago."

With a sneer, Alina continued, her gaze fixed on Emma. "The Hughes family has raised an ungrateful and malicious individual. But I suppose a few more repugnant things won't make much of a difference."

She concluded with a mocking glance at Emma, leaving her no room for a retort. Alina swiftly got into her car and drove off, leaving Emma horrified by the display of arrogance.

Indeed, this was Alina's true nature.

Emma's hands clenched into fists, trembling with anger as poison filled her eyes.

Alina went straight to the police station after leaving AIG, and this only further annoyed Caleb when he learned about it. Tomas, too, furrowed his brow, wondering what their next course of action should be.

"Let's call the hospital and cooperate with her investigation," Caleb stated, annoyance evident in his tone. "If she wants results, let's give her a result."

Tomas instantly understood the implication, even without Caleb explicitly stating it. He knew what Caleb meant by giving Alina a result.

Alina was here for the sake of the late Ms. Cook. A month ago, Caleb and Emma had announced their engagement, but Alina had failed to appear. However, she had returned because there was something suspicious about the death of the elderly Ms. Cook.

The sound of a lighter clicking reverberated in the air as Caleb lit a cigarette in annoyance, taking two long puffs.

Tomas looked at Caleb, his voice tinged with concern. "Miss Bell doesn't seem to be doing well."

"Okay," came Caleb's curt reply, refusing to elaborate further.

Tomas, who had always been by Caleb's side, felt a bit perplexed by his response at that moment.

After everything that had transpired, the entire town of Ingford was now comparing Emma to Alina, and the outcome was evident. It was an uncomfortable situation, given that Emma was now Caleb's supposed fiancée.

However, what remained unnoticed was that Caleb had deliberately refrained from diverting the attention from the comparative searches of Alina and Emma. He had allowed public opinion to fester in Ingford.

Relieved to have achieved a satisfactory outcome at the police station, Alina left and suddenly found herself embraced by someone emerging from the shadows.

"Alina, it's really you."

The person holding her tightly was Julia, Caleb's sister.

"Julia?" Alina's body instantly relaxed as she hugged Julia back, tenderness filling her eyes.

"Why are you here?"

"I heard you were back, I've been searching everywhere. I just came from Mulherd Manor."

"You went to Mulherd Manor?"

"Yes, but the maid told me you had left. Come on, let's go back together. Grandpa misses you so much."

Alina fell silent.

The mention of "grandfather" drained the color from her face, leaving her heart constricted. Among the Collins family, Julia was the one who had liked Alina the most, and Grandpa Max had been her strongest protector.

"Julia, I actually have..."

"Alina, are you worried about Caleb? Don't fret. He hasn't set foot in Collins Castle for years. Grandpa curses him every time he sees Caleb."

Before Alina could decline, Julia interjected and dragged her towards the car.

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